All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

rcccd — 0.3.2

Class Cover Catch Digraph Classification

rccola — 1.0.2

Safely Manage API Keys and Load Data from a REDCap or Other Source

RCCPCA — 0.1.0

"Retained Component Criterion for Principal Component Analysis"

rcdd — 1.6

Computational Geometry

rcDEA — 1.0

Robust and Conditional Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)

rcdk — 3.8.1

Interface to the 'CDK' Libraries

rcdklibs — 2.9

The CDK Libraries Packaged for R

RCDT — 1.3.0

Fast 2D Constrained Delaunay Triangulation

RCEIM — 0.3

R Cross Entropy Inspired Method for Optimization

rcens — 0.1.1

Generate Sample Censoring

Rcereal — 1.3.2

"Cereal Headers for R and C++ Serialization"

RcextTools — 0.1.1

Analytical Procedures in Support of Brazilian Public Sector External Auditing

RCGLS — 1.0.3

Download and Open Data Provided by the Copernicus Global Land Service

rchallenge — 1.3.4

A Simple Data Science Challenge System

rchemo — 0.1-3

Dimension Reduction, Regression and Discrimination for Chemometrics

rcheology —

Data on Base and Recommended Packages for Current and Previous Versions of R

RChest — 1.0.3

Locating Distributional Changes in Highly Dependent Time Series

RchivalTag — 0.1.9

Analyzing and Interactive Visualization of Archival Tagging Data

Rchoice — 0.3-6

Discrete Choice (Binary, Poisson and Ordered) Models with Random Parameters

rChoiceDialogs —

'rChoiceDialogs' Collection

RChronoModel — 0.4

Post-Processing of the Markov Chain Simulated by ChronoModel or Oxcal

rciplot — 0.1.1

Plot Jacobson-Truax Reliable Change Indices

RCircos — 1.2.2

Circos 2D Track Plot

rcites — 1.3.0

R Interface to the Species+ Database

RCLabels — 0.1.10

Manipulate Matrix Row and Column Labels with Ease

RClickhouse — 0.6.9

'Yandex Clickhouse' Interface for R with Basic 'dplyr' Support

RClimacell — 0.1.4

R Wrapper for the 'Climacell' API

rclipboard — 0.2.1

Shiny/R Wrapper for 'clipboard.js'

RclusTool — 0.91.6

Graphical Toolbox for Clustering and Classification of Data Frames

rCMA — 1.1.1

R-to-Java Interface for 'CMA-ES'

rcmdcheck — 1.4.0

Run 'R CMD check' from 'R' and Capture Results

Rcmdr — 2.9-4

R Commander

RcmdrMisc — 2.9-1

R Commander Miscellaneous Functions

RcmdrPlugin.aRnova — 0.0.5

R Commander Plug-in for Repeated-Measures ANOVA

RcmdrPlugin.BiclustGUI —

'Rcmdr' Plug-in GUI for Biclustering

RcmdrPlugin.BWS1 — 0.2-2

R Commander Plug-in for Case 1 Best-Worst Scaling

RcmdrPlugin.BWS2 — 0.2-2

R Commander Plug-in for Case 2 Best-Worst Scaling

RcmdrPlugin.BWS3 — 0.2-3

R Commander Plug-in for Case 3 Best-Worst Scaling

RcmdrPlugin.cpd — 0.2.0

R Commander Plug-in for Complex Pearson Distributions

RcmdrPlugin.DCCV — 0.1-5

R Commander Plug-in for Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation

RcmdrPlugin.DCE — 0.2-3

R Commander Plug-in for Discrete Choice Experiments

RcmdrPlugin.depthTools — 1.4

R Commander Depth Tools Plug-in

RcmdrPlugin.DoE — 0.12-5

R Commander Plugin for (Industrial) Design of Experiments

RcmdrPlugin.EACSPIR — 0.2-3

Plugin de R-Commander para el Manual 'EACSPIR'

RcmdrPlugin.EBM — 1.0-10

Rcmdr Evidence Based Medicine Plug-in Package

RcmdrPlugin.EcoVirtual — 1.0

Rcmdr EcoVirtual Plugin

RcmdrPlugin.Export — 0.3-1

Export R Output to LaTeX or HTML

RcmdrPlugin.EZR — 1.68

R Commander Plug-in for the EZR (Easy R) Package

RcmdrPlugin.FactoMineR — 1.8

Graphical User Interface for FactoMineR

RcmdrPlugin.GWRM — 1.0.2

R Commander Plug-in for Fitting Generalized Waring Regression Models

RcmdrPlugin.HH — 1.1-51

Rcmdr Support for the HH Package

RcmdrPlugin.KMggplot2 — 0.2-6

R Commander Plug-in for Data Visualization with 'ggplot2'

RcmdrPlugin.MA — 0.0-2

Graphical User Interface for Conducting Meta-Analyses in R

RcmdrPlugin.MPAStats — 1.2.2

R Commander Plug-in for MPA Statistics

RcmdrPlugin.NMBU — 1.8.15

R Commander Plug-in for University Level Applied Statistics

RcmdrPlugin.orloca — 4.8.2

A GUI for Planar Location Problems

RcmdrPlugin.PcaRobust — 1.1.4

R Commander Plug-in for Robust Principal Component Analysis

RcmdrPlugin.RiskDemo — 3.2

R Commander Plug-in for Risk Demonstration

RcmdrPlugin.RMTCJags — 1.0-2

R MTC Jags 'Rcmdr' Plugin

RcmdrPlugin.ROC — 1.0-19

Rcmdr Receiver Operator Characteristic Plug-in Package

RcmdrPlugin.sos — 0.3-0

Efficiently search the R help pages

RcmdrPlugin.survival — 1.3-2

R Commander Plug-in for the 'survival' Package

RcmdrPlugin.TeachingDemos — 1.2-0

Rcmdr Teaching Demos Plug-in

RcmdrPlugin.TeachStat — 1.1.3

R Commander Plugin for Teaching Statistical Methods

RcmdrPlugin.temis — 0.7.10

Graphical Integrated Text Mining Solution

RcmdrPlugin.UCA — 5.1-2

UCA Rcmdr Plug-in

RcmdrPlugin.WorldFlora — 1.3

R Commander Plug-in for the 'WorldFlora' Package

RCMinification — 1.2

Random Coefficient Minification Time Series Models

rCNV — 1.3.0

Detect Copy Number Variants from SNPs Data

rco — 1.0.2

The R Code Optimizer

rcoder — 0.3.0

Lightweight Data Structure for Recoding Categorical Data without Factors

RColetum — 0.2.2

Access your Coletum's Data from API

RColorBrewer — 1.1-3

ColorBrewer Palettes

RColorConesa — 1.0.0

Conesa Colors Palette

rcolors — 0.1.0

270 'NCL' Color Tables in R Language

Rcompadre — 1.3.0

Utilities for using the 'COM(P)ADRE' Matrix Model Database

rcompanion — 2.4.36

Functions to Support Extension Education Program Evaluation

rcompendium — 1.3

Create a Package or Research Compendium Structure

rconfig — 0.3.0

Manage R Configuration at the Command Line

RConics — 1.1.1

Computations on Conics

rcontroll — 0.1.2

Individual-Based Forest Growth Simulator 'TROLL'

rcorpora — 2.0.1

A Collection of Small Text Corpora of Interesting Data

RCPA — 0.2.3

Consensus Pathway Analysis

RCPA3 — 1.2.1

Data and Functions for R Companion to Political Analysis 3rd Ed

Rcplex — 0.3-6

R Interface to CPLEX

Rcpp — 1.0.13

Seamless R and C++ Integration

Rcpp11 —

R and C++11

RcppAlgos — 2.8.3

High Performance Tools for Combinatorics and Computational Mathematics

RcppAnnoy — 0.0.22

'Rcpp' Bindings for 'Annoy', a Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors

RcppAPT — 0.0.9

'Rcpp' Interface to the APT Package Manager

RcppArmadillo — 14.0.2-1

'Rcpp' Integration for the 'Armadillo' Templated Linear Algebra Library

RcppArray — 0.3.0

'Rcpp' Meets 'C++' Arrays

RcppBDT — 0.2.6

'Rcpp' Bindings for the Boost Date_Time Library

RcppBessel — 1.0.0

Bessel Functions Rcpp Interface

RcppBigIntAlgos — 1.1.0

Factor Big Integers with the Parallel Quadratic Sieve

RcppBlaze — 1.0.1

'Rcpp' Integration for the 'Blaze' High-Performance 'C++' Math Library

RcppCCTZ — 0.2.12

'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'CCTZ' Library

RcppCensSpatial — 0.3.0

Spatial Estimation and Prediction for Censored/Missing Responses

RcppCGAL — 5.6.4

'Rcpp' Integration for 'CGAL'

RcppClassic — 0.9.13

Deprecated 'classic' 'Rcpp' 'API'

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