All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

rtype — 0.1-1

A strong type system for R

rtypeform — 2.1.0

Interface to 'typeform' Results

rubias — 0.3.4

Bayesian Inference from the Conditional Genetic Stock Identification Model

rucm — 0.6

Implementation of Unobserved Components Model (UCM)

rucrdtw — 0.1.6

R Bindings for the UCR Suite

rugarch — 1.5-2

Univariate GARCH Models

ruijter — 0.1.3

Technical Data Sets by Ruijter et al. (2013)

ruimtehol — 0.3.2

Learn Text 'Embeddings' with 'Starspace'

ruin — 0.1.1

Simulation of Various Risk Processes

ruler — 0.3.0

Tidy Data Validation Reports

rules — 1.0.2

Model Wrappers for Rule-Based Models

rUM — 2.0.0

R Templates from the University of Miami

rumidas — 0.1.2

Univariate GARCH-MIDAS, Double-Asymmetric GARCH-MIDAS and MEM-MIDAS

ruminate — 0.2.4

A Pharmacometrics Data Transformation and Analysis Tool

runcharter — 0.2.0

Automatically Plot, Analyse and Revises Limits of Multiple Run Charts

runDRT — 0.1.0

Run Doubly Ranked Tests

runes — 0.1.0

Convert Strings to Elder Futhark Runes

runexp — 0.2.1

Softball Run Expectancy using Markov Chains and Simulation

RUnit — 0.4.33

R Unit Test Framework

runjags — 2.2.2-4

Interface Utilities, Model Templates, Parallel Computing Methods and Additional Distributions for MCMC Models in JAGS

runMCMCbtadjust — 1.1.2

Runs Monte Carlo Markov Chain - With Either 'JAGS', 'nimble' or 'greta' - While Adjusting Burn-in and Thinning Parameters

runner — 0.4.4

Running Operations for Vectors

runonce — 0.2.3

Run Once and Save Result

runstats — 1.1.0

Fast Computation of Running Statistics for Time Series

Runuran — 0.39

R Interface to the 'UNU.RAN' Random Variate Generators

rush — 0.1.1

Rapid Parallel and Distributed Computing

rusk — 0.1.1

Beautiful Graphical Representation of Multiplication Tables on a Modular Circle

rusquant — 1.1.4

Quantitative Trading Framework

rust — 1.4.3

Ratio-of-Uniforms Simulation with Transformation

rutifier — 1.0.4

Chilean Rol Unico Tributario

rutledge — 0.1.1

Real-Time PCR Data Sets by Rutledge et al. (2004)

ruv —

Detect and Remove Unwanted Variation using Negative Controls

RVA — 0.0.5

RNAseq Visualization Automation

RVAideMemoire — 0.9-83-7

Testing and Plotting Procedures for Biostatistics

rvalues — 0.7.1

R-Values for Ranking in High-Dimensional Settings

Rvcg — 0.24

Manipulations of Triangular Meshes Based on the 'VCGLIB' API

rvcheck — 0.2.1

R/Package Version Check

RVCompare — 0.1.8

Compare Real Valued Random Variables

rvec — 0.0.7

Vector Representing a Random Variable

Rveg — 0.1.5

Digitization of Phytosociological Relevés

RVenn — 1.1.0

Set Operations for Many Sets

RVerbalExpressions — 0.1.1

Create Regular Expressions Easily

rversions — 2.1.2

Query 'R' Versions, Including 'r-release' and 'r-oldrel'

rvertnet — 0.8.4

Search 'Vertnet', a 'Database' of Vertebrate Specimen Records

rvest — 1.0.4

Easily Harvest (Scrape) Web Pages

rvg — 0.3.4

R Graphics Devices for 'Office' Vector Graphics Output

rvHPDT — 4.0

Calling Haplotype-Based and Variant-Based Pedigree Disequilibrium Test for Rare Variants in Pedigrees

RViennaCL —

'ViennaCL' C++ Header Files

rviewgraph — 1.4.2

Animated Graph Layout Viewer

rvif — 1.0

Collinearity Detection using Redefined Variance Inflation Factor and Graphical Methods

rvinecopulib —

High Performance Algorithms for Vine Copula Modeling

RVIpkg — 0.3.2

Regional Vulnerability Index

rvisidata — 1.0.0

Wrapper for 'Visidata', an Interactive Multitool for Tabular Data

rvkstat — 3.2.0

R Interface to API ''

rvmethod — 0.1.2

Radial Velocity Method for Detecting Exoplanets

rvMF — 0.1.0

Fast Generation of von Mises-Fisher Distributed Pseudo-Random Vectors

rwa — 0.0.3

Perform a Relative Weights Analysis

rwalkr — 0.5.7

API to Melbourne Pedestrian Data

rwarrior — 0.4.1

R Warrior - An AI Programming Game

Rwave — 2.6-5

Time-Frequency Analysis of 1-D Signals

rwavelet — 0.4.1

Wavelet Analysis

rwc — 1.11

Random Walk Covariance Models

Rwclust — 0.1.0

Random Walk Clustering on Weighted Graphs

rWCVP — 1.2.4

Generating Summaries, Reports and Plots from the World Checklist of Vascular Plants

RWDataPlyr — 0.6.4

Read and Manipulate Data from 'RiverWare'

RweaveExtra — 1.1-0

Sweave Drivers with Extra Tricks Up their Sleeve

rwebstat — 1.1.1

Download Data from the Webstat API

RWeka — 0.4-46

R/Weka Interface

RWekajars — 3.9.3-2

R/Weka Interface Jars

rwfec — 0.2

R Wireless, Forward Error Correction

RWgraph — 1.0.0

Random Walks on Graphs Representing a Transactional Network

rwhatsapp — 0.2.4

Import and Handling for 'WhatsApp' Chat Logs

Rwhois — 1.0.16

WHOIS Server Querying

rwicc — 0.1.3

Regression with Interval-Censored Covariates

RWiener — 1.3-3

Wiener Process Distribution Functions

RWildbook — 0.9.3

Interface for the 'Wildbook' Wildlife Data Management Framework

RWinEdt — 2.0-6

R Interface to 'WinEdt'

rWishart — 0.1.2

Random Wishart Matrix Generation

rwisp — 1.0.5

WISP Multiple Criteria Sorting Method

RWmisc — 0.1.2

Miscellaneous Spatial Functions

RWNN — 0.4

Random Weight Neural Networks

Rwofost — 0.8-3

WOFOST Crop Growth Simulation Model

rworldmap — 1.3-8

Mapping Global Data

rworldxtra — 1.01

Country boundaries at high resolution.

RWsearch — 5.1.4

Lazy Search in R Packages, Task Views, CRAN, the Web. All-in-One Download

rwstats — 0.1

Chinese Character Frequency in Real World

Rwtss — 0.9.2

Client for Web Time-Series Service

rwty — 1.0.2

R We There Yet? Visualizing MCMC Convergence in Phylogenetics

rwunderground — 0.1.8

R Interface to Weather Underground API

RXKCD — 1.9.2

Get XKCD Comic from R

RxnSim — 1.0.4

Functions to Compute Chemical and Chemical Reaction Similarity

rxode2 — 3.0.0

Facilities for Simulating from ODE-Based Models

rxode2ll — 2.0.11

Log-Likelihood Functions for 'rxode2'

rxode2parse — 2.0.19

Parsing and Code Generation Functions for 'rxode2'

rxSeq — 0.99.3

Combined Total and Allele Specific Reads Sequencing Study

RXshrink — 2.3

Maximum Likelihood Shrinkage using Generalized Ridge or Least Angle Regression

rxylib — 0.2.14

Import XY-Data into R

Ryacas — 1.1.5

R Interface to the 'Yacas' Computer Algebra System

Ryacas0 — 0.4.4

Legacy 'Ryacas' (Interface to 'Yacas' Computer Algebra System)

ryandexdirect — 3.6.2

Load Data From 'Yandex Direct'

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