All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

cyclocomp — 1.1.1

Cyclomatic Complexity of R Code

cycloids — 1.0.2

Tools for Calculating Hypocycloids, Epicycloids, Hypotrochoids, and Epitrochoids

cyclomort — 1.0.2

Survival Modeling with a Periodic Hazard Function

Cyclops — 3.4.1

Cyclic Coordinate Descent for Logistic, Poisson and Survival Analysis

cyclotomic — 1.3.0

The Field of Cyclotomic Numbers

cyjShiny — 1.0.42

Cytoscape.js Shiny Widget (cyjShiny)

cylcop — 0.2.0

Circular-Linear Copulas with Angular Symmetry for Movement Data

cymruservices — 0.5.0

Query 'Team Cymru' 'IP' Address, Autonomous System Number ('ASN'), Border Gateway Protocol ('BGP'), Bogon and 'Malware' Hash Data Services

cyphr — 1.1.4

High Level Encryption Wrappers

cystiSim — 0.1.0

Agent-Based Model for Taenia_solium Transmission and Control

CytobankAPI — 2.2.1

Cytobank API Wrapper for R

cytofan — 0.1.0

Plot Fan Plots for Cytometry Data using 'ggplot2'

cytometree — 2.0.2

Automated Cytometry Gating and Annotation

cytominer — 0.2.2

Methods for Image-Based Cell Profiling

CytOpT — 0.9.4

Optimal Transport for Gating Transfer in Cytometry Data with Domain Adaptation

CytoSimplex — 0.1.1

Simplex Visualization of Cell Fate Similarity in Single-Cell Data

czechrates — 0.2.5

Czech Interest & Foreign Exchange Rates

czso — 0.4.1

Use Open Data from the Czech Statistical Office in R

D2MCS — 1.0.1

Data Driving Multiple Classifier System

D3GB — 2.0

Interactive Genome Browser

D3mirt — 2.0.4

Descriptive 3D Multidimensional Item Response Theory Modelling

d3Network —

Tools for creating D3 JavaScript network, tree, dendrogram, and Sankey graphs from R

D3partitionR — 0.5.0

Interactive Charts of Nested and Hierarchical Data with 'D3.js'

d3plus — 0.1.0

Seamless 'D3Plus' Integration

d3po — 0.5.5

Fast and Beautiful Interactive Visualization for 'Markdown' and 'Shiny'

d3r — 1.1.0

'd3.js' Utilities for R

d3Tree — 0.3.0

Create Interactive Collapsible Trees with the JavaScript 'D3' Library

d4storagehub4R — 0.4-4

Interface to 'D4Science' 'StorageHub' API

D4TAlink.light — 2.1.14

FAIR Data - Workflow Management

DA — 1.2.0

Discriminant Analysis for Evolutionary Inference

DAAG — 1.25.6

Data Analysis and Graphics Data and Functions

DAAGbio — 0.63-4

Data Sets and Functions, for Demonstrations with Expression Arrays and Gene Sequences

daarem — 0.7

Damped Anderson Acceleration with Epsilon Monotonicity for Accelerating EM-Like Monotone Algorithms

dabestr — 2023.9.12

Data Analysis using Bootstrap-Coupled Estimation

dabr — 0.0.4

Database Management with R

dacc — 0.0-5

Detection and Attribution Analysis of Climate Change

DACF — 1.0.0

Data Analysis with Ceiling and/or Floor Data

dad — 4.1.2

Three-Way / Multigroup Data Analysis Through Densities

dadjoke — 1.0

Displays a Dad Joke

dadjokeapi — 1.0.2

Return a Random Dad Joke

dados — 0.1.0

Translate Datasets to Portuguese

dae — 3.2.28

Functions Useful in the Design and ANOVA of Experiments

daewr — 1.2-11

Design and Analysis of Experiments with R

daff — 1.1.1

Diff, Patch and Merge for Data.frames

dafishr — 1.0.1

Download, Wrangle, and Analyse Vessel Monitoring System Data

dafs — 1.0-38

Data Analysis for Forensic Scientists

dagirlite — 0.1.0

Spatial Vector Data for Danmarks Administrative Geografiske Inddeling DAGI

dagitty — 0.3-4

Graphical Analysis of Structural Causal Models

dagR — 1.2.1

Directed Acyclic Graphs: Analysis and Data Simulation

dagwood — 0.1.4

DAGs with Omitted Objects Displayed (DAGWOOD)

dail — 1.5.2

Data from Access to Information Law

DAIME — 2.1.3

Effects of Changing Deposition Rates

daiquiri — 1.1.1

Data Quality Reporting for Temporal Datasets

daiR — 1.0.0

Interface with Google Cloud Document AI API

DAISIE — 4.4.1

Dynamical Assembly of Islands by Speciation, Immigration and Extinction

DAISIEprep — 0.4.0

Extracts Phylogenetic Island Community Data from Phylogenetic Trees

DAKS — 2.1-3

Data Analysis and Knowledge Spaces

DALEX — 2.4.3

moDel Agnostic Language for Exploration and eXplanation

DALEXtra — 2.3.0

Extension for 'DALEX' Package

DALSM — 0.9.1

Nonparametric Double Additive Location-Scale Model (DALSM)

daltoolbox — 1.0.767

Leveraging Experiment Lines to Data Analytics

daltoolboxdp — 1.0.767

Data Pre-Processing Extensions

DALY — 1.5.0

The DALY Calculator - Graphical User Interface for Probabilistic DALY Calculation in R

dam — 0.0.1

Data Analysis Metabolomics

damAOI — 0.1

Create an 'Area of Interest' Around a Constructed Dam for Comparative Impact Evaluations

DamiaNN — 1.0.0

Neural Network Numerai


Dynamic Assembly Model of Colonization, Local Extinction and Speciation

damr — 0.3.7

Interface to Drosophila Activity Monitor System Result Files

dams — 0.3.0

Dams in the United States from the National Inventory of Dams (NID)

DandEFA — 1.6

Dandelion Plot for R-Mode Exploratory Factor Analysis

dang — 0.0.16

'Dang' Associated New Goodies

dani — 0.1-1

Design and Analysis of Non-Inferiority Trials

DanielBiostatistics10th — 0.2.4

Functions for Wayne W. Daniel's Biostatistics, Tenth Edition

dann — 1.0.0

Discriminant Adaptive Nearest Neighbor Classification

danstat — 0.2.0

R Client for the Statistics Denmark Databank API

dapper — 1.0.0

Data Augmentation for Private Posterior Estimation

daqapo — 0.3.2

Data Quality Assessment for Process-Oriented Data

DArand —

Differential Analysis with Random Reference Genes

Dark — 0.9.8

The Analysis of Dark Adaptation Data

DarkDiv — 0.3.0

Estimating Dark Diversity and Site-Specific Species Pools

darksky — 1.3.0

Tools to Work with the 'Dark Sky' 'API'

dartR — 2.9.7

Importing and Analysing 'SNP' and 'Silicodart' Data Generated by Genome-Wide Restriction Fragment Analysis

dartR.base — 0.98

Analysing 'SNP' and 'Silicodart' Data - Basic Functions

dartR.captive — 0.75

Analysing 'SNP' Data to Support Captive Breeding — 1.0.8

Auxiliary Data Package for Our Main Package 'dartR'

dartR.popgen — 1.0.0

Analysing 'SNP' and 'Silicodart' Data Generated by Genome-Wide Restriction Fragment Analysis

dartR.sexlinked — 1.0.5

Analysing SNP Data to Identify Sex-Linked Markers

dartR.sim — 0.70

Computer Simulations of 'SNP' Data

dartR.spatial — 0.78

Applying Landscape Genomic Methods on 'SNP' and 'Silicodart' Data

dartRverse — 1.0.2

Install and Load the 'dartRverse' Suits of Packages

dashboardthemes — 1.1.6

Customise the Appearance of 'shinydashboard' Applications using Themes

Dasst — 0.3.4

Tools for Reading, Processing and Writing 'DSSAT' Files

dat — 0.5.0

Tools for Data Manipulation

data.table — 1.16.0

Extension of `data.frame`

data.tree — 1.1.0

General Purpose Hierarchical Data Structure

data.validator — 0.2.1

Automatic Data Validation and Reporting

data360r — 1.0.9

Wrapper for 'TCdata360' and 'Govdata360' API

DatabaseConnector — 6.3.2

Connecting to Various Database Platforms

DatabaseConnectorJars — 1.1.0

JAR Dependencies for the 'DatabaseConnector' Package

DatabionicSwarm — 2.0.0

Swarm Intelligence for Self-Organized Clustering

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