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sdpt3r — 0.3

Semi-Definite Quadratic Linear Programming Solver

sdrt — 1.0.0

Estimating the Sufficient Dimension Reduction Subspaces in Time Series

sdsfun — 0.2.0

Spatial Data Science Complementary Features

SDT — 1.0.0

Self-Determination Theory Measures

sdtm.oak — 0.1.0

SDTM Data Transformation Engine

sdtmchecks — 1.0.0

Data Quality Checks for Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM) Datasets

sdtmval — 0.4.1

Validate SDTM Domains

sdwd — 1.0.5

Sparse Distance Weighted Discrimination

SE.EQ — 1.0

SE-Test for Equivalence

SEA — 2.0.1

Segregation Analysis

seacarb — 3.3.3

Seawater Carbonate Chemistry

SEAGLE — 1.0.1

Scalable Exact Algorithm for Large-Scale Set-Based Gene-Environment Interaction Tests

SEAHORS — 1.8.0

Spatial Exploration of ArcHaeological Objects in R Shiny

sealasso — 0.1-3

Standard Error Adjusted Adaptive Lasso

searcher — 0.0.7

Query Search Interfaces

SearchTrees — 0.5.5

Spatial Search Trees

SEARS — 0.1.0

Seamless Dose Escalation/Expansion with Adaptive Randomization Scheme

seas — 0.6-0

Seasonal Analysis and Graphics, Especially for Climatology

season — 0.3.15

Seasonal Analysis of Health Data

seasonal — 1.9.0

R Interface to X-13-ARIMA-SEATS

seasonalityPlot — 1.2.1

Seasonality Variation Plots of Stock Prices and Cryptocurrencies

seasonalview — 0.3

Graphical User Interface for Seasonal Adjustment

seastests — 0.15.4

Seasonality Tests

SeaVal — 1.2.0

Validation of Seasonal Weather Forecasts

seawaveQ — 2.0.2


SeBR — 1.0.0

Semiparametric Bayesian Regression Analysis

SecDim — 3.2

The Second Dimension of Spatial Association

SECFISH — 0.1.7

Disaggregate Variable Costs

SECP — 0.1.5

Statistical Estimation of Cluster Parameters

secr — 4.6.10

Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture

secrdesign — 2.9.1

Sampling Design for Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture

secret — 1.1.0

Share Sensitive Information in R Packages

secretbase — 1.0.2

Cryptographic Hash, Extendable-Output and Base64 Functions

secrettext — 0.1.0

Encrypt Text Using a Shifting Substitution Cipher

secrlinear — 1.2.2

Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture for Linear Habitats

secsse — 3.1.0

Several Examined and Concealed States-Dependent Speciation and Extinction

sectorgap — 0.1.0

Consistent Economic Trend Cycle Decomposition

secure — 0.6

Sequential Co-Sparse Factor Regression

secuTrialR — 1.3.3

Handling of Data from the Clinical Data Management System 'secuTrial'

sedproxy — 0.7.5

Simulation of Sediment Archived Climate Proxy Records

see — 0.9.0

Model Visualisation Toolbox for 'easystats' and 'ggplot2'

seeclickfixr — 1.1.0

Access Data from the SeeClickFix Web API

seecolor — 0.2.0

View Colors Used in R Objects in the Console

SeedCalc — 1.0.0

Seed Germination and Seedling Growth Indexes

seedCCA — 3.1

Seeded Canonical Correlation Analysis

seededlda — 1.4.1

Seeded Sequential LDA for Topic Modeling

SeedImbibition — 0.1.0

Seed Imbibition Percentage

SeedMatchR — 1.1.1

Find Matches to Canonical SiRNA Seeds in Genomic Features

seedr — 0.3.0

Hydro and Thermal Time Seed Germination Models in R

seedreg — 1.0.3

Regression Analysis for Seed Germination as a Function of Temperature

seeds — 0.9.1

Estimate Hidden Inputs using the Dynamic Elastic Net

SeedVigorIndex — 0.1.0

Seed Vigor Index

seeker — 1.1.6

Simplified Fetching and Processing of Microarray and RNA-Seq Data

seer — 1.1.8

Feature-Based Forecast Model Selection

SEERaBomb — 2019.2

SEER and Atomic Bomb Survivor Data Analysis Tools

seewave — 2.2.3

Sound Analysis and Synthesis

segclust2d — 0.3.3

Bivariate Segmentation/Clustering Methods and Tools

SegCorr — 1.2

Detecting Correlated Genomic Regions

segen — 1.1.0

Sequence Generalization Through Similarity Network

segmag — 1.2.4

Determine Event Boundaries in Event Segmentation Experiments

segmented — 2.1-2

Regression Models with Break-Points / Change-Points Estimation (with Possibly Random Effects)

segmenTier — 0.1.2

Similarity-Based Segmentation of Multidimensional Signals

segmentr — 0.2.0

Segment Data With Maximum Likelihood

segmetric — 0.3.0

Metrics for Assessing Segmentation Accuracy for Geospatial Data

segMGarch — 1.2

Multiple Change-Point Detection for High-Dimensional GARCH Processes

segRDA — 1.0.2

Modeling Non-Continuous Linear Responses of Ecological Data

segregation — 1.1.0

Entropy-Based Segregation Indices

segregatr — 0.4.0

Segregation Analysis for Variant Interpretation

seguid — 0.1.0

Sequence Globally Unique Identifier (SEGUID) Checksums

sehrnett — 0.1.0

A Very Nice Interface to 'WordNet'

SEI — 0.2.0

Calculating Standardised Indices

SEIRfansy — 1.1.1

Extended Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovery Model

seismic — 1.1

Predict Information Cascade by Self-Exciting Point Process

seismicRoll — 1.1.5

Fast Rolling Functions for Seismology using 'Rcpp'

sejmRP — 1.3.4

An Information About Deputies and Votings in Polish Diet from Seventh to Eighth Term of Office

Sejong — 0.01

KoNLP static dictionaries and Sejong project resources.

SEL — 1.0-4

Semiparametric Elicitation

selcorr — 1.0

Post-Selection Inference for Generalized Linear Models

Select — 1.4

Determines Species Probabilities Based on Functional Traits

selectapref — 0.1.2

Analysis of Field and Laboratory Foraging

SelectBoost — 2.2.2

A General Algorithm to Enhance the Performance of Variable Selection Methods in Correlated Datasets

selection.index — 1.2.0

Analysis of Selection Index in Plant Breeding

SelectionBias — 2.0.0

Calculates Bounds for the Selection Bias for Binary Treatment and Outcome Variables

selectiongain — 2.0.710

A Tool for Calculation and Optimization of the Expected Gain from Multi-Stage Selection

selectiveInference — 1.2.5

Tools for Post-Selection Inference

selectMeta — 1.0.8

Estimation of Weight Functions in Meta Analysis

selectr — 0.4-2

Translate CSS Selectors to XPath Expressions

selectspm — 0.6

Select Point Pattern Models Based on Minimum Contrast, AIC and Goodness of Fit

SeleMix — 1.0.2

Selective Editing via Mixture Models

selenider — 0.4.0

Concise, Lazy and Reliable Wrapper for 'chromote' and 'selenium'

selenium — 0.1.3

Low-Level Browser Automation Interface

seleniumPipes — 0.3.7

R Client Implementing the W3C WebDriver Specification

SELF — 0.1.1

A Structural Equation Embedded Likelihood Framework for Causal Discovery

selfingTree — 0.2

Genotype Probabilities in Intermediate Generations of Inbreeding Through Selfing

sem — 3.1-16

Structural Equation Models

semantic.assets — 1.1.0

Assets for 'shiny.semantic'

semantic.dashboard — 0.2.1

Dashboard with Fomantic UI Support for Shiny

Semblance — 1.1.0

A Data-Driven Similarity Kernel on Probability Spaces

SEMdeep — 0.1.0

Structural Equation Modeling with Deep Neural Network and Machine Learning

semdrw — 0.1.0

'SEM Shiny'

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