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readHAC — 1.0

Read Acoustic HAC Format

readit — 1.0.0

Effortlessly Read Any Rectangular Data

readJDX — 0.6.4

Import Data in the JCAMP-DX Format

readMDTable — 0.2.0

Read Markdown Tables into Tibbles

readme2vignette — 0.1.0

Convert README to Vignette During Package Installation

readmet — 1.7.1

Read some less Popular Formats Used in Meteorology

readmission — 0.1.0

Hospital Readmission Data for Patients with Diabetes

readMLData — 0.9-7

Reading Machine Learning Benchmark Data Sets in Different Formats

readmoRe — 0.2-12

Utilities for Importing and Manipulating Biomedical Data Files

readMzXmlData — 2.8.3

Reads Mass Spectrometry Data in mzXML Format

readNSx — 0.0.5

Read 'Blackrock-Microsystems' Files ('NEV', 'NSx')

readobj — 0.4.1

Fast Reader for 'Wavefront' OBJ 3D Scene Files

readODS — 2.3.0

Read and Write ODS Files

readOffice — 0.2.2

Read Text Out of Modern Office Files

readr — 2.1.5

Read Rectangular Text Data

readrba — 0.1.11

Download and Tidy Data from the Reserve Bank of Australia

readroper — 0.9.3

Simply Read ASCII Single and Multicard Polling Datasets

readsdmx — 0.3.1

Read SDMX-XML Data

readsdr — 0.3.0

Translate Models from System Dynamics Software into 'R'

readsparse — 0.1.5-6

Read and Write Sparse Matrices in 'SVMLight' and 'LibSVM' Formats

readstata13 — 0.10.1

Import 'Stata' Data Files

readtext — 0.91

Import and Handling for Plain and Formatted Text Files

readtextgrid — 0.1.2

Read in a 'Praat' 'TextGrid' File

readwritesqlite — 0.2.0

Enhanced Reading and Writing for 'SQLite' Databases

readxl — 1.4.3

Read Excel Files

readxlsb — 0.1.61

Read 'Excel' Binary (.xlsb) Workbooks

ready4 — 0.1.18

Develop and Use Modular Health Economic Models

realtest — 0.2.3

Where Expectations Meet Reality: Realistic Unit Testing

realTimeloads — 1.0.0

Analyte Flux and Load from Estimates of Concentration and Discharge

RealVAMS — 0.4-6

Multivariate VAM Fitting

ream — 1.0-5

Density, Distribution, and Sampling Functions for Evidence Accumulation Models

reappraised — 0.1.1

Statistical Tools for Assessing Publication Integrity of Groups of Trials

Rearrangement — 2.1

Monotonize Point and Interval Functional Estimates by Rearrangement

rearrr — 0.3.4

Rearranging Data

reasonabletools — 0.1

Clean Water Quality Data for NPDES Reasonable Potential Analyses

REAT — 3.0.3

Regional Economic Analysis Toolbox

REBayes — 2.56

Empirical Bayes Estimation and Inference

rebib — 0.3.2

Convert and Aggregate Bibliographies

rebird — 1.3.0

R Client for the eBird Database of Bird Observations

rebmix — 2.16.0

Finite Mixture Modeling, Clustering & Classification

rebus — 0.1-3

Build Regular Expressions in a Human Readable Way

rebus.base — 0.0-3

Core Functionality for the 'rebus' Package

rebus.datetimes — 0.0-2

Date and Time Extensions for the 'rebus' Package

rebus.numbers — 0.0-1

Numeric Extensions for the 'rebus' Package

rebus.unicode — 0.0-2

Unicode Extensions for the 'rebus' Package

RECA — 1.7

Relevant Component Analysis for Supervised Distance Metric Learning

recalibratiNN — 0.3.0

Quantile Recalibration for Regression Models

recapr — 0.4.4

Two Event Mark-Recapture Experiment

RecAssoRules — 1.0

Recursive Mining for Frequent Pattern and Confident Association Rules

receptiviti — 0.1.8

Text Analysis Through the 'Receptiviti' API

recexcavAAR — 0.3.0

3D Reconstruction of Archaeological Excavations

rechaRge — 1.0.0

HydroBudget – Groundwater Recharge Model

rechonest — 1.2

R Interface to Echo Nest API

recipes — 1.1.0

Preprocessing and Feature Engineering Steps for Modeling

reclin2 — 0.5.0

Record Linkage Toolkit

recluster — 2.9

Ordination Methods for the Analysis of Beta-Diversity Indices

recmap — 1.0.17

Compute the Rectangular Statistical Cartogram

recmetrics — 0.1.0

Psychometric Evaluation Using Relative Excess Correlations

Recocrop — 0.4-1

Estimating Environmental Suitability for Plants

recodeflow — 0.1.0

Interface Functions for PMML Creation, and Data Recoding

recogito — 0.2.1

Interactive Annotation of Text and Images

recolorize — 0.1.0

Color-Based Image Segmentation

recombinator — 1.0.1

Recombinate Nested Lists to Dataframes

recometrics — 0.1.6-3

Evaluation Metrics for Implicit-Feedback Recommender Systems

recommenderlab — 1.0.6

Lab for Developing and Testing Recommender Algorithms

recommenderlabBX — 0.2-0

Book-Crossing Dataset (BX) for 'recommenderlab'

recommenderlabJester — 0.2-0

Jester Dataset for 'recommenderlab'

Recon —

Computational Tools for Economics

reconstructKM — 0.3.0

Reconstruct Individual-Level Data from Published KM Plots

reconstructr — 2.0.4

Session Reconstruction and Analysis

recorder — 0.8.2

Toolkit to Validate New Data for a Predictive Model

RecordLinkage — 0.4-12.4

Record Linkage Functions for Linking and Deduplicating Data Sets

Records — 1.0

Record Values and Record Times

RecordTest — 2.2.0

Inference Tools in Time Series Based on Record Statistics

recosystem — 0.5.1

Recommender System using Matrix Factorization

recurrentpseudo — 1.0.0

Creates Pseudo-Observations and Analysis for Recurrent Event Data

recurse — 1.4.0

Computes Revisitation Metrics for Trajectory Data

red — 1.6.1

IUCN Redlisting Tools

reda — 0.5.4

Recurrent Event Data Analysis

ReDaMoR — 0.7.6

Relational Data Modeler

REdaS — 0.9.4

Companion Package to the Book 'R: Einführung durch angewandte Statistik'

redbookperu — 0.0.3

Access and Analyze Data from the Red Book of Endemic Plants of Peru

redcapAPI — 2.9.1

Interface to 'REDCap'

REDCapCAST — 24.6.1

REDCap Castellated Data Handling

REDCapDM — 0.9.9

'REDCap' Data Management

REDCapExporter — 0.3.0

Automated Construction of R Data Packages from REDCap Projects

REDCapR — 1.2.0

Interaction Between R and REDCap

REDCapTidieR — 1.1.1

Extract 'REDCap' Databases into Tidy 'Tibble's

redditadsR — 0.1.0

Get Reddit Ads Data via the '' API

RedditExtractoR — 3.0.9

Reddit Data Extraction Toolkit

reddPrec — 2.0.3

Reconstruction of Daily Data - Precipitation

REddyProc — 1.3.3

Post Processing of (Half-)Hourly Eddy-Covariance Measurements

REddyProcNCDF — 1.1.4

Reading Data from NetCDF Files for 'REddyProc'

REDI — 1.0.0

Robust Exponential Decreasing Index

ReDirection — 1.0.1

Predict Dominant Direction of Reactions of a Biochemical Network

RedisBaseContainer — 1.0.1

The Container for the DockerParallel Package

Rediscover — 0.3.2

Identify Mutually Exclusive Mutations

redist — 4.2.0

Simulation Methods for Legislative Redistricting

redistmetrics — 1.0.7

Redistricting Metrics

redistverse — 0.1.0

Easily Install and Load Redistricting Software

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