Reference manual

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1.4.7 by Uwe Ligges, a year ago

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Authors: Uwe Ligges [aut, cre, cph] , Sebastian Krey [aut, cph] , Olaf Mersmann [aut, cph] , Sarah Schnackenberg [aut, cph] , Guillaume Guénard [aut, cph] (for the 'pulse' functionality) , Daniel P. W. Ellis [aut, cph] (functions ported from 'rastamat') , Underbit Technologies [aut, cph] (for the included 'libmad MPEG audio decoder library') , Andrea Preusser [ctb] , Anita Thieler [ctb] , Johanna Mielke [ctb] , Claus Weihs [ctb] , Brian D. Ripley [ctb] , Matthias Heymann [ctb] (for ideas from the former 'sound' package)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-2 | GPL-3 license

Imports signal, methods

Suggests pastecs

Imported by AIFFtools, NatureSounds, PAMmisc, PAMpal, Rraven, SoundShape, ThreeWiseMonkeys, ari, aws.polly, baRulho, bioacoustics, callsync, communication, dynaSpec, locaR, mscstts, ohun, phonfieldwork, praatpicture, rPraat, retimer, seewave, sequenceR, sonicscrewdriver, soundClass, soundecology, soundgen, tetRys, text2speech, voice, voiceR.

Depended on by AmigaFFH, ProTrackR, karaoke, monitoR, sonify, warbleR.

Suggested by ARUtools, Chaos01, ProjectTemplate, googleLanguageR, roundhouse, tabr, tdsc.

See at CRAN