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· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

mixedLSR — 0.1.0

Mixed, Low-Rank, and Sparse Multivariate Regression on High-Dimensional Data

mixedMem — 1.1.2

Tools for Discrete Multivariate Mixed Membership Models

MixedPoisson — 2.0

Mixed Poisson Models

MixedPsy — 1.1.0

Statistical Tools for the Analysis of Psychophysical Data

mixedsde — 5.0

Estimation Methods for Stochastic Differential Mixed Effects Models

MixedTS — 1.0.4

Mixed Tempered Stable Distribution

mixexp — 1.2.7

Design and Analysis of Mixture Experiments

MIXFIM — 1.1

Evaluation of the FIM in NLMEMs using MCMC

MixfMRI — 0.1-3

Mixture fMRI Clustering Analysis

mixgb — 1.0.2

Multiple Imputation Through 'XGBoost'

MixGHD — 2.3.7

Model Based Clustering, Classification and Discriminant Analysis Using the Mixture of Generalized Hyperbolic Distributions

mixhvg — 1.0.1

Mixture of Multiple Highly Variable Feature Selection Methods

mixIndependR — 1.0.0

Genetics and Independence Testing of Mixed Genetic Panels

mixKernel — 0.9-1

Omics Data Integration Using Kernel Methods

mixl — 1.3.4

Simulated Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Mixed Logit Models for Large Datasets

mixlm — 1.3.0

Mixed Model ANOVA and Statistics for Education

MixMatrix — 0.2.8

Classification with Matrix Variate Normal and t Distributions

mixmeta — 1.2.0

An Extended Mixed-Effects Framework for Meta-Analysis

mixOofA — 1.0

Design and Analysis of Order-of-Addition Mixture Experiments

mixopt — 0.1.3

Mixed Variable Optimization

MixOptim — 0.1.2

Mixture Optimization Algorithm

mixPHM — 0.7-2

Mixtures of Proportional Hazard Models

mixpoissonreg — 1.0.0

Mixed Poisson Regression for Overdispersed Count Data

mixR — 0.2.0

Finite Mixture Modeling for Raw and Binned Data

mixRaschTools — 1.1.1

Plotting and Average Theta Functions for Multiple Class Mixed Rasch Models

MixRF — 1.0

A Random-Forest-Based Approach for Imputing Clustered Incomplete Data

MixSAL — 1.0

Mixtures of Multivariate Shifted Asymmetric Laplace (SAL) Distributions

MixSemiRob — 1.1.0

Mixture Models: Parametric, Semiparametric, and Robust

MixSIAR — 3.1.12

Bayesian Mixing Models in R

MixSim — 1.1-8

Simulating Data to Study Performance of Clustering Algorithms

mixsmsn — 1.1-10

Fitting Finite Mixture of Scale Mixture of Skew-Normal Distributions

mixSPE — 0.9.2

Mixtures of Power Exponential and Skew Power Exponential Distributions for Use in Model-Based Clustering and Classification

mixsqp — 0.3-54

Sequential Quadratic Programming for Fast Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of Mixture Proportions

mixSSG — 2.1.1

Clustering Using Mixtures of Sub Gaussian Stable Distributions

mixtools — 2.0.0

Tools for Analyzing Finite Mixture Models

mixtox — 1.4.0

Dose Response Curve Fitting and Mixture Toxicity Assessment

mixtur — 1.2.1

Modelling Continuous Report Visual Short-Term Memory Studies

mixture — 2.1.1

Mixture Models for Clustering and Classification

MixtureMissing — 3.0.2

Robust and Flexible Model-Based Clustering for Data Sets with Missing Values at Random

MixTwice — 2.0

Large-Scale Hypothesis Testing by Variance Mixing

MixviR — 3.5.0

Analysis and Exploration of Mixed Microbial Genomic Samples

mixvlmc — 0.2.1

Variable Length Markov Chains with Covariates

mize — 0.2.4

Unconstrained Numerical Optimization Algorithms

mizer — 2.5.1

Dynamic Multi-Species Size Spectrum Modelling

MJMbamlss — 0.1.0

Multivariate Joint Models with 'bamlss'

MKclass — 0.5

Statistical Classification

mkde — 0.3

2D and 3D Movement-Based Kernel Density Estimates (MKDEs)

MKdescr — 0.8

Descriptive Statistics

MKendall — 1.5-4

Matrix Kendall's Tau and Matrix Elliptical Factor Model

mkin — 1.2.6

Kinetic Evaluation of Chemical Degradation Data

MKinfer — 1.2

Inferential Statistics

MKLE — 1.0.1

Maximum Kernel Likelihood Estimation

MKMeans — 3.0

A Modern K-Means (MKMeans) Clustering Algorithm

MKmisc — 1.9

Miscellaneous Functions from M. Kohl

mknapsack — 0.1.0

Multiple Knapsack Problem Solver

MKomics — 0.7

Omics Data Analysis

MKpower — 1.0

Power Analysis and Sample Size Calculation

mkssd — 1.2

Efficient Multi-Level k-Circulant Supersaturated Designs

ML.MSBD — 1.2.1

Maximum Likelihood Inference on Multi-State Trees

ML2Pvae —

Variational Autoencoder Models for IRT Parameter Estimation

mlapi — 0.1.1

Abstract Classes for Building 'scikit-learn' Like API

mlbench — 2.1-5

Machine Learning Benchmark Problems

mlbplotR — 1.1.0

Create 'ggplot2' and 'gt' Visuals with Major League Baseball Logos

mlbstats — 0.1.0

Major League Baseball Player Statistics Calculator

MLCIRTwithin — 2.1.1

Latent Class Item Response Theory (LC-IRT) Models under Within-Item Multidimensionality

MLCM — 0.4.3

Maximum Likelihood Conjoint Measurement

MLCOPULA — 1.0.0

Classification Models with Copula Functions

MLDataR — 1.0.1

Collection of Machine Learning Datasets for Supervised Machine Learning

mldr — 0.4.3

Exploratory Data Analysis and Manipulation of Multi-Label Data Sets

mldr.datasets — 0.4.2

R Ultimate Multilabel Dataset Repository

mldr.resampling — 0.2.3

Resampling Algorithms for Multi-Label Datasets

MLDS — 0.5.1

Maximum Likelihood Difference Scaling

MLE — 1.1

Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Various Univariate and Multivariate Distributions — 1.0.0

Expected/Observed Fisher Information and Bias-Corrected Maximum Likelihood Estimate(s)

mlearning — 1.2.1

Machine Learning Algorithms with Unified Interface and Confusion Matrices

MLEce — 2.1.0

Asymptotic Efficient Closed-Form Estimators for Multivariate Distributions

MLEcens — 0.1-7.1

Computation of the MLE for Bivariate Interval Censored Data

mlegp — 3.1.9

Maximum Likelihood Estimates of Gaussian Processes

mlelod —

MLE for Normally Distributed Data Censored by Limit of Detection

mlergm — 0.8

Multilevel Exponential-Family Random Graph Models

MLeval — 0.3

Machine Learning Model Evaluation

mlexperiments — 0.0.4

Machine Learning Experiments

mlf — 1.2.1

Machine Learning Foundations

mlfit — 0.5.3

Iterative Proportional Fitting Algorithms for Nested Structures

mlflow — 2.16.2

Interface to 'MLflow'

MLFS — 0.4.2

Machine Learning Forest Simulator

MLGdata — 0.1.0

Datasets for Use with Salvan, Sartori and Pace (2020)

MLGL — 1.0.0

Multi-Layer Group-Lasso

MLID — 1.0.1

Multilevel Index of Dissimilarity

mlim — 0.3.0

Single and Multiple Imputation with Automated Machine Learning

mllrnrs — 0.0.4

R6-Based ML Learners for 'mlexperiments'

mlma — 6.3-1

Multilevel Mediation Analysis

mlmc — 2.0.2

Multi-Level Monte Carlo

MLmetrics — 1.1.3

Machine Learning Evaluation Metrics

mlmhelpr — 0.1.1

Multilevel/Mixed Model Helper Functions

mlmi — 1.1.2

Maximum Likelihood Multiple Imputation

MLML2R — 0.3.3

Maximum Likelihood Estimation of DNA Methylation and Hydroxymethylation Proportions

mlmm.gwas — 1.0.6

Pipeline for GWAS Using MLMM

MLModelSelection — 1.0

Model Selection in Multivariate Longitudinal Data Analysis

MLMOI — 0.1.2

Estimating Frequencies, Prevalence and Multiplicity of Infection

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