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SSM — 1.0.1

Fit and Analyze Smooth Supersaturated Models

ssmn — 1.1

Skew Scale Mixtures of Normal Distributions

ssmodels — 1.0.1

Sample Selection Models

ssMousetrack — 1.1.6

Bayesian State-Space Modeling of Mouse-Tracking Experiments via Stan

ssMRCD — 1.1.0

Spatially Smoothed MRCD Estimator

ssmrob — 1.0

Robust Estimation and Inference in Sample Selection Models

ssmsn — 0.2.0

Scale-Shape Mixtures of Skew-Normal Distributions

ssMutPA — 0.1.0

Single-Sample Mutation-Based Pathway Analysis

SSN2 — 0.2.1

Spatial Modeling on Stream Networks

SSNbayes — 0.0.3

Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Analysis in Stream Networks

SSNbler — 1.0.1

Assemble 'SSN' Objects

SSOSVM — 0.2.1

Stream Suitable Online Support Vector Machines

SSP — 1.0.1

Simulated Sampling Procedure for Community Ecology

SSplots — 0.1.2

Stock Status Plots (SSPs)

sspse — 1.1.0-2

Estimating Hidden Population Size using Respondent Driven Sampling Data

ssr — 0.1.1

Semi-Supervised Regression Methods

SSRA — 0.1-0

Sakai Sequential Relation Analysis

SSrat — 1.1

Two-Dimensional Sociometric Status Determination with Rating Scales

ssrm.logmer — 0.1

Sample Size Determination for Longitudinal Designs with Binary Outcome

SSRMST — 0.1.1

Sample Size Calculation using Restricted Mean Survival Time

ssrn — 0.1.0

Scan Statistics for Railway Network

SSRTcalc — 0.3.3

Easy SSRT Calculation

sss — 0.2.2

Import Files in the Triple-s (Standard Survey Structure) Format

sssc — 1.0.0

Same Species Sample Contamination Detection

SSsimple — 0.6.6

State Space Models

Sstack — 1.0.1

Bootstrap Stacking of Random Forest Models for Heterogeneous Data

sstvars — 1.0.1

Toolkit for Reduced Form and Structural Smooth Transition Vector Autoregressive Models

SSVS — 2.0.0

Functions for Stochastic Search Variable Selection (SSVS)

ssw — 0.2.1

Striped Smith-Waterman Algorithm for Sequence Alignment using SIMD

ssym — 1.5.8

Fitting Semi-Parametric log-Symmetric Regression Models

st — 1.2.7

Shrinkage t Statistic and Correlation-Adjusted t-Score

sta — 0.1.7

Seasonal Trend Analysis for Time Series Imagery in R

stabiliser — 1.0.6

Stabilising Variable Selection

stability — 0.6.0

Stability Analysis of Genotype by Environment Interaction (GEI)

StabilizedRegression — 1.1

Stabilizing Regression and Variable Selection

stabilo — 0.1.1

Stabilometric Signal Quantification

stable — 1.1.6

Probability Functions and Generalized Regression Models for Stable Distributions

stabledist — 0.7-2

Stable Distribution Functions

StableEstim — 2.2

Estimate the Four Parameters of Stable Laws using Different Methods

stableGR — 1.2

A Stable Gelman-Rubin Diagnostic for Markov Chain Monte Carlo

stablelearner — 0.1-5

Stability Assessment of Statistical Learning Methods

stablespec — 0.3.0

Stable Specification Search in Structural Equation Models

stabm — 1.2.2

Stability Measures for Feature Selection

stabs — 0.6-4

Stability Selection with Error Control

stackgbm — 0.1.0

Stacked Gradient Boosting Machines

StackImpute — 0.1.0

Tools for Analysis of Stacked Multiple Imputations

stacking — 0.1.3

Building Predictive Models with Stacking

stacks — 1.0.5

Tidy Model Stacking

stacomiR — 0.6.1

Fish Migration Monitoring

stacomirtools —

Connection Class for Package stacomiR

stagedtrees — 2.3.0

Staged Event Trees

stagePop — 1.1-2

Modelling the Population Dynamics of a Stage-Structured Species in Continuous Time

staggered — 1.2.1

Efficient Estimation Under Staggered Treatment Timing

StakeholderAnalysis — 1.2

Measuring Stakeholder Influence

StAMPP — 1.6.3

Statistical Analysis of Mixed Ploidy Populations

stampr — 0.3.1

Spatial Temporal Analysis of Moving Polygons

stan4bart — 0.0-10

Bayesian Additive Regression Trees with Stan-Sampled Parametric Extensions

STAND — 2.0

Statistical Analysis of Non-Detects

standardize — 0.2.2

Tools for Standardizing Variables for Regression in R

standardlastprofile — 1.0.0

Data Package for BDEW Standard Load Profiles in Electricity

standartox — 0.0.2

Ecotoxicological Information from the Standartox Database

standby — 0.1.0

Alerts, Notifications and Loading Screen in 'Shiny'

StanHeaders — 2.32.10

C++ Header Files for Stan

StanMoMo — 1.2.0

Bayesian Mortality Modelling with 'Stan'

stapler — 0.7.1

Simultaneous Truth and Performance Level Estimation

staplr — 3.2.2

A Toolkit for PDF Files

staRdom — 1.1.28

PARAFAC Analysis of EEMs from DOM

STAREG — 1.0.3

An Empirical Bayes Approach for Replicability Analysis Across Two Studies

stargazer — 5.2.3

Well-Formatted Regression and Summary Statistics Tables

starm — 0.1.0

Spatio-Temporal Autologistic Regression Model

starma — 1.3

Modelling Space Time AutoRegressive Moving Average (STARMA) Processes

starnet — 0.0.7

Stacked Elastic Net

starry — 0.1.2

Explore Data with Plots and Tables

stars — 0.6-6

Spatiotemporal Arrays, Raster and Vector Data Cubes

starschemar — 1.2.5

Obtaining Stars from Flat Tables

starsExtra — 0.2.8

Miscellaneous Functions for Working with 'stars' Rasters

starsTileServer — 0.1.1

A Dynamic Tile Server for R

STARTdesign — 1.0

Single to Double Arm Transition Design for Phase II Clinical Trials

starter — 0.1.15

Starter Kit for New Projects

startR — 2.4.0

Automatically Retrieve Multidimensional Distributed Data Sets

STARTS — 1.3-8

Functions for the STARTS Model

startup — 0.22.0

Friendly R Startup Configuration

startupmsg — 0.9.7

Utilities for Start-Up Messages

starvars — 1.1.10

Vector Logistic Smooth Transition Models Estimation and Prediction

starvz — 0.8.2

R-Based Visualization Techniques for Task-Based Applications

starwarsdb — 0.1.2

Relational Data from the 'Star Wars' API for Learning and Teaching

STAT — 0.1.0

Interactive Document for Working with Basic Statistical Analysis

STAT2 — 0.1.0

Interactive Document for Working with Basic Statistical Analysis

Stat2Data — 2.0.0

Datasets for Stat2

Statamarkdown — 0.9.2

'Stata' Markdown

statar — 0.7.6

Tools Inspired by 'Stata' to Manipulate Tabular Data

statBasics — 0.2.2

Basic Functions to Statistical Methods Course

statcanR — 0.2.6

Client for Statistics Canada's Open Economic Data

statcheck — 1.5.0

Extract Statistics from Articles and Recompute P-Values

statcodelists — 0.9.2

Use Standardized Statistical Codelists

statcomp — 0.1.0

Statistical Complexity and Information Measures for Time Series Analysis

statConfR — 0.1.1

Models of Decision Confidence and Metacognition

StatDA — 1.7.11

Statistical Analysis for Environmental Data

StatDataML — 1.0-27

Read and Write StatDataML Files

statebins — 1.4.0

Create United States Uniform Cartogram Heatmaps

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