Reference manual

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1.2.1 by Kirill Müller, 10 days ago,

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Authors: Hannes Mühleisen [aut] , Mark Raasveldt [aut] , Kirill Müller [cre] , Stichting DuckDB Foundation [cph] , Apache Software Foundation [cph] , PostgreSQL Global Development Group [cph] , The Regents of the University of California [cph] , Cameron Desrochers [cph] , Victor Zverovich [cph] , RAD Game Tools [cph] , Valve Software [cph] , Rich Geldreich [cph] , Tenacious Software LLC [cph] , The RE2 Authors [cph] , Google Inc. [cph] , Facebook Inc. [cph] , Steven G. Johnson [cph] , Jiahao Chen [cph] , Tony Kelman [cph] , Jonas Fonseca [cph] , Lukas Fittl [cph] , Salvatore Sanfilippo [cph] , , Inc. [cph] , Oran Agra [cph] , Redis Labs , Inc. [cph] , Melissa O'Neill [cph] , PCG Project contributors [cph]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Imports methods, utils

Depends on DBI

Suggests adbcdrivermanager, arrow, bit64, callr, clock, DBItest, dbplyr, dplyr, rlang, testthat, tibble, vctrs, withr

System requirements: xz (for building from source)

Imported by DisImpact, GWalkR, PKbioanalysis, SQL, TestGenerator, TrialEmulation, brclimr, censo2017, censobr, covidmx, duckdbfs, duckplyr, geocodebr, mfdb, neonstore, overtureR, redquack, restez, shinyHugePlot, spanishoddata, starwarsdb, taxadb.

Suggested by CDMConnector, CodelistGenerator, CohortCharacteristics, CohortConstructor, CohortSurvival, CohortSymmetry, DatabaseConnector, DrugExposureDiagnostics, DrugUtilisation, Eunomia, IncidencePrevalence, OmopSketch, OmopViewer, PatientProfiles, PhenotypeR, ResultModelManager, SCDB, TreatmentPatterns, arkdb, arrow, bdc, ctrdata, dataverifyr, dbglm, dbi.table, diseasystore, dm, farr, intendo, mlr3db, mlr3oml, nanoparquet, nodbi, orbital, pointblank, r4ds.tutorials, repana, simaerep.

See at CRAN