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h3jsr — 1.3.1

Access Uber's H3 Library

h3lib — 0.1.3

Exposes the 'Uber' 'H3' Library to R Packages

h3r — 0.1.1

Hexagonal Hierarchical Geospatial Indexing System

haarfisz — 4.5.4

Software to Perform Haar Fisz Transforms

habCluster — 1.0.5

Detecting Spatial Clustering Based on Connection Cost Between Grids

hablar — 0.3.2

Non-Astonishing Results in R

habtools — 1.0.5

Tools and Metrics for 3D Surfaces and Objects

HAC — 1.1-1

Estimation, Simulation and Visualization of Hierarchical Archimedean Copulae (HAC)

hackeRnews — 0.1.0

Wrapper for the 'Official Hacker News' API

hacksaw — 0.0.2

Additional Tools for Splitting and Cleaning Data

hacksig — 0.1.2

A Tidy Framework to Hack Gene Expression Signatures

HACSim — 1.0.6-1

Iterative Extrapolation of Species' Haplotype Accumulation Curves for Genetic Diversity Assessment

HadamardR — 1.0.0

Hadamard Matrix Generation

HaDeX — 1.2.2

Analysis and Visualisation of Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry Data

HadIBDs — 1.0.1

Incomplete Block Designs using Hadamard Matrix (HadIBDs)

hagis — 3.1.12

Analysis of Plant Pathogen Pathotype Complexities, Distributions and Diversity

hahmmr — 1.0.0

Haplotype-Aware Hidden Markov Model for RNA

hakaiApi — 1.0.2

Authenticated HTTP Request Client for the 'Hakai' API

hal9001 — 0.4.6

The Scalable Highly Adaptive Lasso

haldensify — 0.2.3

Highly Adaptive Lasso Conditional Density Estimation

halfcircle — 0.1.0

Plot Halfcircle Diagram

halfmoon — 0.1.0

Techniques to Build Better Balance

halk — 0.0.5

Methods to Create Hierarchical Age Length Keys for Age Assignment

hamlet — 0.9.6

Hierarchical Optimal Matching and Machine Learning Toolbox

handcodeR — 0.1.2

Text Annotation App

handlr — 0.3.0

Convert Among Citation Formats

HandTill2001 — 1.0.1

Multiple Class Area under ROC Curve

handwriter — 3.1.1

Handwriting Analysis in R

handwriterApp — 1.0.1

A 'shiny' Application for Handwriting Analysis

handyFunctions — 0.1.0

Useful Functions for Handfully Manipulating and Analyzing Data with Data.frame Format

handyplots — 1.1.3

Handy Plots

hans — 0.1

Haversines are not Slow

hansard — 0.8.0

Provides Easy Downloading Capabilities for the UK Parliament API

HanStat — 0.90.0

Package for Easy Interpretation of Statistical Methods

hapassoc — 1.2-9

Inference of Trait Associations with SNP Haplotypes and Other Attributes using the EM Algorithm

Hapi — 0.0.3

Inference of Chromosome-Length Haplotypes Using Genomic Data of Single Gamete Cells

Haplin — 7.3.2

Analyzing Case-Parent Triad and/or Case-Control Data with SNP Haplotypes

haplo.ccs — 1.3.2

Estimate Haplotype Relative Risks in Case-Control Data

haplo.stats — 1.9.7

Statistical Analysis of Haplotypes with Traits and Covariates when Linkage Phase is Ambiguous

HaploCatcher — 1.0.4

A Predictive Haplotyping Package

haploR — 4.0.7

Query 'HaploReg', 'RegulomeDB'

HaploSim —

Functions to Simulate Haplotypes

haplotyper — 0.1

Tool for Clustering Genotypes in Haplotypes

haplotypes —

Manipulating DNA Sequences and Estimating Unambiguous Haplotype Network with Statistical Parsimony

happign — 0.3.1

R Interface to 'IGN' Web Services

happytime — 0.1.0

Two Games to Relieve the Boredom

hapsim — 0.31

Haplotype Data Simulation

harbinger — 1.0.787

A Unified Time Series Event Detection Framework

hardhat — 1.4.0

Construct Modeling Packages

HardyWeinberg — 1.7.8

Statistical Tests and Graphics for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

harmonicmeanp — 3.0.1

Harmonic Mean p-Values and Model Averaging by Mean Maximum Likelihood

harmonizer — 0.3.2

Harmonizing CN8 and PC8 Product Codes

harmony — 1.2.1

Fast, Sensitive, and Accurate Integration of Single Cell Data

harmonydata — 0.1.1

R Library for 'Harmony'

harrietr — 0.2.3

Wrangle Phylogenetic Distance Matrices and Other Utilities

harrypotter — 2.1.1

Palettes Generated from All "Harry Potter" Movies

Harvest.Tree — 1.1

Harvest the Classification Tree

hash —

Full Featured Implementation of Hash Tables/Associative Arrays/Dictionaries

hashids — 0.9.0

Generate Short Unique YouTube-Like IDs (Hashes) from Integers

hashr — 0.1.4

Hash R Objects to Integers Fast

Hassani.SACF — 2.0

Computing Lower Bound of Ljung-Box Test

Hassani.Silva — 1.0

A Test for Comparing the Predictive Accuracy of Two Sets of Forecasts

hasseDiagram — 0.2.0

Drawing Hasse Diagram

haven — 2.5.4

Import and Export 'SPSS', 'Stata' and 'SAS' Files

hawkes — 0.0-4

Hawkes process simulation and calibration toolkit

hawkesbow — 1.0.3

Estimation of Hawkes Processes from Binned Observations

HazardDiff — 0.1.0

Conditional Treatment Effect for Competing Risks

hazer — 1.1.1

Identifying Foggy and Cloudy Images by Quantifying Haziness

hbal — 1.2.12

Hierarchically Regularized Entropy Balancing

hbamr — 2.3.1

Hierarchical Bayesian Aldrich-McKelvey Scaling via 'Stan'

hBayesDM — 1.2.1

Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling of Decision-Making Tasks

hbbr — 1.1.2

Hierarchical Bayesian Benefit-Risk Assessment Using Discrete Choice Experiment

hbim — 1.1.2

Hill/Bliss Independence Model for Combination Vaccines

hbmem — 0.3-4

Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis of Recognition Memory

hbsae — 1.2

Hierarchical Bayesian Small Area Estimation

HBSTM — 1.0.2

Hierarchical Bayesian Space-Time Models for Gaussian Space-Time Data


Modular Hydrological Model

hcandersenr — 0.2.0

H.C. Andersens Fairy Tales

hcci — 1.1.0

Interval Estimation of Linear Models with Heteroskedasticity

HCD — 1.0

Hierarchical Community Detection by Recursive Partitioning

hce — 0.6.3

Design and Analysis of Hierarchical Composite Endpoints

hchinamap — 0.1.0

Mapping China and Its Provinces

hcidata — 0.1.0

HCI Datasets

hclust1d — 0.1.1

Hierarchical Clustering of Univariate (1d) Data

hclusteasy — 0.1.0

Determining Hierarchical Clustering Easily

HCmodelSets — 1.1.3

Regression with a Large Number of Potential Explanatory Variables

HCR — 0.1.1

Causal Discovery from Discrete Data using Hidden Compact Representation

HCT — 0.1.3

Calculates Significance Criteria and Power for a Single Arm Trial

HCTDesign — 0.7.2

Group Sequential Design for Historical Control Trial with Survival Outcome

HCTR — 0.1.1

Higher Criticism Tuned Regression

hctrial — 0.1.0

Using Historical Controls for Designing Phase II Clinical Trials

hda — 0.2-14

Heteroscedastic Discriminant Analysis

hdar — 1.0.0

'REST' API Client for Accessing Data on 'WEkEO HDA V2'

hdbayes — 0.1.1

Bayesian Analysis of Generalized Linear Models with Historical Data

hdbinseg — 1.0.2

Change-Point Analysis of High-Dimensional Time Series via Binary Segmentation

hdbm — 0.9.0

High Dimensional Bayesian Mediation Analysis

hdbma — 1.0

Bayesian Mediation Analysis with High-Dimensional Data

HDBRR — 1.1.4

High Dimensional Bayesian Ridge Regression without MCMC

hdcate — 0.1.0

Estimation of Conditional Average Treatment Effects with High-Dimensional Data

HDCD — 1.1

High-Dimensional Changepoint Detection

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