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GeomArchetypal — 1.0.2

Finds the Geometrical Archetypal Analysis of a Data Frame

geomaroc — 0.1.1

Easily Visualize Geographic Data of Morocco

GeomComb — 1.0

(Geometric) Forecast Combination Methods

geomerge — 0.3.4

Geospatial Data Integration

geometa — 0.8-0

Tools for Reading and Writing ISO/OGC Geographic Metadata

geometries — 0.2.4

Convert Between R Objects and Geometric Structures

geometry — 0.5.0

Mesh Generation and Surface Tessellation

geommc — 0.0.1

Geometric Markov Chain Sampling

geomod — 0.1.0

A Computer Program for Geotechnical Investigations

GeoModels — 2.0.4

Procedures for Gaussian and Non Gaussian Geostatistical (Large) Data Analysis

GeoMongo — 1.0.3

Geospatial Queries Using 'PyMongo'

geomorph — 4.0.8

Geometric Morphometric Analyses of 2D and 3D Landmark Data

geomtextpath — 0.1.4

Curved Text in 'ggplot2'

geomultistar — 1.2.2

Multidimensional Queries Enriched with Geographic Data

geonames — 0.999

Interface to the "Geonames" Spatial Query Web Service

geonapi — 0.7-2

'GeoNetwork' API R Interface

geonetwork — 0.5.0

Geographic Networks

geonode4R — 0.1-1

Interface to 'GeoNode' REST API

geoperu —

Download Spatial Datasets of Peru

geoR — 1.9-4

Analysis of Geostatistical Data

GeoRange — 0.1.0

Calculating Geographic Range from Occurrence Data

georefdatar — 0.6.5

Geosciences Reference Datasets

georob — 0.3-20

Robust Geostatistical Analysis of Spatial Data

geos — 0.2.4

Open Source Geometry Engine ('GEOS') R API

geoSAE — 0.1.0

Geoadditive Small Area Model

geosapi — 0.7-1

GeoServer REST API R Interface

geoscale — 2.0.1

Geological Time Scale Plotting

geosed — 0.1.1

Smallest Enclosing Disc for Latitude and Longitude Points

geosimilarity — 3.3

Geographically Optimal Similarity

geospark — 0.3.1

Bring Local Sf to Spark

geosphere — 1.5-18

Spherical Trigonometry

geospt — 1.0-4

Geostatistical Analysis and Design of Optimal Spatial Sampling Networks

geosptdb — 1.0-1

Spatio-Temporal Radial Basis Functions with Distance-Based Methods (Optimization, Prediction and Cross Validation)

geostan — 0.7.0

Bayesian Spatial Analysis

geostats — 1.6

An Introduction to Statistics for Geoscientists

geostatsp — 2.0.6

Geostatistical Modelling with Likelihood and Bayes

geotools — 0.1

Geo tools

geotoolsR — 1.2.1

Tools to Improve the Use of Geostatistic

geotopbricks —

An R Plug-in for the Distributed Hydrological Model GEOtop

geoTS — 0.1.8

Methods for Handling and Analyzing Time Series of Satellite Images

geouy — 0.2.8

Geographic Information of Uruguay

geovol — 1.0

Geopolitical Volatility (GEOVOL) Modelling

GeoWeightedModel — 1.0.3

User-Friendly Interface for Geographically-Weighted Models

geozoo — 0.5.1

Zoo of Geometric Objects

gepaf — 0.1.1

Google Encoded Polyline Algorithm Format

GephiForR — 0.1.0

'Gephi' Network Visualization

geppe — 1.0

Generalised Exponential Poisson and Poisson Exponential Distributions

gerbil — 0.1.9

Generalized Efficient Regression-Based Imputation with Latent Processes

GerminaR — 2.1.4

Indices and Graphics for Assess Seed Germination Process

germinationmetrics — 0.1.8

Seed Germination Indices and Curve Fitting

GeRnika — 1.0.0

Simulation, Visualization and Comparison of Tumor Evolution Data

gert — 2.1.2

Simple Git Client for R

GESE — 2.0.1

Gene-Based Segregation Test

gesisdata — 0.1.2

Reproducible Data Retrieval from the GESIS Data Archive

geslaR — 1.0-1

Get and Manipulate the GESLA Dataset

gesso — 1.0.2

Hierarchical GxE Interactions in a Regularized Regression Model

gestalt — 0.2.0

Tools for Making and Combining Functions

gestate — 1.6.0

Generalised Survival Trial Assessment Tool Environment

gesttools — 1.3.0

General Purpose G-Estimation for End of Study or Time-Varying Outcomes

GET — 1.0-3

Global Envelopes

getable — 1.0.3

Fetching Tabular Data "Onload" in Compiled R Markdown HTML Documents

GetBCBData — 0.7.0

Imports Datasets from BCB (Central Bank of Brazil) using Its Official API

GETdesigns — 1.2.0

Generalized Extended Triangular Designs ('GETdesigns')

GetDFPData — 1.6

Reading Annual Financial Reports from Bovespa's DFP, FRE and FCA System

GetDFPData2 — 0.6.3

Reading Annual and Quarterly Financial Reports from B3

getDTeval — 0.0.2

Translating Coding Statements using get() and eval() for Improved Run-Time Coding Efficiency

GetFREData — 0.8.1

Reading FRE Corporate Data of Public Traded Companies from B3

getip — 0.1-4

'IP' Address 'Lookup'

getLattes — 0.2.0

Import and Process Data from the 'Lattes' Curriculum Platform

GetLattesData — 1.5

Reading Bibliometric Data from Lattes Platform

getmstatistic — 0.2.2

Quantifying Systematic Heterogeneity in Meta-Analysis

getopt — 1.20.4

C-Like 'getopt' Behavior

GetoptLong — 1.0.5

Parsing Command-Line Arguments and Simple Variable Interpolation

getPass — 0.2-4

Masked User Input

getProxy — 1.13

Get Free Proxy IP and Port

GetQuandlData — 1.0.0

Fast and Cached Import of Data from 'Quandl' Using the 'json API'

gets — 0.38

General-to-Specific (GETS) Modelling and Indicator Saturation Methods

getspanel — 0.2.0

General-to-Specific Modelling of Panel Data

getspres — 0.2.0

SPRE Statistics for Exploring Heterogeneity in Meta-Analysis

GetTDData — 1.5.6

Get Data for Brazilian Bonds (Tesouro Direto)

gettz — 0.0.5

Get the Timezone Information

getwiki — 0.9.0

R Wrapper for Wikipedia Data

GEVACO — 1.0.1

Joint Test of Gene and GxE Interactions via Varying Coefficients

GEVcdn — 1.1.6-2

GEV Conditional Density Estimation Network

gexp — 1.0-21

Generator of Experiments

geysertimes — 0.1.9

Geyser Data from

GFA — 1.0.5

Group Factor Analysis

gfboost — 0.1.1

Gradient-Free Gradient Boosting

gfcanalysis — 1.8.0

Tools for Working with Hansen et al. Global Forest Change Dataset

GFD — 0.3.3

Tests for General Factorial Designs

GFDmcv — 0.1.0

General Hypothesis Testing Problems for Multivariate Coefficients of Variation

GFDrmst — 0.1.1

Multiple RMST-Based Tests in General Factorial Designs

GFDsurv — 0.1.1

Tests for Survival Data in General Factorial Designs

GFE — 0.1.1

Gross Flows Estimation under Complex Surveys

gfer — 0.1.12

Green Finance and Environmental Risk

GFGM.copula — 1.0.4

Generalized Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern Copula

gfiExtremes — 1.0.1

Generalized Fiducial Inference for Extremes

GFisher — 0.2.0

Generalized Fisher's Combination Tests Under Dependence

gfiUltra — 1.0.0

Generalized Fiducial Inference for Ultrahigh-Dimensional Regression

GFM — 1.2.1

Generalized Factor Model

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