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· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

rgoogleads — 0.11.0

Loading Data from 'Google Ads API'

RGoogleAnalyticsPremium — 0.1.1

Unsampled Data in R for Google Analytics Premium Accounts

rgoogleclassroom — 0.9.1

API Wrapper for Google Classroom and Google Forms

RGoogleFit — 0.4.0

R Interface to Google Fit API

RgoogleMaps — 1.5.1

Overlays on Static Maps

rgoogleslides — 0.3.2

R Interface to Google Slides

rgplates — 0.5.0

R Interface for the GPlates Web Service and Desktop Application

rgraph6 — 2.0-4

Representing Graphs as 'graph6', 'digraph6' or 'sparse6' Strings

RGraphics — 3.0-2

Data and Functions from the Book R Graphics, Third Edition

RGraphSpace — 1.0.6

A Lightweight Interface Between 'ggplot2' and 'igraph' Objects

rgrass — 0.4-4

Interface Between 'GRASS' Geographical Information System and 'R'

RGreenplum — 0.1.2

Interface to 'Greenplum' Database

RGremlinsConjoint — 0.9.1

Estimate the "Gremlins in the Data" Model for Conjoint Studies

rGroovy — 1.3

Groovy Language Integration

rgsp — 0.2.0

Repetitive Group Sampling Plan Based on Cpk

rgTest — 0.1

Robust Graph-Based Two-Sample Test

rgtmx — 0.1.4

Manage GTmetrix Tests in R

rgugik — 0.4.1

Search and Retrieve Spatial Data from 'GUGiK'

rGV — 0.0.4

Analysis of Continuous Glucose Monitor Data

rgw — 0.3.0

Goodman-Weare Affine-Invariant Sampling

RH2 — 0.2.4

DBI/RJDBC Interface to H2 Database

rhandsontable — 0.3.8

Interface to the 'Handsontable.js' Library

RHawkes — 1.0

Renewal Hawkes Process

RHclust — 2.0.0

Vector in Partition

rhcoclust — 2.0.0

Robust Hierarchical Co-Clustering to Identify Significant Co-Cluster

rheroicons — 1.0.0

A Zero Dependency 'SVG' Icon Library for 'Shiny'

rhierbaps — 1.1.4

Clustering Genetic Sequence Data Using the HierBAPS Algorithm

rhino — 1.10.1

A Framework for Enterprise Shiny Applications

rhmc — 1.0.0

Hamiltonian Monte Carlo

RHMS — 1.7

Hydrologic Modelling System for R Users

rhnerm — 1.1

Random Heteroscedastic Nested Error Regression

rhoneycomb — 2.3.4

Analysis of Honeycomb Selection Designs

rhoR —

Rho for Inter Rater Reliability

rhosa — 0.3.0

Higher-Order Spectral Analysis

rhosp — 1.10

Side Effect Risks in Hospital : Simulation and Estimation

RHPCBenchmark — 0.1.0

Benchmarks for High-Performance Computing Environments

RhpcBLASctl — 0.23-42

Control the Number of Threads on 'BLAS'

RHRT — 1.0.1

Heart Rate Turbulence Analysis

RHRV — 5.0.0

Heart Rate Variability Analysis of ECG Data

RHSDB — 0.2.0

Ryan-Holm Step-Down Bonferroni or Sidak Procedure

rhub — 2.0.0

Tools for R Package Developers

RHybridFinder — 0.2.0

Identification of Hybrid Peptides in Immunopeptidomic Analyses

rhymer — 1.2.0

Wrapper for the 'Datamuse' API to Find Rhyming and Associated Words

rhype — 0.3.0

Work with Hypergraphs in R

ri2 — 0.4.0

Randomization Inference for Randomized Experiments

RI2by2 — 1.4

Randomization Inference for Treatment Effects on a Binary Outcome

RIA — 1.7.2

Radiomics Image Analysis Toolbox for Medial Images

riAFTBART — 0.3.3

A Flexible Approach for Causal Inference with Multiple Treatments and Clustered Survival Outcomes

rib — 0.20.0

An Implementation of 'Interactive Brokers' API

ribd — 1.7.0

Pedigree-based Relatedness Coefficients

RIbench — 1.0.2

Benchmark Suite for Indirect Methods for RI Estimation

rice — 0.2.0

Radiocarbon Equations

ricegeneann — 1.0.2

Gene Annotation of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.spp.japonica)

riceidconverter — 1.1.1

Convert Biological ID from RAP or MSU to SYMBOL for Oryza Sativa

riceware — 0.4

A Diceware Passphrase Implementation

Ricrt — 0.1.0

Randomization Inference of Clustered Randomized Trials

ricu — 0.5.6

Intensive Care Unit Data with R

rid — 0.0.1

Multiple Change-Point Detection in Multivariate Time Series

RIdeogram — 0.2.2

Drawing SVG Graphics to Visualize and Map Genome-Wide Data on Idiograms

ridge — 3.3

Ridge Regression with Automatic Selection of the Penalty Parameter

ridgetorus — 1.0.2

PCA on the Torus via Density Ridges

ridgregextra — 0.1.1

Ridge Regression Parameter Estimation

ridigbio — 0.4.1

Interface to the iDigBio Data API

ridittools — 0.1

Useful Functions for Ridit Analysis

riem — 0.3.2

Accesses Weather Data from the Iowa Environment Mesonet

Riemann — 0.1.4

Learning with Data on Riemannian Manifolds

RiemBase — 0.2.5

Functions and C++ Header Files for Computation on Manifolds

Riex — 1.0.2

IEX Stocks and Market Data

rifle — 1.0

Sparse Generalized Eigenvalue Problem

rifreg — 0.1.0

Estimate Recentered Influence Function Regression

RIFS — 0.1.6

Random Iterated Function System

Rigma — 0.2.1

Access to the 'Figma' API

rigr — 1.0.4

Regression, Inference, and General Data Analysis Tools in R

riingo — 0.3.1

An R Interface to the 'Tiingo' Stock Price API

Rilostat — 2.2.0

ILO Open Data via Ilostat Bulk Download Facility

rim — 0.6.4

Interface to 'Maxima', Enabling Symbolic Computation

RImageJROI — 0.1.3

Read and Write 'ImageJ' Region of Interest (ROI) Files

RImagePalette — 0.1.1

Extract the Colors from Images

RImpact — 1.0

Calculates Measures of Scholarly Impact

rimu — 0.6

Responses in Multiplex

rinat — 0.1.9

Access 'iNaturalist' Data Through APIs

rineq — 0.2.3

Concentration Index and Decomposition for Health Inequalities

ring — 1.0.6

Circular / Ring Buffers

ringostat — 0.1.5

Load Data from 'Ringostat API'

RInno — 1.0.1

An Installation Framework for Shiny Apps

RInside — 0.2.18

C++ Classes to Embed R in C++ (and C) Applications

RInSp — 1.2.5

R Individual Specialization

rintcal — 1.0.0

Radiocarbon Calibration Curves

rIntervalTree — 0.1.0

An Interval Tree Tool for Real Numbers

rintimg — 0.1.0

View Images on Full Screen in 'RMarkdown' Documents and 'shiny' Applications

rintrojs — 0.3.4

Wrapper for the 'Intro.js' Library

rio — 1.2.3

A Swiss-Army Knife for Data I/O

rioja — 1.0-7

Analysis of Quaternary Science Data

rioplot — 1.1.1

Turn a Regression Model Inside Out

ripc — 0.3.1

Download and Tidy IPC and CH Data

ripserr — 0.1.1

Calculate Persistent Homology with Ripser-Based Engines

rirods — 0.2.0

R Client for 'iRODS'

Rirt — 0.0.2

Data Analysis and Parameter Estimation Using Item Response Theory

RISCA — 1.0.5

Causal Inference and Prediction in Cohort-Based Analyses

rise — 1.0.4

Conduct RISE Analysis

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