All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

holi — 0.1.1

Higher Order Likelihood Inference Web Applications

holiglm — 1.0.0

Holistic Generalized Linear Models

holland — 0.1.2-1

Statistics for Holland's Theory of Vocational Choice

holodeck — 0.2.2

A Tidy Interface for Simulating Multivariate Data

Holomics — 1.1.1

An User-Friendly R 'shiny' Application for Multi-Omics Data Integration and Analysis

homals — 1.0-10

Gifi Methods for Optimal Scaling

Homeric — 0.1-3

Doughnut Plots

hommel — 1.6

Methods for Closed Testing with Simes Inequality, in Particular Hommel's Method

homnormal — 0.1

Tests of Homogeneity of Variances

homologene —

Quick Access to Homologene and Gene Annotation Updates

homomorpheR — 0.2-2

Homomorphic Computations in R

HomomorphicEncryption — 0.9.0

BFV, BGV, CKKS Schema for Fully Homomorphic Encryption

HonestDiD — 0.2.6

Robust Inference in Difference-in-Differences and Event Study Designs

hoopR — 2.1.0

Access Men's Basketball Play by Play Data

hopbyhop — 3.41

Transmissions and Receptions in a Hop by Hop Network

hopit — 0.11.6

Hierarchical Ordered Probit Models with Application to Reporting Heterogeneity

hopkins — 1.1

Calculate Hopkins Statistic for Clustering

HoRM — 0.1.3

Supplemental Functions and Datasets for "Handbook of Regression Methods"

hornpa — 1.1.0

Horn's (1965) Test to Determine the Number of Components/Factors

horseshoe — 0.2.0

Implementation of the Horseshoe Prior

horseshoenlm — 0.0.6

Nonlinear Regression using Horseshoe Prior

hosm — 0.1.0

High Order Spatial Matrix

HospitalNetwork — 0.9.3

Building Networks of Hospitals Through Patients Transfers

hospitals — 0.1.0

Portuguese 'NHS' Hospitals

hot.deck — 1.2

Multiple Hot Deck Imputation

Hotelling — 1.0-8

Hotelling's T^2 Test and Variants

HotellingEllipse — 1.2.0

Hotelling’s T-Squared Statistic and Ellipse

hotspot — 1.0

Software Hotspot Analysis

hotspots — 1.0.3

Hot Spots

housingData — 0.3.0

U.S. Housing Data from 2008 to 2016

hover — 0.1.1

CSS Animations for 'shiny' Button Elements

howler — 0.3.0

'Shiny' Extension of 'howler.js'

howManyImputations — 0.2.5

Calculate How many Imputations are Needed for Multiple Imputation

howzatR — 1.0.1

Useful Functions for Cricket Analysis

hpa — 1.3.3

Distributions Hermite Polynomial Approximation

hpackedbubble — 0.1.0

Create Split Packed Bubble Charts

hpcwld — 0.6-5

High Performance Cluster Models Based on Kiefer-Wolfowitz Recursion

hpfilter — 1.0.2

The One- And Two-Sided Hodrick-Prescott Filter

hpiR — 0.3.2

House Price Indexes

HPLB — 1.0.0

High-Probability Lower Bounds for the Total Variance Distance

HQM — 0.1.0

Superefficient Estimation of Future Conditional Hazards Based on Marker Information

hqmisc — 0.2-1

Miscellaneous Convenience Functions and Dataset

hqreg — 1.4

Regularization Paths for Lasso or Elastic-Net Penalized Huber Loss Regression and Quantile Regression

hR — 0.2.50

Toolkit for Data Analytics in Human Resources

hrbrthemes — 0.8.7

Additional Themes, Theme Components and Utilities for 'ggplot2'

hrcomprisk — 0.1.1

Nonparametric Assessment Between Competing Risks Hazard Ratios

hrqglas — 1.1.0

Group Variable Selection for Quantile and Robust Mean Regression

hrt — 1.0.1

Heteroskedasticity Robust Testing

hrtlFMC — 0.1.0

Half Replicate of Two Level Factorial Run Order with Minimum Level Changes

HRW — 1.0-5

Datasets, Functions and Scripts for Semiparametric Regression Supporting Harezlak, Ruppert & Wand (2018)

HSAUR — 1.3-10

A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R (1st Edition)

HSAUR2 — 1.1-20

A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R (2nd Edition)

HSAUR3 — 1.0-15

A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R (3rd Edition)

hscovar — 0.4.2

Calculation of Covariance Between Markers for Half-Sib Families

HSDiC — 0.1

Homogeneity and Sparsity Detection Incorporating Prior Constraint Information

hSDM — 1.4.4

Hierarchical Bayesian Species Distribution Models

hse — 0.0-28

The hse Distribution

hsem — 1.0

Hierarchical Structural Equation Model

hset — 0.1.1

Sets of Numbers Implemented with Hash Tables

HSEtest — 0.1.0

Homogeneity of Stratum Effects Test

hsphase — 2.0.3

Phasing, Pedigree Reconstruction, Sire Imputation and Recombination Events Identification of Half-sib Families Using SNP Data

hspm — 1.1

Heterogeneous Spatial Models

HSPOR — 1.1.9

Hidden Smooth Polynomial Regression for Rupture Detection

hsrecombi — 1.0.1

Estimation of Recombination Rate and Maternal LD in Half-Sibs

hsstan — 0.8.2

Hierarchical Shrinkage Stan Models for Biomarker Selection

hstats — 1.2.1

Interaction Statistics

htestClust — 0.2.2

Reweighted Marginal Hypothesis Tests for Clustered Data

htetree — 0.1.18

Causal Inference with Tree-Based Machine Learning Algorithms

HTLR — 0.4-4

Bayesian Logistic Regression with Heavy-Tailed Priors

htm2txt — 2.2.2

Convert Html into Text

html2R — 0.1.0

Convert 'HTML' to 'R' with a 'Shiny' App

html5 — 1.0.2

Creates Valid HTML5 Strings

htmldf — 0.6.0

Simple Scraping and Tidy Webpage Summaries

htmlreportR — 1.0.0

'HTML' Reporting Made Simple(R)

htmlTable — 2.4.3

Advanced Tables for Markdown/HTML

htmltools —

Tools for HTML

HTMLUtils — 0.1.9

Facilitates Automated HTML Report Creation

htmlwidgets — 1.6.4

HTML Widgets for R

htrSPRanalysis — 0.1.0

Analysis of Surface Plasmon Resonance Data

HTRX — 1.2.4

Haplotype Trend Regression with eXtra Flexibility (HTRX)

hts — 6.0.3

Hierarchical and Grouped Time Series

HTSCluster — 2.0.11

Clustering High-Throughput Transcriptome Sequencing (HTS) Data

HTSeed — 0.1.0

Fitting of Hydrotime Model for Seed Germination Time Course

htsr — 2.1.6

Hydro-Meteorology Time-Series

HTSSIP — 1.4.1

High Throughput Sequencing of Stable Isotope Probing Data Analysis

HTT — 0.1.2

Hypothesis Testing Tree

httk — 2.4.0

High-Throughput Toxicokinetics

httpcache — 1.2.0

Query Cache for HTTP Clients

httpcode — 0.3.0

'HTTP' Status Code Helper

httpgd — 2.0.2

A 'HTTP' Server Graphics Device

httping — 0.2.0

'Ping' 'URLs' to Time 'Requests'

httpproblems — 1.0.1

Report Errors in Web Applications with 'Problem Details' (RFC 7807)

httpRequest — 0.0.11

Basic HTTP Request

httptest — 4.2.2

A Test Environment for HTTP Requests

httptest2 — 1.1.0

Test Helpers for 'httr2'

httpuv — 1.6.15

HTTP and WebSocket Server Library

httr — 1.4.7

Tools for Working with URLs and HTTP

httr2 — 1.0.4

Perform HTTP Requests and Process the Responses

hubeau — 0.5.0

Get Data from the French National Database on Water 'Hub'Eau'

hubUtils — 0.1.7

Core 'hubverse' Utilities

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