All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

altadata — 0.1.1

API Wrapper for

altair — 4.2.3

Interface to 'Altair'

altdoc — 0.4.0

Package Documentation Websites with 'Quarto', 'Docsify', 'Docute', or 'MkDocs'

AlteredPQR — 0.1.0

Detection of Altered Protein Quantitative Relationships

altfuelr — 0.1.0

Provides an Interface to the NREL Alternate Fuels Locator

altmeta — 4.2

Alternative Meta-Analysis Methods

ALTopt — 0.1.2

Optimal Experimental Designs for Accelerated Life Testing

altR2 — 1.1.0

Alternative Estimators to Adjusted R-Squared

ALUES — 0.2.1

Agricultural Land Use Evaluation System

amadeus — 1.0.7

Accessing and Analyzing Large-Scale Environmental Data

amanida — 0.3.0

Meta-Analysis for Non-Integral Data

amanpg — 0.3.4

Alternating Manifold Proximal Gradient Method for Sparse PCA

amap — 0.8-19

Another Multidimensional Analysis Package

amapGeocode — 0.6.0

An Interface to the 'AutoNavi Maps' API Geocoding Services

amapro — 0.1.3

Thin Wrapper for Mapping Library 'AMap'

AMAPVox — 2.2.1

LiDAR Data Voxelisation

amazonadsR — 0.1.0

Get Amazon Ads Data via the '' API

amazons3R — 0.1.0

Get Amazon S3 Data via the '' API

amazonspR — 0.1.0

Get Amazon Sp Data via the '' API

amberr — 1.1.0

'Amber' Electronic Data Capture Client

ambient — 1.0.2

A Generator of Multidimensional Noise

ambit — 0.1.2

Simulation and Estimation of Ambit Processes

AMCP — 1.0.2

A Model Comparison Perspective

AMCTestmakeR — 1.0.0

Generate LaTeX Code for Auto-Multiple-Choice (AMC)

Amelia — 1.8.2

A Program for Missing Data

amelie — 0.2.1

Anomaly Detection with Normal Probability Functions

amen — 1.4.5

Additive and Multiplicative Effects Models for Networks and Relational Data

amerifluxr — 1.0.0

Interface to 'AmeriFlux' Data Services

amerika — 0.1.0

American Politics-Inspired Color Palette Generator

AmesHousing — 0.0.4

The Ames Iowa Housing Data

ami — 0.1.1

Checks for Various Computing Environments

AmigaFFH — 0.4.5

Commodore Amiga File Format Handler

AMIM — 1.0.0

Compute the Adjusted Market Inefficiency Measure

ammiBayes — 1.0-2

Bayesian Ammi Model for Continuous Data

ammistability — 0.1.4

Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction Model Stability Parameters

AMModels — 0.1.4

Adaptive Management Model Manager

AmmoniaConcentration — 0.1

Un-Ionized Ammonia Concentration

aMNLFA — 1.1.2

Automated Moderated Nonlinear Factor Analysis Using 'M-plus'

AmoudSurv — 0.1.0

Tractable Parametric Odds-Based Regression Models

amp — 1.0.0

Statistical Test for the Multivariate Point Null Hypotheses

ampd — 0.2

An Algorithm for Automatic Peak Detection in Noisy Periodic and Quasi-Periodic Signals

AmpGram — 1.0

Prediction of Antimicrobial Peptides

ampir — 1.1.0

Predict Antimicrobial Peptides

AMPLE — 1.0.2

Shiny Apps to Support Capacity Building on Harvest Control Rules

AmpliconDuo — 1.1.1

Statistical Analysis of Amplicon Data of the Same Sample to Identify Artefacts

AMR — 2.1.1

Antimicrobial Resistance Data Analysis

amregtest — 1.0.3

Runs Allelematch Regression Tests

amscorer — 0.1.0

Clinical Scores Calculator for Healthcare

amt —

Animal Movement Tools

amVennDiagram5 — 1.0.0

Interactive Venn Diagrams

AmyloGram — 1.1

Prediction of Amyloid Proteins

anabel — 3.0.1

Analysis of Binding Events + l

AnaCoDa —

Analysis of Codon Data under Stationarity using a Bayesian Framework

Anaconda — 0.1.5

Targeted Differential and Global Enrichment Analysis of Taxonomic Rank by Shared Asvs

anacor — 1.1-4

Simple and Canonical Correspondence Analysis

analogsea —

Interface to 'DigitalOcean'

analogue — 0.17-6

Analogue and Weighted Averaging Methods for Palaeoecology

AnalysisLin — 0.1.2

Exploratory Data Analysis

analyzer — 1.0.1

Data Analysis and Automated R Notebook Generation

AnanseSeurat — 1.2.0

Construct ANANSE GRN-Analysis Seurat

AncestryMapper — 2.0

Assigning Ancestry Based on Population References

AnchorRegression — 0.1.3

Perform AnchorRegression

and — 0.1.5

Construct Natural-Language Lists with Internationalization

andrews — 1.1.2

Various Andrews Curves

Andromeda — 0.6.7

Asynchronous Disk-Based Representation of Massive Data

andurinha — 0.0.2

Make Spectroscopic Data Processing Easier

anesrake — 0.80

ANES Raking Implementation

AnglerCreelSurveySimulation — 1.0.3

Simulate a Bus Route Creel Survey of Anglers

angstromATE — 0.1.2

Imports Log Files from Angstrom Engineering Thermal Evaporator

angstroms — 0.0.1

Tools for 'ROMS' the Regional Ocean Modeling System

aniDom — 0.1.5

Inferring Dominance Hierarchies and Estimating Uncertainty

anim.plots — 0.2.2

Simple Animated Plots for R

animalEKF — 1.2

Extended Kalman Filters for Animal Movement

AnimalHabitatNetwork — 0.1.0

Networks Characterising the Physical Configurations of Animal Habitats

animate —

A Web-Based Graphics Device for Animated Visualisations

animation — 2.7

A Gallery of Animations in Statistics and Utilities to Create Animations

animbook — 1.0.0

Visualizing Changes in Performance Measures and Demographic Affiliations using Animation

animint2 — 2024.1.24

Animated Interactive Grammar of Graphics

animl — 1.1.0

A Collection of ML Tools for Conservation Research

anipaths — 0.10.3

Animation of Multiple Trajectories with Uncertainty

aniSNA — 1.1.1

Statistical Network Analysis of Animal Social Networks

aniview — 0.1.0

Animate Shiny and R Markdown Content when it Comes into View

anMC — 0.2.5

Compute High Dimensional Orthant Probabilities

ANN2 — 2.3.4

Artificial Neural Networks for Anomaly Detection

anndata —

'anndata' for R

annmatrix — 0.1.2

Annotated Matrix: Matrices with Persistent Row and Column Annotations

AnnoProbe — 0.1.7

Annotate the Gene Symbols for Probes in Expression Array

annotater — 0.2.3

Annotate Package Load Calls

AnnotationBustR — 1.3.0

Extract Subsequences from GenBank Annotations

annotator —

Image Annotation and Polygon Outlining using Free Drawing

AnnuityRIR — 1.0-0

Annuity Random Interest Rates

anocva — 0.1.1

A Non-Parametric Statistical Test to Compare Clustering Structures

ANOFA — 0.1.3

Analyses of Frequency Data

anoint — 1.5

Analysis of Interactions

ANOM — 0.5

Analysis of Means

anomalize — 0.3.0

Tidy Anomaly Detection

anomaly — 4.3.3

Detecting Anomalies in Data

anomo — 0.5.2

Analysis of Moderation with the Monte Carlo Confidence Interval Method

ANOPA — 0.1.3

Analyses of Proportions using Anscombe Transform


Interactive Document for Working with Analysis of Variance

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