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1.0-15 by Anqi Fu, 4 months ago,
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Authors: Anqi Fu [aut, cre] , Balasubramanian Narasimhan [aut] , David W Kang [aut] , Steven Diamond [aut] , John Miller [aut] , Stephen Boyd [ctb] , Paul Kunsberg Rosenfield [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
Apache License 2.0 | file LICENSE license
Imports methods, Matrix, Rcpp, bit64, gmp, Rmpfr, ECOSolveR, scs, stats, osqp, cli, utils
Suggests knitr, rmarkdown, testthat, nnls, slam, covr
Enhances Rcplex, gurobi, rcbc, cccp, Rmosek, Rglpk, clarabel
Linking to Rcpp, RcppEigen
Imported by CopSens, DebiasInfer, DiSCos, HonestDiD, LavaCvxr, MaximinInfer, PlackettLuce, Rdimtools, Riemann, RobustIV, SIHR, SLSEdesign, T4transport, WRI, cuadramelo, ecpc, filling, fungible, graphicalExtremes, hedgedrf, kantorovich, scpi, spBPS, spStack, wdnet.
Depended on by GhostKnockoff, tramnet.
Suggested by EpiForsk, PortfolioAnalytics, fairml, glmmrOptim, portfolioBacktest, transreg.
Enhanced by starnet.
See at CRAN