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· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

sparvaride — 0.1.0

Variance Identification in Sparse Factor Analysis

SPAS — 2024.1.31

Stratified-Petersen Analysis System

spass — 1.3

Study Planning and Adaptation of Sample Size

spate — 1.7.5

Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Large Data Using a Spectral SPDE Approach

SpatEntropy — 2.2-4

Spatial Entropy Measures

SPAtest — 3.1.2

Score Test and Meta-Analysis Based on Saddlepoint Approximation

SpatFD — 0.0.1

Functional Geostatistics: Univariate and Multivariate Functional Spatial Prediction

SpatGC — 0.1.0

Bayesian Modeling of Spatial Count Data

spatgeom — 0.3.0

Geometric Spatial Point Analysis

spatgraphs — 3.4

Graph Edge Computations for Spatial Point Patterns

SpatGRID — 0.1.0

Spatial Grid Generation from Longitude and Latitude List

spathial — 0.1.2

Evolutionary Analysis

spaths — 1.1.3

Shortest Paths Between Points in Grids

spatial — 7.3-17

Functions for Kriging and Point Pattern Analysis

SpatialAcc — 0.1-5

Spatial Accessibility Measures

SpatialBSS — 0.14-0

Blind Source Separation for Multivariate Spatial Data

spatialCovariance — 0.6-9

Computation of Spatial Covariance Matrices for Data on Rectangles

SpatialDDLS — 1.0.2

Deconvolution of Spatial Transcriptomics Data Based on Neural Networks

spatialEco — 2.0-2

Spatial Analysis and Modelling Utilities

SpatialEpi — 1.2.8

Methods and Data for Spatial Epidemiology

SpatialExtremes — 2.1-0

Modelling Spatial Extremes

SpatialfdaR — 1.0.0

Spatial Functional Data Analysis

SpatialGEV — 1.0.1

Fit Spatial Generalized Extreme Value Models

SpatialGraph — 1.0-4

The SpatialGraph Class and Utilities

spatialising — 0.6.0

Ising Model for Spatial Data

SpatialKDE — 0.8.2

Kernel Density Estimation for Spatial Data

SpatialKWD — 0.4.1

Spatial KWD for Large Spatial Maps

SpatialML — 0.1.7

Spatial Machine Learning

SpatialNP — 1.1-5

Multivariate Nonparametric Methods Based on Spatial Signs and Ranks

SpatialPack — 0.4

Tools for Assessment the Association Between Two Spatial Processes

SpatialPOP — 0.1.0

Generation of Spatial Data with Spatially Varying Model Parameter

SpatialPosition — 2.1.2

Spatial Position Models

spatialprobit — 1.0.4

Spatial Probit Models

SpatialRDD — 0.1.0

Conduct Multiple Types of Geographic Regression Discontinuity Designs

spatialreg — 1.3-5

Spatial Regression Analysis

SpatialRegimes — 1.1

Spatial Constrained Clusterwise Regression

spatialRF — 1.1.4

Easy Spatial Modeling with Random Forest

spatialrisk — 0.7.1

Calculating Spatial Risk

SpatialRoMLE — 0.1.0

Robust Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Spatial Error Model

spatialsample — 0.5.1

Spatial Resampling Infrastructure

spatialTIME — 1.3.4-5

Spatial Analysis of Vectra Immunoflourescent Data

SpatialTools — 1.0.5

Tools for Spatial Data Analysis

SpatialVS — 1.1

Spatial Variable Selection

SpatialVx — 1.0-2

Spatial Forecast Verification

spatialwarnings — 3.1.0

Spatial Early Warning Signals of Ecosystem Degradation

spatialwidget — 0.2.5

Formats Spatial Data for Use in Htmlwidgets

SpatMCA — 1.0.4

Regularized Spatial Maximum Covariance Analysis

SpaTopic — 1.1.0

Topic Inference to Identify Tissue Architecture in Multiplexed Images

SpatPCA — 1.3.5

Regularized Principal Component Analysis for Spatial Data

spatPomp — 0.36.1

Inference for Spatiotemporal Partially Observed Markov Processes

SpATS — 1.0-18

Spatial Analysis of Field Trials with Splines

spatsoc — 0.2.2

Group Animal Relocation Data by Spatial and Temporal Relationship

spatstat — 3.2-1

Spatial Point Pattern Analysis, Model-Fitting, Simulation, Tests — 3.1-2

Datasets for 'spatstat' Family

spatstat.explore — 3.3-2

Exploratory Data Analysis for the 'spatstat' Family

spatstat.geom — 3.3-3

Geometrical Functionality of the 'spatstat' Family

spatstat.gui — 3.1-0

Interactive Graphics Functions for the 'spatstat' Package

spatstat.Knet — 3.1-2

Extension to 'spatstat' for Large Datasets on a Linear Network

spatstat.linnet — 3.2-2

Linear Networks Functionality of the 'spatstat' Family

spatstat.local — 5.1-0

Extension to 'spatstat' for Local Composite Likelihood

spatstat.model — 3.3-2

Parametric Statistical Modelling and Inference for the 'spatstat' Family

spatstat.random — 3.3-2

Random Generation Functionality for the 'spatstat' Family

spatstat.sparse — 3.1-0

Sparse Three-Dimensional Arrays and Linear Algebra Utilities

spatstat.univar — 3.0-1

One-Dimensional Probability Distribution Support for the 'spatstat' Family

spatstat.utils — 3.1-0

Utility Functions for 'spatstat'

spatsurv — 2.0-1

Bayesian Spatial Survival Analysis with Parametric Proportional Hazards Models

SPB — 1.0

Simple Progress Bars for Procedural Coding

spbabel — 0.6.0

Convert Spatial Data Using Tidy Tables

spbal — 1.0.0

Spatially Balanced Sampling Algorithms

spBayes — 0.4-7

Univariate and Multivariate Spatial-Temporal Modeling

spBayesSurv — 1.1.8

Bayesian Modeling and Analysis of Spatially Correlated Survival Data

spBFA — 1.3

Spatial Bayesian Factor Analysis

Spbsampling — 1.3.5

Spatially Balanced Sampling

spc — 0.7.1

Statistical Process Control -- Calculation of ARL and Other Control Chart Performance Measures

spc4sts — 0.6.3

Statistical Process Control for Stochastic Textured Surfaces

spcadjust — 1.1

Functions for Calibrating Control Charts


A New Reduced-Rank Linear Discriminant Analysis Method

SPCAvRP — 0.4

Sparse Principal Component Analysis via Random Projections (SPCAvRP)

SPCDAnalyze — 0.1.0

Design and Analyze Studies using the Sequential Parallel Comparison Design

SPCompute — 1.0.3

Compute Power or Sample Size for GWAS with Covariate Effect

spcosa — 0.4-2

Spatial Coverage Sampling and Random Sampling from Compact Geographical Strata

spcov — 1.3

Sparse Estimation of a Covariance Matrix

spCP — 1.3

Spatially Varying Change Points

spcr — 2.1.1

Sparse Principal Component Regression

spd — 2.0-1

Semi Parametric Distribution

spData — 2.3.3

Datasets for Spatial Analysis

spDates — 1.1

Analysis of Spatial Gradients in Radiocarbon Dates

spdep — 1.3-6

Spatial Dependence: Weighting Schemes, Statistics

spdesign — 0.0.4

Designing Stated Preference Experiments

spdl — 0.0.5

Easier Use of 'RcppSpdlog' Functions via Wrapper

spdownscale — 0.1.0

Spatial Downscaling Using Bias Correction Approach

spduration — 0.17.2

Split-Population Duration (Cure) Regression

spdynmod — 1.1.6

Spatio-Dynamic Wetland Plant Communities Model

speakeasyR — 0.1.3

Fast and Robust Multi-Scale Graph Clustering

speakr — 3.2.2

A Wrapper for the Phonetic Software 'Praat'

speaq — 2.7.0

Tools for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectra Alignment, Peak Based Processing, Quantitative Analysis and Visualizations

spearmanCI — 1.1

Jackknife Euclidean / Empirical Likelihood Inference for Spearman's Rho

spec — 0.1.9

A Data Specification Format and Interface

speccurvieR — 0.4.0

Easy, Fast, and Pretty Specification Curve Analysis

SpecDetec — 1.0.0

Change Points Detection with Spectral Clustering

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