All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

CleaningValidation — 1.0

Cleaning Validation Functions for Pharmaceutical Cleaning Process

cleanNLP — 3.1.0

A Tidy Data Model for Natural Language Processing

cleanr — 1.4.0

Helps You to Code Cleaner

cleanrmd — 0.1.1

Clean Class-Less 'R Markdown' HTML Documents

cleanTS — 0.1.2

Testbench for Univariate Time Series Cleaning

cleaR — 0.0.4

Clean the R Console and Environment

clespr — 1.1.2

Composite Likelihood Estimation for Spatial Data

clevr — 0.1.2

Clustering and Link Prediction Evaluation in R

clhs — 0.9.0

Conditioned Latin Hypercube Sampling

cli — 3.6.3

Helpers for Developing Command Line Interfaces

cliapp — 0.1.2

Create Rich Command Line Applications

clickableImageMap — 1.0

Implement 'tableGrob' Object as a Clickable Image Map

clickb — 0.1

Web Data Analysis by Bayesian Mixture of Markov Models

ClickClust — 1.1.6

Model-Based Clustering of Categorical Sequences

ClickClustCont — 0.1.7

Mixtures of Continuous Time Markov Models

ClickHouseHTTP — 0.3.3

A Simple HTTP Database Interface to 'ClickHouse'

clickR — 0.9.43

Semi-Automatic Preprocessing of Messy Data with Change Tracking for Dataset Cleaning

clickstream — 1.3.3

Analyzes Clickstreams Based on Markov Chains

clidamonger — 1.2.0

Monthly Climate Data for Germany, Usable for Heating and Cooling Calculations

clidatajp — 0.5.2

Data from Japan Meteorological Agency

cliff — 0.1.2

Execute Command Line Programs Interactively

clifford — 1.0-8

Arbitrary Dimensional Clifford Algebras

clifro — 3.2-5

Easily Download and Visualise Climate Data from CliFlo

CliftLRD — 0.1-1

Complex-Valued Wavelet Lifting Estimators of the Hurst Exponent for Irregularly Sampled Time Series

clikcorr — 1.0

Censoring Data and Likelihood-Based Correlation Estimation

climaemet — 1.4.0

Climate AEMET Tools

climateStability — 0.1.4

Estimating Climate Stability from Climate Model Data

climatol — 4.1.0

Climate Tools (Series Homogenization and Derived Products)

climatrends — 0.5

Climate Variability Indices for Ecological Modelling

ClimClass — 2.1.0

Climate Classification According to Several Indices

CLimd — 0.1.0

Generating Rainfall Rasters from IMD NetCDF Data

clime — 0.5.0

Constrained L1-Minimization for Inverse (Covariance) Matrix Estimation

climetrics — 1.0-15

Climate Change Metrics

climextRemes — 0.3.1

Tools for Analyzing Climate Extremes

ClimInd — 0.1-3

Climate Indices

ClimMobTools — 1.2

API Client for the 'ClimMob' Platform

ClimProjDiags — 0.3.3

Set of Tools to Compute Various Climate Indices

climwin — 1.2.3

Climate Window Analysis

clinDataReview — 1.6.1

Clinical Data Review Tool

clinDR — 2.4.1

Simulation and Analysis Tools for Clinical Dose Response Modeling

clinfun — 1.1.5

Clinical Trial Design and Data Analysis Functions

clinicalomicsdbR — 1.0.5

Interface with the 'ClinicalOmicsDB' API, Allowing for Easy Data Downloading and Importing

clinicalsignificance — 2.0.0

A Toolbox for Clinical Significance Analyses in Intervention Studies

ClinicalTrialSummary — 1.1.1

Summary Measures for Clinical Trials with Survival Outcomes

ClinicalUtilityRecal — 0.1.0

Recalibration Methods for Improved Clinical Utility of Risk Scores

clinmon — 0.6.0

Hemodynamic Calculations from Clinical Monitoring

clinPK — 0.13.0

Clinical Pharmacokinetics Toolkit

clinsig — 1.2

Clinical Significance Functions

ClinSigMeasures — 1.2

Clinical Significance Measures

clinspacy — 1.0.2

Clinical Natural Language Processing using 'spaCy', 'scispaCy', and 'medspaCy'

clintools —

Tools for Clinical Research

clintrialx — 0.1.0

Connect and Work with Clinical Trials Data Sources

clinUtils — 0.2.0

General Utility Functions for Analysis of Clinical Data

cliot — 0.2.0

Clinical Indices and Outcomes Tools

clipp — 1.1.1

Calculating Likelihoods by Pedigree Paring

clipr — 0.8.0

Read and Write from the System Clipboard

CliquePercolation — 0.4.0

Clique Percolation for Networks

clisymbols — 1.2.0

Unicode Symbols at the R Prompt

CLME — 2.0-12

Constrained Inference for Linear Mixed Effects Models

clmplus — 1.0.0

Tool-Box of Chain Ladder Plus Models

clock — 0.7.1

Date-Time Types and Tools

clockify — 0.1.6

A Wrapper for the 'Clockify' API

clogitboost — 1.1

Boosting Conditional Logit Model

clogitL1 — 1.5

Fitting Exact Conditional Logistic Regression with Lasso and Elastic Net Penalties

clogitLasso — 1.1

Sparse Conditional Logistic Regression for Matched Studies

cloneRate — 0.2.3

Estimate Growth Rates from Phylogenetic Trees

CloneSeeker — 1.0.11

Seeking and Finding Clones in Copy Number and Sequencing Data

CLONETv2 — 2.2.1

Clonality Estimates in Tumor

clordr — 1.7.0

Composite Likelihood Inference and Diagnostics for Replicated Spatial Ordinal Data

closeloop — 0.1.0

Integrate Single-Arm Observational Data in Network Meta Analysis

cloudfs — 0.1.3

Streamlined Interface to Interact with Cloud Storage Platforms

cloudml — 0.6.1

Interface to the Google Cloud Machine Learning Platform

cloudos — 0.4.0

R Client Library for CloudOS

cloudstoR — 0.2.0

Simplifies Access to Cloudstor API

cloudUtil — 0.1.12

Cloud Utilization Plots

clptheory — 0.1.0

Compute Price of Production and Labor Values

clr — 0.1.2

Curve Linear Regression via Dimension Reduction

clrng — 0.0.5

Parallel Random Number Generation on GPU

CLSIEP15 — 0.1.0

Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) EP15-A3 Calculations

clttools — 1.3

Central Limit Theorem Experiments (Theoretical and Simulation)

clubpro — 0.6.2

Classification Using Binary Procrustes Rotation

clubSandwich — 0.5.11

Cluster-Robust (Sandwich) Variance Estimators with Small-Sample Corrections

clue — 0.3-65

Cluster Ensembles

ClueR — 1.4.2

Cluster Evaluation

clugenr — 1.0.3

Multidimensional Cluster Generation Using Support Lines

CluMP — 0.8.1

Clustering of Micro Panel Data

ClusBoot — 1.2.2

Bootstrap a Clustering Solution to Establish the Stability of the Clusters

cluscov — 1.1.0

Clustered Covariate Regression

clusEvol — 1.0.0

A Procedure for Cluster Evolution Analytics

ClusPred — 1.1.0

Simultaneous Semi-Parametric Estimation of Clustering and Regression

clusrank — 1.0-4

Wilcoxon Rank Tests for Clustered Data

ClusROC — 1.0.2

ROC Analysis in Three-Class Classification Problems for Clustered Data

ClussCluster — 0.1.0

Simultaneous Detection of Clusters and Cluster-Specific Genes in High-Throughput Transcriptome Data

clust.bin.pair — 0.1.2

Statistical Methods for Analyzing Clustered Matched Pair Data

clustAnalytics — 0.5.5

Cluster Evaluation on Graphs

ClustAssess — 0.3.0

Tools for Assessing Clustering

ClustBlock — 4.0.0

Clustering of Datasets

ClusTCR2 —

Identifying Similar T Cell Receptor Hyper-Variable Sequences with 'ClusTCR2'

clustEff — 0.3.1

Clusters of Effects Curves in Quantile Regression Models

cluster — 2.1.6

"Finding Groups in Data": Cluster Analysis Extended Rousseeuw et al.

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