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1.5.0 by Joshua M. Ulrich, 5 months ago
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Authors: Olaf Mersmann [aut] , Claudia Beleites [ctb] , Rainer Hurling [ctb] , Ari Friedman [ctb] , Joshua M. Ulrich [cre]
Documentation: PDF Manual
BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE license
Imports graphics, stats
Suggests ggplot2, multcomp, RUnit
System requirements: On a Unix-alike, one of the C functions mach_absolute_time (macOS), clock_gettime or gethrtime. If none of these is found, the obsolescent POSIX function gettimeofday will be tried.
Imported by TDAvec, data.table.threads, doBy, funGp, getDTeval, latentcor, mgwrsar, multivariance, profExtrema.
Suggested by ADMMsigma, ALUES, AhoCorasickTrie, BBmisc, Cyclops, DtD, EFAtools, FSelectorRcpp, GauPro, GeneralizedWendland, IncDTW, MLML2R, MaxMC, NPflow, NetLogoR, PGRdup, PeakSegJoint, PoissonBinomial, RDSsamplesize, RWmisc, RaMS, RcppAlgos, RcppBessel, RcppBlaze, RcppEigen, RcppLbfgsBlaze, RcppMsgPack, RcppUUID, RcppZiggurat, SGDinference, WeightedROC, abn, adestr, ast2ast, aum, bartcs, base64url, bigsnpr, bioregion, bit, brotli, carSurv, checkmate, collapse, colorSpec, colourvalues, comparer, container, cv, dawaR, dbscan, dde, dendextend, dipsaus, diseasystore, dotCall64, dotprofile, dplyr, dpseg, dvmisc, ensr, evalR, fairadapt, familiar, fasterize, fastpos, fctbases, fddm, fio, flippant, fritools, fromo, gRain, gRbase, gRc, giniVarCI, git2rdata, goffda, gsignal, hal9001, hdfqlr, hutils, hypergeo2, isoband, lbfgsb3c, lemna, log4r, lotri, m2r, maSAE, marqLevAlg, matrixStats, melt, metabodecon, mistral, mmrm, munsellinterpol, mvnfast, mvp, nLTT, nlsr, ohenery, optimParallel, osrmr, outbreaker2, pROC, pafr, pander, parglm, philentropy, plotHMM, polyCub, populR, prcbench, profmem, r2r, rBiasCorrection, ratelimitr, ravetools, rco, rdhs, readMDTable, revdbayes, rhoR, robustlmm, rredlist, rsvddpd, rust, rxode2, salesforcer,, sf, simPop, simtimer, spacesRGB, spacesXYZ, strider, super, susieR, this.path, transltr, wrswoR, zonohedra, zoomerjoin.
See at CRAN