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TSsmoothing — 0.1.0

Trend Estimation of Univariate and Bivariate Time Series with Controlled Smoothness

TSSS — 1.3.4-5

Time Series Analysis with State Space Model

TSstudio — 0.1.7

Functions for Time Series Analysis and Forecasting

TSSVM — 0.1.0

Time Series Forecasting using SVM Model

tstests — 1.0.0

Time Series Goodness of Fit and Forecast Evaluation Tests

tstools — 0.4.3

A Time Series Toolbox for Official Statistics

TSTutorial — 1.2.7

Fitting and Predict Time Series Interactive Laboratory

tsutils — 0.9.4

Time Series Exploration, Modelling and Forecasting

TSVC — 1.5.3

Tree-Structured Modelling of Varying Coefficients

tsvio — 1.0.6

Simple Utilities for Tab-Separated-Value (TSV) Files

tsviz — 0.1.0

Easy and Interactive Time Series Visualization

tsvr — 1.0.2

Timescale-Specific Variance Ratio for Use in Community Ecology

tswge — 2.1.0

Time Series for Data Science

tsxtreme — 0.3.3

Bayesian Modelling of Extremal Dependence in Time Series

TT — 0.98

Display Tree Structured Data using Datatable Widget (DT)

TTAinterfaceTrendAnalysis — 1.5.10

Temporal Trend Analysis Graphical Interface

ttbary — 0.3-1

Barycenter Methods for Spatial Point Patterns

ttbbeer — 1.1.0

US Beer Statistics from TTB

TTCA — 0.1.1

Transcript Time Course Analysis

ttcg — 1.0.1

Three-Term Conjugate Gradient for Unconstrained Optimization

ttdo — 0.0.9

Extend 'tinytest' with 'diffobj'

tth — 4.16-0

TeX-to-HTML/MathML Translators TtH/TtM

tTOlr — 0.2.3

Likelihood Ratio Statistics for One or Two Sample T-Tests

TTR — 0.24.4

Technical Trading Rules

TTS — 1.1

Master Curve Estimates Corresponding to Time-Temperature Superposition

ttScreening — 1.6

Genome-Wide DNA Methylation Sites Screening by Use of Training and Testing Samples

ttservice — 0.4.1

A Service for Tidy Transcriptomics Software Suite

ttt — 1.0

The Table Tool

tttplot — 1.1.1

Time to Target Plot

ttutils — 1.0-1.1

Utility Functions

tuber — 0.9.9

Client for the YouTube API

tubern — 0.1.0

R Client for the YouTube Analytics and Reporting API

tuckerR.mmgg — 1.5.1

Three-Mode Principal Components Analysis

TUFLOWR — 0.1.1

Helper Functions for 'TUFLOW FV' Models

tufte — 0.13

Tufte's Styles for R Markdown Documents

tufterhandout — 1.2.1

Tufte-style html document format for rmarkdown

TukeyC — 1.3-42

Conventional Tukey Test

TukeyGH77 — 0.1.2

Tukey g-&-h Distribution

TukeyRegion —

Tukey Region and Median

tukeytrend — 0.7

Tukeys Trend Test via Multiple Marginal Models

TULIP — 1.0.2

A Toolbox for Linear Discriminant Analysis with Penalties

tumgr — 0.0.4

Tumor Growth Rate Analysis

tune — 1.2.1

Tidy Tuning Tools

TunePareto — 2.5.3

Multi-Objective Parameter Tuning for Classifiers

tuneR — 1.4.7

Analysis of Music and Speech

tuneRanger — 0.7

Tune Random Forest of the 'ranger' Package

tuple — 0.4-02

Find every match, or orphan, duplicate, triplicate, or other replicated values

turboEM — 2021.1

A Suite of Convergence Acceleration Schemes for EM, MM and Other Fixed-Point Algorithms

turkeyelections — 0.1.2

The Most Comprehensive R Package for Turkish Election Results

turner — 0.1.9

Turn Vectors and Lists of Vectors into Indexed Structures

TurtleGraphics — 1.0-8

Turtle Graphics

Tushare — 0.1.4

Interface to 'Tushare Pro' API

tutorial.helpers — 0.3.0

Helper Functions for Creating Tutorials

TUWmodel — 1.1-1

Lumped/Semi-Distributed Hydrological Model for Education Purposes

tv — 2.0.2

Tools for Creating Time-Varying Datasets

tvem — 1.4.1

Time-Varying Effect Models

tvgarch — 2.4.2

Time Varying GARCH Modelling

tvgeom — 1.0.1

The Time-Varying (Right-Truncated) Geometric Distribution

tvm — 0.5.2

Time Value of Money Functions

tvmComp — 1.0.2

Discounting and Compounding Calculations for Various Scenarios

tvmediation — 1.1.0

Time Varying Mediation Analysis

TVMM — 3.2.1

Multivariate Tests for the Vector of Means

tvR — 0.3.2

Total Variation Regularization

tvReg — 0.5.9

Time-Varying Coefficient for Single and Multi-Equation Regressions

tvthemes — 1.3.3

TV Show Themes and Color Palettes for 'ggplot2' Graphics

twang — 2.6

Toolkit for Weighting and Analysis of Nonequivalent Groups

twangContinuous — 1.0.0

Toolkit for Weighting and Analysis of Nonequivalent Groups - Continuous Exposures

twangMediation — 1.2

Twang Causal Mediation Modeling via Weighting

twangRDC — 1.0

Gradient Boosting for Linkage Failure in FSRDCs

twdtw — 1.0-1

Time-Weighted Dynamic Time Warping

tweedie — 2.3.5

Evaluation of Tweedie Exponential Family Models

tweenr — 2.0.3

Interpolate Data for Smooth Animations

tweetcheck — 0.1.0

Parse and Validate Tweet Text

twenty48 — 0.2.1

Play a Game of 2048 in the Console

twfy — 0.1.0

Drive the API for TheyWorkForYou

twilio — 0.1.0

An Interface to the Twilio API for R

twinning — 1.0

Data Twinning

Twitmo — 0.1.2

Twitter Topic Modeling and Visualization for R

twitteR — 1.1.9

R Based Twitter Client

twitteradsR — 0.1.0

Get Twitter Ads Data via the '' API

TwitterAutomatedTrading — 0.1.0

Automated Trading Using Tweets

twitterwidget — 0.1.1

Render a Twitter Status in R Markdown Pages

twl — 1.0

Two-Way Latent Structure Clustering Model

twn — 0.2.4

Taxa Waterbeheer Nederland voor R

TwoArmSurvSim — 0.2

Simulate Survival Data for Randomized Clinical Trials

twopartm — 0.1.0

Two-Part Model with Marginal Effects

twopexp — 0.1.0

The Two Parameter Exponential Distribution

TwoPhaseInd — 1.1.2

Estimate Gene-Treatment Interaction Exploiting Randomization

twosamples — 2.0.1

Fast Permutation Based Two Sample Tests

TwoSampleTest.HD — 1.2

A Two-Sample Test for the Equality of Distributions for High-Dimensional Data

twosigma — 1.0.2

DE Analysis for Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Data

TwoStepCLogit — 1.2.5

Conditional Logistic Regression: A Two-Step Estimation Method

twoway — 0.6.3

Analysis of Two-Way Tables

TwoWayFEWeights — 2.0.3

Estimation of the Weights Attached to the Two-Way Fixed Effects Regressions

twowaytests — 1.4

Two-Way Tests in Independent Groups Designs

twoxtwo — 0.1.0

Work with Two-by-Two Tables

txshift — 0.3.8

Efficient Estimation of the Causal Effects of Stochastic Interventions

txtplot — 1.0-4

Text Based Plots

txtq — 0.2.4

A Small Message Queue for Parallel Processes

typed — 0.0.1

Support Types for Variables, Arguments, and Return Values

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