Reference manual

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3.1-16 by Zhenghua Nie, 4 days ago

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Authors: John Fox [aut] , Zhenghua Nie [aut, cre] , Jarrett Byrnes [aut] , Michael Culbertson [ctb] , Saikat DebRoy [ctb] , Michael Friendly [ctb] , Benjamin Goodrich [ctb] , Richard H. Jones [ctb] , Adam Kramer [ctb] , Georges Monette [ctb] , Frederick Novomestky [ctb] , R-Core [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports MASS, boot, mi, utils

Depends on stats

Suggests polycor, DiagrammeR

Imported by MBESS, bmem, bmemLavaan, dsem, fungible, phylosem, semPlot, stablespec.

Depended on by faoutlier, qtlnet.

Suggested by MVA, Rcmdr, aspect, systemfit.

See at CRAN