All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

revpref — 0.1.0

Tools for Computational Revealed Preference Analysis

RevSD — 0.1.1

Visualizing the Standard Deviation via Revolution

revss — 2.0.0

Robust Estimation in Very Small Samples

Revticulate — 1.0.0

Interaction with "RevBayes" in R

revtools — 0.4.1

Tools to Support Evidence Synthesis

revulyticsR — 0.0.3

Connect to Your 'Revulytics' Data

rewie — 0.1.0

Data Preparation and Diagnostics for Random Effects Within Estimator

rex — 1.2.1

Friendly Regular Expressions

rexer — 1.0.0

Random Exercises and Exams Generator

Rexperigen — 0.2.1

R Interface to Experigen

rexpokit —

R Wrappers for EXPOKIT; Other Matrix Functions

rextendr — 0.3.1

Call Rust Code from R using the 'extendr' Crate

Rfacebook — 0.6.15

Access to Facebook API via R

rfacebookstat — 2.11.0

Load Data from Facebook API Marketing

rfacts — 0.2.1

R Interface to 'FACTS' on Unix-Like Systems

rfars — 1.2.0

Download and Analyze Crash Data

Rfast — 2.1.0

A Collection of Efficient and Extremely Fast R Functions

Rfast2 —

A Collection of Efficient and Extremely Fast R Functions II

RFCCA — 2.0.0

Random Forest with Canonical Correlation Analysis

RFclust — 0.1.2

Random Forest Cluster Analysis

RfEmpImp — 2.1.8

Multiple Imputation using Chained Random Forests

rFerns — 5.0.0

Random Ferns Classifier

rfieldclimate — 0.1.1

Client for the 'FieldClimate' API

rfigshare — 0.3.8

An R Interface to 'figshare'

rfinterval — 1.0.0

Predictive Inference for Random Forests

rfishbase — 5.0.0

R Interface to 'FishBase'

RFishBC — 0.2.7

Back-Calculation of Fish Length

rfishdraw — 0.1.0

Automatically Generated Fish Drawings via JavaScript

rfisheries — 0.2

'Programmatic Interface to the '' API'

rfishnet2 — 0.2.0

Exploratory Data Analysis for FishNet2 Data

Rfit — 0.27.0

Rank-Based Estimation for Linear Models

rflashtext — 1.0.0

FlashText Algorithm for Finding and Replacing Words

rflexscan — 1.1.0

The Flexible Spatial Scan Statistic

RFlocalfdr — 0.8.5

Significance Level for Random Forest Impurity Importance Scores — 0.0.3

Data for the Vignette and Examples in 'RFlocalfdr'

RFLPtools — 2.0

Tools to Analyse RFLP Data

rflsgen — 1.2.2

Neutral Landscape Generator with Targets on Landscape Indices

rfm — 0.3.0

Recency, Frequency and Monetary Value Analysis

Rfmtool — 5.0.4

Fuzzy Measure Tools

rfoaas — 2.3.2

R Interface to 'FOAAS'

RFOC — 3.4-10

Graphics for Spherical Distributions and Earthquake Focal Mechanisms

rfold — 0.2.0

Working with many R Folders Within an R Package

Rfolding — 1.0

The Folding Test of Unimodality

rfordummies — 0.1.6

Code Examples to Accompany the Book "R for Dummies"

Rforestry — 0.10.0

Random Forests, Linear Trees, and Gradient Boosting for Inference and Interpretability

RFormatter — 0.1.1

R Source Code Formatter

rfPermute — 2.5.2

Estimate Permutation p-Values for Random Forest Importance Metrics

RFPM — 1.1

Floating Percentile Model

RFpredInterval — 1.0.8

Prediction Intervals with Random Forests and Boosted Forests

Rfractran — 1.0.1

A 'FRACTRAN' Interpreter and Some Helper Functions

rFSA — 0.9.6

Feasible Solution Algorithm for Finding Best Subsets and Interactions

Rfssa — 3.1.0

Functional Singular Spectrum Analysis

rFUSION — 0.1

Interface to FUSION

rfVarImpOOB — 1.0.3

Unbiased Variable Importance for Random Forests

rfvimptest — 0.1.3

Sequential Permutation Testing of Random Forest Variable Importance Measures

rfviz — 1.0.1

Interactive Visualization Tool for Random Forests

rgabriel — 0.9

Gabriel Multiple Comparison Test and Plot the Confidence Interval on Barplot

RGAN — 0.1.1

Generative Adversarial Nets (GAN) in R

RGAP — 0.1.1

Production Function Output Gap Estimation

Rgb — 1.7.5

The R Genome Browser

rgbif — 3.8.1

Interface to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility API

RGBM — 1.0-11

LS-TreeBoost and LAD-TreeBoost for Gene Regulatory Network Reconstruction

Rgbp — 1.1.4

Hierarchical Modeling and Frequency Method Checking on Overdispersed Gaussian, Poisson, and Binomial Data

RGCCA — 3.0.3

Regularized and Sparse Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis for Multiblock Data

RGCxGC — 1.2.0

Preprocessing and Multivariate Analysis of Bidimensional Gas Chromatography Data

rgdax — 1.2.1

Wrapper for 'Coinbase Pro (erstwhile GDAX)' Cryptocurrency Exchange

RGE — 1.0

Response from Genotype to Environment

rgee — 1.1.7

R Bindings for Calling the 'Earth Engine' API

rgeedim — 0.2.7

Search, Composite, and Download 'Google Earth Engine' Imagery with the 'Python' Module 'geedim'

rgen — 0.0.1

Random Sampling Distribution C++ Routines for Armadillo

RGenData — 1.0

Generates Multivariate Nonnormal Data and Determines How Many Factors to Retain


Tools to Generate Vector Time Series


Tools to Generate Daily-Precipitation Time Series

RGenetics — 0.1

R packages for genetics research

rgenius — 0.1.0

Get 'Genius' API Lyrics

rgenoud — 5.9-0.11

R Version of GENetic Optimization Using Derivatives

rgeoboundaries — 1.3

geoBoundaries Client

rgeoda — 0.0.10-4

R Library for Spatial Data Analysis

RGeode — 0.1.0

Geometric Density Estimation

rgeomstats — 0.0.1

Interface to 'Geomstats'

rgeopat2 — 0.4.0

Additional Functions for 'GeoPAT' 2

rgexf — 0.16.3

Build, Import, and Export GEXF Graph Files

RGF — 1.1.1

Regularized Greedy Forest

Rgff — 0.1.6

R Utilities for GFF Files

rGhanaCensus — 0.1.0

2021 Ghana Population and Housing Census Results as Data Frames

rgho — 3.0.2

Access WHO Global Health Observatory Data from R

RGIFT — 0.1-7

Create Quizzes in GIFT Format

rgl — 1.3.1

3D Visualization Using OpenGL

rgl.cry — 0.1.1

'cry' and 'rgl' — Applications in Crystallography

rgl2gltf — 1.0.5

Read and Write '.gltf' and '.glb' Files

rglobi — 0.3.4

Interface to Global Biotic Interactions

Rglpk — 0.6-5.1

R/GNU Linear Programming Kit Interface

rglplus — 1.3

Extension of the 'rgl' 3D Visualization Package

rgm — 1.0.4

Advanced Inference with Random Graphical Models

RGMM — 2.1.0

Robust Mixture Model

RGN — 1.0.0

Robust-Gauss Newton (RGN) Optimization of Sum-of-Squares Objective Function

rgnoisefilt — 1.1.2

Elimination of Noisy Samples in Regression Datasets using Noise Filters

rgnparser — 0.3.0

Parse Scientific Names

Rgof — 2.1.0

1d Goodness of Fit Tests

rgoogleads — 0.11.0

Loading Data from 'Google Ads API'

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