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0.95 by Taiyun Wei, 5 months ago
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Authors: Taiyun Wei [cre, aut] , Viliam Simko [aut] , Michael Levy [ctb] , Yihui Xie [ctb] , Yan Jin [ctb] , Jeff Zemla [ctb] , Moritz Freidank [ctb] , Jun Cai [ctb] , Tomas Protivinsky [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Suggests seriation, knitr, RColorBrewer, rmarkdown, magrittr, prettydoc, testthat
Imported by BNSP, BasketballAnalyzeR, CINNA, Correlplot, DGP4LCF, EMC2, EcotoneFinder, ExPanDaR, GoodmanKruskal, ModelMap, MultiTraits, MultivariateAnalysis, NetworkToolbox, PLNmodels, Path.Analysis, PsychWordVec, RQdeltaCT, RclusTool, Rprofet, SLEMI, TestDimorph, adproclus, aslib, autoScorecard, bigtime, brsim, cases, coda4microbiome, drought, dynRB, echarts4r, fabMix, factorstochvol, frechet, grapesAgri1, jSDM, ldsep, mastif, metaGE, miceRanger, mixKernel, popstudy, rstatix, scRNAtools, shinyr, uHMM, veccompare, visvaR.
Depended on by rQSAR, twl, varoc.
Suggested by ClustImpute, DisaggregateTS, FRESA.CAD, GGMncv, HTLR, HVT, Hmsc, VisCollin, bakR, boral, bullseye, candisc, colourvision, ctmva, dendextend, ecostats, facmodCS, facmodTS, ggbiplot, gllvm, kergp, knitrBootstrap, mashr, missSBM, mpactr, multiocc, rattle, rmcorr, sageR, textreg.
See at CRAN