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0.14.2 by Daniel Falbel, a month ago,
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Authors: Daniel Falbel [aut, cre, cph] , Javier Luraschi [aut] , Dmitriy Selivanov [ctb] , Athos Damiani [ctb] , Christophe Regouby [ctb] , Krzysztof Joachimiak [ctb] , Hamada S. Badr [ctb] , Sebastian Fischer [ctb] , Maximilian Pichler [ctb] , RStudio [cph]
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports Rcpp, R6, withr, rlang, methods, utils, stats, bit64, magrittr, tools, coro, callr, cli, glue, desc, safetensors, jsonlite, scales
Suggests testthat, covr, knitr, rmarkdown, palmerpenguins, mvtnorm, numDeriv, katex
Linking to Rcpp
System requirements: LibTorch (; Only x86_64 platforms are currently supported except for ARM system running macOS.
Imported by BKTR, DistributionIV, EQRN, PLNmodels, RGAN, SEMdeep, brulee, causalOT, circlus, cito, crumble, deepregression, engression, geodl, glmnetr, innsight, lambdaTS, luz, madgrad, nFunNN, proteus, shrinkGPR, sits, spinner, tabnet, topicmodels.etm, torchdatasets, torchopt, torchvision, torchvisionlib.
Depended on by mlr3torch.
Suggested by GPUmatrix, bundle, nn2poly, safetensors, shapr, svrep, targets, vetiver.
See at CRAN