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2.0 by Jenni Niku, 3 months ago,
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Authors: Jenni Niku [aut, cre] , Wesley Brooks [aut] , Riki Herliansyah [aut] , Francis K.C. Hui [aut] , Pekka Korhonen [aut] , Sara Taskinen [aut] , Bert van der Veen [aut] , David I. Warton [aut]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-2 license
Imports MASS, Matrix, statmod, fishMod, mgcv, alabama, nloptr, methods
Depends on TMB
Suggests knitr, rmarkdown, testthat, gclus, corrplot, lattice, mvabund, ape, parallel
Linking to TMB, RcppEigen
Suggested by ecostats.
See at CRAN