Reference manual

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0.2.1 by Zhengjia Wang, a month ago,

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Authors: Zhengjia Wang [aut, cre] , John Magnotti [aut] , Michael Beauchamp [aut] , Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania [cph] (All files in this package unless explicitly stated in the file or listed in the 'Copyright' section below.) , Karim Rahim [cph, ctb] (Contributed to src/ffts.h and stc/ffts.cpp) , Thomas Possidente [cph, ctb] (Contributed to R/multitaper.R) , Michael Prerau [cph, ctb] (Contributed to R/multitaper.R) , Marcus Geelnard [ctb, cph] (TinyThread library , , located at inst/include/tthread/) , Stefan Schlager [ctb, cph] (R-vcg interface , located at src/vcgCommon.h) , Visual Computing Lab , ISTI [ctb, cph] (Copyright holder of vcglib , located at src/vcglib/)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports graphics, stats, filearray, Rcpp, waveslim, pracma, digest, splines, RNiftyReg, R6, gsignal

Suggests fftwtools, bit64, grDevices, microbenchmark, freesurferformats, testthat, vctrs

Linking to Rcpp, RcppEigen

System requirements: fftw3 (libfftw3-dev (deb), or fftw-devel (rpm)), pkg-config

Suggested by threeBrain.

See at CRAN