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· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

pref — 0.4.0

Preference Voting with Explanatory Graphics

prefeR — 0.1.3

R Package for Pairwise Preference Elicitation

preferably — 0.4.1

A 'pkgdown' Template

preference — 1.1.6

2-Stage Preference Trial Design and Analysis

prefio — 0.1.1

Structures for Preference Data

prefmod — 0.8-36

Utilities to Fit Paired Comparison Models for Preferences

PreKnitPostHTMLRender — 0.1.0

Pre-Knitting Processing and Post HTML-Rendering Processing

PReMiuM — 3.2.13

Dirichlet Process Bayesian Clustering, Profile Regression

prenoms — 0.0.1

Names Given to Babies in Quebec Between 1980 and 2020

prepdat — 1.0.8

Preparing Experimental Data for Statistical Analysis

pRepDesigns — 1.2.0

Partially Replicated (p-Rep) Designs

prepplot — 1.0-1

Prepare Figure Region for Base Graphics

PreProcess — 3.1.7

Basic Functions for Pre-Processing Microarrays

PreProcessing — 0.1.0

Various Preprocessing Transformations of Numeric Data Matrices

PreProcessRecordLinkage — 1.0.1

Preprocessing Record Linkage

PREPShiny — 0.1.0

Interactive Document for Preprocessing the Dataset

preputils — 1.0.3

Utilities for Preparation of Data Analysis

prereg — 0.6.0

R Markdown Templates to Preregister Scientific Studies

preregr — 0.2.9

Specify (Pre)Registrations and Export Them Human- And Machine-Readably

PresenceAbsence — 1.1.11

Presence-Absence Model Evaluation

presens — 2.1.0

Interface for PreSens Fiber Optic Data

presenter — 0.1.2

Present Data with Style

presentes — 0.1.0

Registry of Victims of State Terrorism in Argentina

preseqR — 4.0.0

Predicting Species Accumulation Curves

PResiduals — 1.0-1

Probability-Scale Residuals and Residual Correlations

presize — 0.3.7

Precision Based Sample Size Calculation

presmTP — 1.1.0

Methods for Transition Probabilities

PressPurt — 1.0.2

Indeterminacy of Networks via Press Perturbations

pressuRe — 0.2.4

Imports, Processes, and Visualizes Biomechanical Pressure Data

pretest — 0.2

A Novel Approach to Predictive Accuracy Testing in Nested Environments

prettifyAddins — 2.6.1

'RStudio' Addins to Prettify 'JavaScript', 'C++', 'Python', and More

prettyB — 0.2.2

Pretty Base Graphics

prettycode — 1.1.0

Pretty Print R Code in the Terminal

PrettyCols — 1.1.0

Pretty Colour Palettes

prettydoc — 0.4.1

Creating Pretty Documents from R Markdown

prettyglm — 1.0.1

Pretty Summaries of Generalized Linear Model Coefficients

prettyGraphs — 2.1.6

Publication-Quality Graphics

prettymapr — 0.2.5

Scale Bar, North Arrow, and Pretty Margins in R

prettyR — 2.2-3

Pretty Descriptive Stats

prettyunits — 1.2.0

Pretty, Human Readable Formatting of Quantities

prevalence — 0.4.1

Tools for Prevalence Assessment Studies

prevederer — 0.0.1

Wrapper for the 'Prevedere' API

preventr — 0.10.0

An Implementation of the AHA PREVENT Equations

previsionio — 11.7.0

'' R SDK

PrevMap — 1.5.4

Geostatistical Modelling of Spatially Referenced Prevalence Data

prevR — 5.0.0

Estimating Regional Trends of a Prevalence from a DHS and Similar Surveys

prevtoinc — 0.12.0

Prevalence to Incidence Calculations for Point-Prevalence Studies in a Nosocomial Setting

pRF — 1.2

Permutation Significance for Random Forests

PriceIndices — 0.2.1

Calculating Bilateral and Multilateral Price Indexes

pricelevels — 1.3.0

Spatial Price Level Comparisons

priceR — 1.0.2

Economics and Pricing Tools

pricesensitivitymeter — 1.3.0

Van Westendorp Price Sensitivity Meter Analysis

prim — 1.0.21

Patient Rule Induction Method (PRIM)

PRIMAL — 1.0.2

Parametric Simplex Method for Sparse Learning

primate — 0.2.0

Tools and Methods for Primatological Data Science

primefactr — 0.1.1

Use Prime Factorization for Computations

primePCA — 1.2

Projected Refinement for Imputation of Missing Entries in PCA

PRIMEplus — 1.0.16

Study Design for Immunotherapy Clinical Trials

primer — 1.2.0

Functions and Data for the Book, a Primer of Ecology with R

primerTree — 1.0.6

Visually Assessing the Specificity and Informativeness of Primer Pairs

primes — 1.6.0

Fast Functions for Prime Numbers

PRIMME — 3.2-6

Eigenvalues and Singular Values and Vectors from Large Matrices

princurve — 2.1.6

Fit a Principal Curve in Arbitrary Dimension

PrInDT — 1.0.1

Prediction and Interpretation in Decision Trees for Classification and Regression

printr — 0.3

Automatically Print R Objects to Appropriate Formats According to the 'knitr' Output Format

prinvars — 1.0.0

Principal Variables

prioGene — 1.0.1

Candidate Gene Prioritization for Non-Communicable Diseases Based on Functional Information

prior3D — 0.1.1

3D Prioritization Algorithm

priorCON — 0.1.1

Graph Community Detection Methods into Systematic Conservation Planning

PriorGen — 2.0

Generates Prior Distributions for Proportions

prioriactions — 0.5.0

Multi-Action Conservation Planning

prioritizr — 8.0.4

Systematic Conservation Prioritization in R

prioritizrdata — 0.3.2

Conservation Planning Datasets

prioritylasso — 0.3.1

Analyzing Multiple Omics Data with an Offset Approach

priorsense — 1.0.3

Prior Diagnostics and Sensitivity Analysis

prism — 0.2.1

Access Data from the Oregon State Prism Climate Project

PRISM.forecast — 0.2.1

Penalized Regression with Inferred Seasonality Module - Forecasting Unemployment Initial Claims using 'Google Trends' Data

PRISMA — 0.2-7

Protocol Inspection and State Machine Analysis

PRISMA2020 — 1.1.1

Make Interactive 'PRISMA' Flow Diagrams

prismadiagramR — 1.0.0

Creates a Prisma Diagram using 'DiagrammeR'

PRISMAstatement — 1.1.1

Plot Flow Charts According to the "PRISMA" Statement

prismatic — 1.1.2

Color Manipulation Tools

prismjs — 2.0.1

Server-Side Syntax Highlighting

prisonbrief — 0.1.2

Downloads and Parses World Prison Brief Data

prithulib — 1.0.2

Perform Random Experiments

PrivateLR — 1.2-22

Differentially Private Regularized Logistic Regression


A Pseudo-Random Number Generator

prnsamplr — 0.3.0

Permanent Random Number Sampling

pro — 0.1.1

Point-Process Response Model for Optogenetics

ProAE — 1.0.1

PRO-CTCAE Scoring, Analysis, and Graphical Tools

probably — 1.0.3

Tools for Post-Processing Predicted Values

ProbBayes — 1.1

Probability and Bayesian Modeling

ProbBreed —

Probability Theory for Selecting Candidates in Plant Breeding

probe — 1.1

Sparse High-Dimensional Linear Regression with PROBE

ProbeDeveloper — 1.1.0

Develop Hybridization Probes

ProbitSpatial — 1.1

Probit with Spatial Dependence, SAR, SEM and SARAR Models

ProbMarg — 1.0.1

Computing Logit & Probit Predicted Probabilities & Marginal Effects

probout — 1.1.2

Unsupervised Multivariate Outlier Probabilities for Large Datasets

probs — 0.9.9

Elementary Probability on Finite Sample Spaces

ProbSamplingI — 2.0

Probabilistic Sampling Design and Strategies

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