All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

neat — 1.2.4

Efficient Network Enrichment Analysis Test

neatmaps — 2.1.0

Heatmaps for Multiple Network Data

neatR — 0.2.0

Neat Data for Presentation

neatRanges — 0.1.4

Tidy Up Date/Time Ranges

neatStats — 1.13.3

Neat and Painless Statistical Reporting

nebula — 1.5.3

Negative Binomial Mixed Models Using Large-Sample Approximation for Differential Expression Analysis of ScRNA-Seq Data

Necklaces — 1.0

Necklaces and Bracelets

needmining — 0.1.1

A Simple Needmining Implementation

needs — 0.0.3

Attaches and Installs Packages

NegativeControlOutcomeAdjustment — 0.0.6

Estimation of Vaccine Efficacy using Negative Control Outcomes

NegBinBetaBinreg — 1.0

Negative Binomial and Beta Binomial Bayesian Regression Models

negenes — 1.0-12

Estimating the Number of Essential Genes in a Genome

negligible — 0.1.9

A Collection of Functions for Negligible Effect/Equivalence Testing

Neighboot — 1.0.1

Neighborhood Bootstrap Method for RDS

neighbours — 0.1-3

Neighbourhood Functions for Local-Search Algorithms

neighbr — 1.0.3

Classification, Regression, Clustering with K Nearest Neighbors

neldermead — 1.0-12

R Port of the 'Scilab' Neldermead Module

nemBM — 1.00.01

Using Network Evolution Models to Generate Networks with Selected Blockmodel Type

nemtr —

Nonparametric Extended Median Test - Cumulative Summation Method

neo2R — 2.4.2

Neo4j to R

neo4jshell — 0.1.2

Querying and Managing 'Neo4J' Databases in 'R'

neo4r — 0.1.1

A 'Neo4J' Driver

neodistr — 0.1.1

Neo-Normal Distribution

neojags — 0.1.4

Neo-Normal Distributions Family for Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Models in 'JAGS'

NEONiso — 0.7.0

Tools to Calibrate and Work with NEON Atmospheric Isotope Data

neonOS — 1.1.0

Basic Data Wrangling for NEON Observational Data

neonPlantEcology — 1.6.1

Process NEON Plant Data for Ecological Analysis

neonSoilFlux — 1.0.0

Compute Soil Carbon Fluxes for the National Ecological Observatory Network Sites

neonstore — 0.5.1

NEON Data Store

neonUtilities — 2.4.2

Utilities for Working with NEON Data

neotoma2 — 1.0.5

Working with the Neotoma Paleoecology Database

nephro — 1.4

Utilities for Nephrology

NEpiC — 1.0.1

Network Assisted Algorithm for Epigenetic Studies Using Mean and Variance Combined Signals

neptune — 0.2.3

MLOps Metadata Store - Experiment Tracking and Model Registry for Production Teams

nesRdata — 0.3.1

National Eutrophication Survey Data

nestcolor — 0.1.2

Colors for NEST Graphs

NestedCategBayesImpute — 1.2.1

Modeling, Imputing and Generating Synthetic Versions of Nested Categorical Data in the Presence of Impossible Combinations

nestedcv — 0.7.10

Nested Cross-Validation with 'glmnet' and 'caret'

nestedLogit — 0.3.2

Nested Dichotomy Logistic Regression Models

NestedMenu — 0.2.0

A Nested Menu Widget for 'Shiny' Applications

nestedmodels — 1.1.0

Tidy Modelling for Nested Data

nestedpp — 0.2.0

Performance Profiles and Nested Performance Profiles

nestfs — 1.0.3

Cross-Validated (Nested) Forward Selection

NestMRMC — 1.0

Single Reader Between-Cases AUC Estimator in Nested Data

nestr — 0.1.2

Build Nesting or Hierarchical Structures

net4pg — 0.1.1

Handle Ambiguity of Protein Identifications from Shotgun Proteomics

netassoc — 0.7.0

Inference of Species Associations from Co-Occurrence Data

netClust — 1.0.1

Model-Based Clustering of Network Data

NetCluster — 0.2

Clustering for networks

netcmc — 1.0.2

Spatio-Network Generalised Linear Mixed Models for Areal Unit and Network Data

netCoin — 2.0.48

Interactive Analytic Networks

netcom — 2.1.7

NETwork COMparison Inference

netcontrol — 0.1

Control Theory Methods for Networks

NetCoupler — 0.1.0

Inference of Causal Links Between a Network and an External Variable

NetDA — 0.2.0

Network-Based Discriminant Analysis Subject to Multi-Label Classes

netdiffuseR — 1.22.6

Analysis of Diffusion and Contagion Processes on Networks

NetExplorer — 0.0.2

Network Explorer

NetFACS — 0.5.0

Network Applications to Facial Communication Data

netgsa — 4.0.5

Network-Based Gene Set Analysis

netgwas — 1.14.3

Network-Based Genome Wide Association Studies

netie — 1.0

Antigen T Cell Interaction Estimation

NetIndices —

Estimating Network Indices, Including Trophic Structure of Foodwebs in R

NetInt — 1.0.0

Methods for Unweighted and Weighted Network Integration

NetLogoR — 1.0.5

Build and Run Spatially Explicit Agent-Based Models

netmap — 0.1.4

Represent Network Objects on a Map

netmediate — 1.0.1

Micro-Macro Analysis for Social Networks

netmeta — 2.9-0

Network Meta-Analysis using Frequentist Methods

netmhc2pan — 1.3.2

Interface to 'NetMHCIIpan'

NetMix —

Dynamic Mixed-Membership Network Regression Model

NetOrigin — 1.1-6

Origin Estimation for Propagation Processes on Complex Networks

netplot — 0.3-0

Beautiful Graph Drawing

NetPreProc — 1.2

Network Pre-Processing and Normalization

netrankr — 1.2.3

Analyzing Partial Rankings in Networks

netregR — 1.0.1

Regression of Network Responses

NetRep — 1.2.7

Permutation Testing Network Module Preservation Across Datasets

netropy — 0.2.0

Statistical Entropy Analysis of Network Data

nets — 0.9.1

Network Estimation for Time Series

netseer — 0.1.0

Graph Prediction from a Graph Time Series

netseg — 1.0-2

Measures of Network Segregation and Homophily

netSEM — 0.6.2

Network Structural Equation Modeling

netShiny — 1.0

Tool for Comparison and Visualization of Multiple Networks

NetSimR — 0.1.5

Actuarial Functions for Non-Life Insurance Modelling

netstat — 0.1.2

Retrieve Network Statistics Including Available TCP Ports

NetSwan — 0.1

Network Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis

nett — 1.0.0

Network Analysis and Community Detection

nettskjemar — 0.1.4

Connect to the '' API of the University of Oslo

netUtils — 0.8.2

A Collection of Tools for Network Analysis

NetWeaver — 0.0.6

Graphic Presentation of Complex Genomic and Network Data Analysis

network — 1.18.2

Classes for Relational Data

networkABC — 0.8-1

Network Reverse Engineering with Approximate Bayesian Computation

NetworkChange — 0.8

Bayesian Package for Network Changepoint Analysis

NetworkComparisonTest — 2.2.2

Statistical Comparison of Two Networks Based on Several Invariance Measures

NetworkComparr —

Statistical Comparison of Networks

networkD3 — 0.4

D3 JavaScript Network Graphs from R

NetworkDistance — 0.3.4

Distance Measures for Networks

networkDynamic — 0.11.4

Dynamic Extensions for Network Objects

networkDynamicData — 0.2.1

Dynamic (Longitudinal) Network Datasets

NetworkExtinction — 1.0.3

Extinction Simulation in Ecological Networks

networkGen — 0.1.1

Network Maze Generator

NetworkInference — 1.2.4

Inferring Latent Diffusion Networks

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