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1.9-4 by Paulo Justiniano Ribeiro Jr, 10 months ago
Browse source code at
Authors: Paulo Justiniano Ribeiro Jr [aut, cre] <[email protected]> , Peter Diggle [aut, cre] <[email protected]> , Ole Christensen [ctb] , Martin Schlather [ctb] , Roger Bivand [ctb] , Brian Ripley [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2) license
Imports MASS, sp, splancs, graphics, tcltk
Depends on stats, methods
Suggests scatterplot3d, lattice
Imported by BayesDissolution, CensSpatial, NTSS, SpatFD, StatDA, aqfig, pompp.
Depended on by geotoolsR, spANOVA.
Suggested by EcoIndR, GET, PrevMap, gamair, gear, insight, npsp, rpanel, variosig.
Enhanced by geostatsp.
See at CRAN