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· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

arulesNBMiner — 0.1-8

Mining NB-Frequent Itemsets and NB-Precise Rules

arulesSequences — 0.2-31

Mining Frequent Sequences

arulesViz — 1.5.3

Visualizing Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets

ARUtools — 0.7.0

Management and Processing of Autonomous Recording Unit (ARU) Data

aRxiv — 0.10

Interface to the arXiv API

asaur — 0.50

Data Sets for "Applied Survival Analysis Using R""

asbio — 1.9-7

A Collection of Statistical Tools for Biologists

ascentTraining — 1.0.0

Ascent Training Datasets

ascii — 2.6

Export R Objects to Several Markup Languages

asciicast — 2.3.1

Create 'Ascii' Screen Casts from R Scripts

asciichartr — 0.1.0

Lightweight ASCII Line Graphs

asciiruler — 0.2

Render an ASCII Ruler

asciiSetupReader — 2.5.2

Reads Fixed-Width ASCII Data Files (.txt or .dat) that Have Accompanying Setup Files (.sps or .sas)

ascotraceR — 0.0.1

Simulate the Spread of Ascochyta Blight in Chickpea

asd — 2.2

Simulations for Adaptive Seamless Designs

asdreader — 0.1-3

Reading ASD Binary Files in R

ASGS.foyer — 0.3.3

Interface to the Australian Statistical Geography Standard

ash — 1.0-15

David Scott's ASH Routines

ashapesampler — 1.0.0

Generating Alpha Shapes

ashr — 2.2-63

Methods for Adaptive Shrinkage, using Empirical Bayes

asht — 1.0.1

Applied Statistical Hypothesis Tests

AsioHeaders — 1.22.1-2

'Asio' C++ Header Files

askgpt — 0.1.3

Asking GPT About R Stuff

askpass — 1.2.0

Password Entry Utilities for R, Git, and SSH

aslib — 0.1.2

Interface to the Algorithm Selection Benchmark Library

asm — 0.2.0

Optimal Convex M-Estimation for Linear Regression via Antitonic Score Matching

ASMap — 1.0-7

Linkage Map Construction using the MSTmap Algorithm

ASMbook — 1.0.2

Functions for the Book "Applied Statistical Modeling for Ecologists"

asmbPLS — 1.0.0

Predicting and Classifying Patient Phenotypes with Multi-Omics Data

asnipe — 1.1.17

Animal Social Network Inference and Permutations for Ecologists

aspace — 4.1.2

Functions for Estimating Centrographic Statistics

aspect — 1.0-6

A General Framework for Multivariate Analysis with Optimal Scaling

aspi — 0.2.0

Analysis of Symmetry of Parasitic Infections

aspline — 0.2.0

Spline Regression with Adaptive Knot Selection

aSPU — 1.50

Adaptive Sum of Powered Score Test

asremlPlus — 4.4.38

Augments 'ASReml-R' in Fitting Mixed Models and Packages Generally in Exploring Prediction Differences

ASRgenomics — 1.1.4

Complementary Genomic Functions

ASSA — 2.0

Applied Singular Spectrum Analysis (ASSA)

assert — 1.0.1

Validate Function Arguments

assertable — 0.2.8

Verbose Assertions for Tabular Data (Data.frames and Data.tables)

assertions — 0.1.0

Simple Assertions for Beautiful and Customisable Error Messages

assertr — 3.0.1

Assertive Programming for R Analysis Pipelines

assertthat — 0.2.1

Easy Pre and Post Assertions

assessor — 1.1.0

Assessment Tools for Regression Models with Discrete and Semicontinuous Outcomes

AssetAllocation — 1.1.1

Backtesting Simple Asset Allocation Strategies

AssetCorr — 1.0.4

Estimating Asset Correlations from Default Data

AssetPricing — 1.0-3

Optimal Pricing of Assets with Fixed Expiry Date

assignPOP — 1.3.0

Population Assignment using Genetic, Non-Genetic or Integrated Data in a Machine Learning Framework

assignR — 2.4.1

Infer Geographic Origin from Isotopic Data

assist — 3.1.9

A Suite of R Functions Implementing Spline Smoothing Techniques

ASSISTant — 1.4.3

Adaptive Subgroup Selection in Group Sequential Trials

AssocAFC — 1.0.2

Allele Frequency Comparison

AssocBin — 1.0-0

Measuring Association with Recursive Binning

assocInd — 1.0.1

Implements New and Existing Association Indices for Constructing Animal Social Networks

AssocTests — 1.0-1

Genetic Association Studies

assortnet — 0.20

Calculate the Assortativity Coefficient of Weighted and Binary Networks

AST — 0.1.0

Age-Spatial-Temporal Model

ast2ast — 0.3.2

Translates an R Function to a C++ Function

aster — 1.1-3

Aster Models

aster2 — 0.3-2

Aster Models

asteRisk — 1.4.3

Computation of Satellite Position

AsthmaNHANES — 1.1.0

Asthma Data Sets from NHANES

astrochron — 1.4

A Computational Tool for Astrochronology

astrodatR — 0.1

Astronomical Data

astroFns — 4.2-1

Astronomy: Time and Position Functions, Misc. Utilities

astsa — 2.1

Applied Statistical Time Series Analysis

asus — 1.5.0

Adaptive SURE Thresholding Using Side Information

ASV — 1.1.4

Stochastic Volatility Models with or without Leverage

AsyK — 1.5.5

Kernel Density Estimation

asylum — 1.1.2

Data on Asylum and Resettlement for the UK

asymLD — 0.1

Asymmetric Linkage Disequilibrium (ALD) for Polymorphic Genetic Data

AsymmetricSORDs — 1.0.0

Asymmetric Second Order Rotatable Designs (AsymmetricSORDs)

asymmetry — 2.0.4

Multidimensional Scaling of Asymmetric Proximities

asymmetry.measures — 0.2

Asymmetry Measures for Probability Density Functions

asympTest — 0.1.4

A Simple R Package for Classical Parametric Statistical Tests and Confidence Intervals in Large Samples

asymptor — 1.1.0

Estimate Asymptomatic Cases via Capture/Recapture Methods

AsynchLong — 2.3

Regression Analysis of Sparse Asynchronous Longitudinal Data

ata — 1.1.1

Automated Test Assembly

atable — 0.1.15

Create Tables for Reporting Clinical Trials

ATAforecasting — 0.0.60

Automatic Time Series Analysis and Forecasting using the Ata Method

atakrig —

Area-to-Area Kriging

ATbounds — 0.1.0

Bounding Treatment Effects by Limited Information Pooling

ATE.ERROR — 1.0.0

Estimating ATE with Misclassified Outcomes and Mismeasured Covariates

AteMeVs — 0.1.0

Average Treatment Effects with Measurement Error and Variable Selection for Confounders

atime — 2024.4.23

Asymptotic Timing

atlas — 1.0.0

Stanford 'ATLAS' Search Engine API

AtlasMaker — 0.1.0

Make Multiple 'leaflet' Maps in 'Shiny'

AtmChile — 1.0.1

Download Air Quality and Meteorological Information of Chile

atmopt — 0.1.0


ATNr — 1.1.0

Run Allometric Trophic Networks Models

atom4R — 0.3-3

Tools to Handle and Publish Metadata as 'Atom' XML Format

atpolR — 0.1.1

ATPOL Grid Implementation

ATQ — 0.2.3

Alert Time Quality - Evaluating Timely Epidemic Metrics

ATR — 0.1-1

Alternative Tree Representation

atRisk — 0.1.0


atrrr — 0.0.3

Wrapper for the 'AT' Protocol Behind 'Bluesky'

aTSA —

Alternative Time Series Analysis

attachment — 0.4.2

Deal with Dependencies

attempt — 0.3.1

Tools for Defensive Programming

attention — 0.4.0

Self-Attention Algorithm

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