0.1.4 by David Connell, 5 months ago
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Authors: David Connell [aut, cre, cph] , Chris Gaiteri [cph] (Author of original SpeakEasy 2 algorithm.) , Gábor Csárdi [cph, ctb] (Author of igraph C library.) , Tamás Nepusz [cph, ctb] (Author of igraph C library.) , Szabolcs Horvát [cph, ctb] (Author of igraph C library.) , Vincent Traag [cph, ctb] (Author of igraph C library.) , Fabio Zanini [cph, ctb] (Author of igraph C library.) , Daniel Noom [cph, ctb] (Author of igraph C library.) , The igraph development team [cph] (Copyright holder of igraph C library.) , Free Software Foundation , Inc. [cph] (Copyright holder of GPL licenses.) , Ross Ihaka [cph, ctb] (Author of Mathlib.) , The R Development Core Team [cph] (Copyright holder of Mathlib.) , Royal Statistical Society [cph] (Copyright holder of Mathlib.) , The R Core Team [cph] (Copyright holder of Mathlib.) , The Regents of the University of California [cph] (Copyright holder of stdlib's qsort.) , Timothy Davis [cph, ctb] (Author of CXSPARSE (cs).) , Richard Lehoucq [cph, ctb] (Author of arpack.) , Danny Scrensen [cph, ctb] (Author of arpack and lapack.) , Phuong Vu [cph, ctb] (Author of arpack.) , Chao Yang [cph, ctb] (Author of arpack.) , Allan Cornet [cph, ctb] (Author of arpack.) , Sylvestre Ledru [cph, ctb] (Author of arpack.) , Chao Yang [cph, ctb] (Author of arpack.) , Rice University [cph] (Copyright holder of arpack.) , Scilab Enterprises [cph] (Copyright holder of arpack-ng.) , Melissa O'Neill [cph, ctb] (Author of PCG random number generator.) , Steven Johnson [cph, ctb] (Author of ax_pthread.) , Daniel G. [cph, ctb] (Author of ax_pthread.) , Marc Stevens [cph, ctb] (Author of ax_pthread.) , Minh Nguyen [cph, ctb] (Author of ax_pthread.) , Elliot Paquette [cph, ctb] (Contributor to igraph.) , Pascal Pons [cph, ctb] (Contributor to igraph.) , Jordi Hermoso [cph, ctb] (Contributor to arpack.) , Sébastien Fabbro [cph, ctb] (Contributor to arpack.) , Shinya Tasaki [cph, ctb] (Provided code used in the gene clustering example.)
PDF Manual
GPL (>= 3) license
Suggests igraph, scRNAseq, SummarizedExperiment, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat
System requirements: arpack (optional)