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· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

movecost — 2.1

Calculation of Slope-Dependant Accumulated Cost Surface, Least-Cost Paths, Least-Cost Corridors, Least-Cost Networks Related to Human Movement Across the Landscape

movegroup — 2024.03.05

Visualizing and Quantifying Space Use Data for Groups of Animals

moveHMM — 1.9

Animal Movement Modelling using Hidden Markov Models

movementsync — 0.1.4

Analysis and Visualisation of Musical Audio and Video Movement Synchrony Data

moveWindSpeed — 0.2.4

Estimate Wind Speeds from Bird Trajectories

movieROC — 0.1.1

Visualizing the Decision Rules Underlying Binary Classification

movMF — 0.2-8

Mixtures of von Mises-Fisher Distributions

mp — 0.4.1

Multidimensional Projection Techniques

mpactr — 0.1.0

Correction of Preprocessed MS Data

mpae — 0.1.2

Metodos Predictivos de Aprendizaje Estadistico (Statistical Learning Predictive Methods)

mpath — 0.4-2.26

Regularized Linear Models

mpathsenser — 1.2.3

Process and Analyse Data from m-Path Sense

MPBoost — 0.1-6

Treatment Allocation in Clinical Trials by the Maximal Procedure

MPCI — 1.0.7

Multivariate Process Capability Indices (MPCI)

MPDiR — 0.2

Data Sets and Scripts for Modeling Psychophysical Data in R

MPGE — 1.0.0

A Two-Step Approach to Testing Overall Effect of Gene-Environment Interaction for Multiple Phenotypes

MPI — 0.1.0

Computation of Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)

mpindex — 0.2.1

Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)

mpitbR — 1.0.0

Calculate Alkire-Foster Multidimensional Poverty Measures

mplot — 1.0.6

Graphical Model Stability and Variable Selection Procedures

MplusAutomation — 1.1.1

An R Package for Facilitating Large-Scale Latent Variable Analyses in Mplus

mplusParallel.automation —

Parallel Processing Automation for 'Mplus'

MplusTrees — 0.2.2

Decision Trees with Structural Equation Models Fit in 'Mplus'

mpm — 1.0-23

Multivariate Projection Methods

mpmcorrelogram — 0.1-4

Multivariate Partial Mantel Correlogram

mpmi —

Mixed-Pair Mutual Information Estimators

mpmsim — 3.0.0

Simulation of Matrix Population Models with Defined Life History Characteristics

MPN — 0.3.0

Most Probable Number and Other Microbial Enumeration Techniques

mpoly — 1.1.1

Symbolic Computation and More with Multivariate Polynomials

mpower — 0.1.0

Power Analysis via Monte Carlo Simulation for Correlated Data

mppR — 1.5.0

Multi-Parent Population QTL Analysis

mpr — 1.0.6

Multi-Parameter Regression (MPR)

MPS — 2.3.1

Estimating Through the Maximum Product Spacing Approach

MPSEM — 0.4-4

Modelling Phylogenetic Signals using Eigenvector Maps

mpspline2 — 0.1.6

Mass-Preserving Spline Functions for Soil Data

MPsychoR — 0.10-8

Modern Psychometrics with R

mpt — 0.8-0

Multinomial Processing Tree Models

MPTinR — 1.14.1

Analyze Multinomial Processing Tree Models

MPTmultiverse — 0.4-2

Multiverse Analysis of Multinomial Processing Tree Models

MPV — 1.64

Data Sets from Montgomery, Peck and Vining

mpwR — 0.1.5

Standardized Comparison of Workflows in Mass Spectrometry-Based Bottom-Up Proteomics

MQMF — 0.1.5

Modelling and Quantitative Methods in Fisheries

Mqrcm — 1.3

M-Quantile Regression Coefficients Modeling

mr.pivw — 0.1.1

Penalized Inverse-Variance Weighted Estimator for Mendelian Randomization

mr.raps — 0.2

Two Sample Mendelian Randomization using Robust Adjusted Profile Score

MR.RGM — 0.0.3

Multivariate Bidirectional Mendelian Randomization Networks

mra — 2.16.11

Mark-Recapture Analysis

mratios — 1.4.2

Ratios of Coefficients in the General Linear Model

mrbayes — 0.5.2

Bayesian Summary Data Models for Mendelian Randomization Studies

mrbin — 1.7.5

Metabolomics Data Analysis Functions

mrbsizeR — 1.3

Scale Space Multiresolution Analysis of Random Signals

mRc — 0.1.0

Multi-Visit Closed Population Mark-Recapture Estimates

MRCE — 2.4

Multivariate Regression with Covariance Estimation

mrct —

Outlier Detection of Functional Data Based on the Minimum Regularized Covariance Trace Estimator

mrds — 2.3.0

Mark-Recapture Distance Sampling

mreg — 1.2.1

Fits Regression Models When the Outcome is Partially Missing

mregions2 — 1.1.1

Access Data from Gazetteer & Data Products

mrf — 0.1.6

Multiresolution Forecasting

mrf2d — 1.0

Markov Random Field Models for Image Analysis

MRFA — 0.6

Fitting and Predicting Large-Scale Nonlinear Regression Problems using Multi-Resolution Functional ANOVA (MRFA) Approach

MRFcov — 1.0.39

Markov Random Fields with Additional Covariates

mrfDepth — 1.0.17

Depth Measures in Multivariate, Regression and Functional Settings

mrfse — 0.4.1

Markov Random Field Structure Estimator

MRG — 0.2.14

Create Non-Confidential Multi-Resolution Grids

mrgsim.parallel — 0.2.1

Simulate with 'mrgsolve' in Parallel — 0.2.0

Sensitivity Analysis with 'mrgsolve'

mrgsolve — 1.5.1

Simulate from ODE-Based Models

MRHawkes — 1.0

Multivariate Renewal Hawkes Process

mri — 1.0.1

Modified Rand and Wallace Indices

mritc — 0.5-3

MRI Tissue Classification

MRMCaov — 0.3.0

Multi-Reader Multi-Case Analysis of Variance

MRMCsamplesize — 1.0.0

Sample Size Estimations for Planning Multi-Reader Multi-Case (MRMC) Studies Without Pilot Data

MRmediation — 1.0.1

A Causal Mediation Method with Methylated Region (MR) as the Mediator

mrMLM — 5.0.1

Multi-Locus Random-SNP-Effect Mixed Linear Model Tools for GWAS

mrMLM.GUI — 4.0.2

Multi-Locus Random-SNP-Effect Mixed Linear Model Tools for Genome-Wide Association Study with Graphical User Interface

mRMRe —

Parallelized Minimum Redundancy, Maximum Relevance (mRMR)

mro — 0.1.1

Multiple Correlation

MRPC — 3.1.0

PC Algorithm with the Principle of Mendelian Randomization

mRpostman — 1.1.4

An IMAP Client for R

MRQoL — 1.0

Minimal Clinically Important Difference and Response Shift Effect for Health-Related Quality of Life

MRReg — 0.1.5

MDL Multiresolution Linear Regression Framework

mrregression — 1.0.0

Regression Analysis for Very Large Data Sets via Merge and Reduce

MRS — 1.2.6

Multi-Resolution Scanning for Cross-Sample Differences

MRTAnalysis — 0.1.2

Primary and Secondary Analyses for Micro-Randomized Trials

MRTSampleSize — 0.3.0

A Sample Size Calculator for Micro-Randomized Trials

MRTSampleSizeBinary — 0.1.2

Sample Size Calculator for MRT with Binary Outcomes

MRZero — 0.2.0

Diet Mendelian Randomization

msae — 0.1.5

Multivariate Fay Herriot Models for Small Area Estimation

msaeHB — 0.1.0

Multivariate Small Area Estimation using Hierarchical Bayesian Method

msaenet — 3.1.2

Multi-Step Adaptive Estimation Methods for Sparse Regressions

msaFACE — 0.1.0

Moving Subset Analysis FACE

msamp — 1.0.0

Estimate Sample Size to Detect Bacterial Contamination in a Product Lot

msaR — 0.6.0

Multiple Sequence Alignment for R Shiny

MSbox — 1.4.8

Mass Spectrometry Tools

msBP — 1.4-1

Multiscale Bernstein Polynomials for Densities

MSBStatsData — 0.0.2

Data Sets for Courses at the Münster School of Business

msce — 1.0.1

Hazard of Multi-Stage Clonal Expansion Models

mschart — 0.4.0

Chart Generation for 'Microsoft Word' and 'Microsoft PowerPoint' Documents

MSclassifR — 0.3.3

Automated Classification of Mass Spectra

MSclust — 1.0.4

Multiple-Scaled Clustering

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