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leaflet.extras — 2.0.1

Extra Functionality for 'leaflet' Package

leaflet.extras2 — 1.2.2

Extra Functionality for 'leaflet' Package

leaflet.minicharts — 0.6.2

Mini Charts for Interactive Maps

leaflet.providers — 2.0.0

Leaflet Providers

leafpm — 0.1.0

Leaflet Map Plugin for Drawing and Editing

leafpop — 0.1.0

Include Tables, Images and Graphs in Leaflet Pop-Ups

leafR — 0.3.5

Calculates the Leaf Area Index (LAD) and Other Related Functions

leafSTAR — 1.0

Silhouette to Area Ratio of Tilted Surfaces

leafsync — 0.1.0

Small Multiples for Leaflet Web Maps

leaftime — 0.2.0

'Leaflet-timeline' Plugin for Leaflet

leakyIV — 0.0.1

Leaky Instrumental Variables

leanpubr — 0.3.1

'Leanpub' API Interface

leapgp — 1.0.0

Localized Ensemble of Approximate Gaussian Processes

leapp — 1.3

Latent Effect Adjustment After Primary Projection

leaps — 3.2

Regression Subset Selection

LeArEst — 1.0.0

Border and Area Estimation of Data Measured with Additive Error

LearnBayes — 2.15.1

Functions for Learning Bayesian Inference

LearnClust — 1.1

Learning Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms

LearnGeom — 1.5

Learning Plane Geometry

learningr — 0.29.1

Data and Functions to Accompany the Book "Learning R"

LearningRlab — 2.4

Statistical Learning Functions

LearningStats — 0.1.0

Elemental Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

learningtower — 1.0.1

OECD PISA Datasets from 2000-2018 in an Easy-to-Use Format

LearnPCA — 0.3.4

Functions, Data Sets and Vignettes to Aid in Learning Principal Components Analysis (PCA)

learnPopGen — 1.0.4

Population Genetic Simulations & Numerical Analysis

learnr — 0.11.5

Interactive Tutorials for R

learnrbook — 2.0.1

Datasets and Code Examples from P. J. Aphalo's "Learn R" Book

LearnSL — 1.0.0

Learn Supervised Classification Methods Through Examples and Code

leastcostpath — 2.0.12

Modelling Pathways and Movement Potential Within a Landscape

ledger — 2.0.11

Utilities for Importing Data from Plain Text Accounting Files

leem — 0.1.0

Laboratory of Teaching to Statistics and Mathematics

lefko3 — 6.3.1

Historical and Ahistorical Population Projection Matrix Analysis

legion — 0.1.2

Forecasting Using Multivariate Models

legislatoR — 1.1.0

Interface to the Comparative Legislators Database

LEGIT — 1.4.1

Latent Environmental & Genetic InTeraction (LEGIT) Model

legocolors — 0.4.0

Official Lego Color Palettes

lehdr — 1.1.3

Grab Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) Flat Files

lehuynh — 0.1.1

Le-Huynh Truc-Ly's R Code and Templates

leiden —

R Implementation of Leiden Clustering Algorithm

leidenAlg — 1.1.3

Implements the Leiden Algorithm via an R Interface

leidenbase — 0.1.30

R and C/C++ Wrappers to Run the Leiden find_partition() Function

leiv — 2.0-7

Bivariate Linear Errors-In-Variables Estimation

LeMaRns — 0.1.2

Length-Based Multispecies Analysis by Numerical Simulation

lemna — 1.0.1

Lemna Ecotox Effect Model

lemon — 0.4.9

Freshing Up your 'ggplot2' Plots

lenght — 0.1.0

Allow Misspellings of Length Function

lenses — 0.0.3

Elegant Data Manipulation with Lenses

leontief — 0.3

Input-Output Analysis

leprechaun — 1.0.0

Create Simple 'Shiny' Applications as Packages

leptokurticMixture — 1.1

Implements Parsimonious Finite Mixtures of Multivariate Elliptical Leptokurtic-Normals

lero.lero — 0.2

Generate 'Lero Lero' Quotes

less — 0.1.0

Learning with Subset Stacking

lessR — 4.3.7

Less Code, More Results

lessSEM — 1.5.5

Non-Smooth Regularization for Structural Equation Models

lest — 1.1.0

Vectorised Nested if-else Statements Similar to CASE WHEN in 'SQL'

lestat — 1.9

A Package for Learning Statistics

letsR — 5.0

Data Handling and Analysis in Macroecology

lettervalue — 0.2.1

Computing Letter Values

levitate — 0.2.0

Fuzzy String Comparison

LexFindR — 1.1.0

Find Related Items and Lexical Dimensions in a Lexicon

lexicon — 1.2.1

Lexicons for Text Analysis

lexiconPT — 0.1.0

Lexicons for Portuguese Text Analysis

LexisNexisTools — 1.0.0

Working with Files from 'LexisNexis'

LexisPlotR — 0.4.0

Plot Lexis Diagrams for Demographic Purposes

lexRankr — 0.5.2

Extractive Summarization of Text with the LexRank Algorithm

lfactors — 1.0.4

Factors with Levels

LFApp — 1.4.1

Shiny Apps for Lateral Flow Assays

lfc — 0.2.3

Log Fold Change Distribution Tools for Working with Ratios of Counts

lfda — 1.1.3

Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis

LFDR.MLE — 1.0.1

Estimation of the Local False Discovery Rates by Type II Maximum Likelihood Estimation

LFDR.MME — 1.0

Estimating Local False Discovery Rates Using the Method of Moments

LFDREmpiricalBayes — 1.0

Estimating Local False Discovery Rates Using Empirical Bayes Methods

lfe — 3.0-0

Linear Group Fixed Effects

lfl — 2.2.0

Linguistic Fuzzy Logic

lfmm — 1.1

Latent Factor Mixed Models

lfproQC — 0.3.0

Quality Control for Label-Free Proteomics Expression Data

lfstat — 0.9.12

Calculation of Low Flow Statistics for Daily Stream Flow Data

lg — 0.4.1

Locally Gaussian Distributions: Estimation and Methods

lgarch — 0.6-2

Simulation and Estimation of Log-GARCH Models

lgcp — 2.0

Log-Gaussian Cox Process

LGDtoolkit — 0.2.0

Collection of Tools for LGD Rating Model Development

LGEWIS — 1.1

Tests for Genetic Association/Gene-Environment Interaction in Longitudinal Studies

lglasso — 0.1.0

Longitudinal Graphical Lasso

lgpr — 1.2.4

Longitudinal Gaussian Process Regression

lgr — 0.4.4

A Fully Featured Logging Framework

lgrdata — 0.1.1

Example Datasets for a Learning Guide to R

lgrExtra — 0.0.9

Extra Appenders for 'lgr'

LGRF — 1.0

Set-Based Tests for Genetic Association in Longitudinal Studies

lgtdl — 1.1.5

A Set of Methods for Longitudinal Data Objects

LHD — 1.4.0

Latin Hypercube Designs (LHDs)

lhmixr — 0.1.0

Fit Sex-Specific Life History Models with Missing Classifications

lhs — 1.2.0

Latin Hypercube Samples

libbib — 1.6.4

Various Utilities for Library Science/Assessment and Cataloging

libcoin — 1.0-10

Linear Test Statistics for Permutation Inference

libgeos — 3.11.1-2

Open Source Geometry Engine ('GEOS') C API

LiblineaR — 2.10-24

Linear Predictive Models Based on the LIBLINEAR C/C++ Library

LibOPF — 2.6.2

Design of Optimum-Path Forest Classifiers

libr — 1.3.4

Libraries, Data Dictionaries, and a Data Step for R

Libra — 1.7

Linearized Bregman Algorithms for Generalized Linear Models

librarian — 1.8.1

Install, Update, Load Packages from CRAN, 'GitHub', and 'Bioconductor' in One Step

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