All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

fSRM — 0.6.5

Social Relations Analyses with Roles ("Family SRM")

fssemR — 0.1.8

Fused Sparse Structural Equation Models to Jointly Infer Gene Regulatory Network

FSSF — 0.1.1

Generate Fully-Sequential Space-Filling Designs Inside a Unit Hypercube

fst — 0.9.8

Lightning Fast Serialization of Data Frames

fst4pg — 1.0.0

Genetic Distance Segmentation for Population Genetics

Fstability — 0.1.2

Calculate Feature Stability

fstcore — 0.9.18

R Bindings to the 'Fstlib' Library

fsthet — 1.0.1

Fst-Heterozygosity Smoothed Quantiles

FSTpackage — 0.1

Unified Sequence-Based Association Tests Allowing for Multiple Functional Annotation Scores

ftaproxim — 0.0.1

Fault Tree Analysis Based on Proxel Simulation

ftDK — 1.0

A Wrapper for the API of the Danish Parliament

ftExtra — 0.6.4

Extensions for 'Flextable'

fTrading — 3042.79

Rmetrics - Trading and Rebalancing Financial Instruments

ftrCOOL — 2.0.0

Feature Extraction from Biological Sequences

ftsa — 6.4

Functional Time Series Analysis

ftsspec — 1.0.0

Spectral Density Estimation and Comparison for Functional Time Series

fude — 0.3.6

Utilities for Fude Polygon

fuel — 1.2.0

Framework for Unified Estimation in Lognormal Models

fueleconomy — 1.0.0

EPA Fuel Economy Data

fugue — 0.1.7

Sensitivity Analysis Optimized for Matched Sets of Varied Sizes

fuj — 0.2.1

Functions and Utilities for Jordan

fullfact — 1.5.2

Full Factorial Breeding Analysis

fullRankMatrix — 0.1.0

Generation of Full Rank Design Matrix

fullROC — 0.1.0

Plot Full ROC Curves using Eyewitness Lineup Data

fun — 0.3

Use R for Fun

func2vis — 1.0-3

Clean and Visualize Over Expression Results from 'ConsensusPathDB'

FunCC — 1.0

Functional Cheng and Church Bi-Clustering

FuncDiv — 1.0.0

Compute Contributional Diversity Metrics

funcharts — 1.5.0

Functional Control Charts

funchir — 0.2.2

Convenience Functions by Michael Chirico

FunChisq — 2.5.4

Model-Free Functional Chi-Squared and Exact Tests

FuncMap — 1.0.10

Hive Plots of R Package Function Calls

FuncNN — 1.0

Functional Neural Networks

FunctanSNP — 0.1.0

Functional Analysis (with Interactions) for Dense SNP Data

functional — 0.6

Curry, Compose, and other higher-order functions

functiondepends — 0.2.3

Find Functions and their Dependencies

funData — 1.3-9

An S4 Class for Functional Data

fundiversity — 1.1.1

Easy Computation of Functional Diversity Indices

funFEM — 1.2

Clustering in the Discriminative Functional Subspace

fungible — 2.4.4

Psychometric Functions from the Waller Lab

funGp — 1.0.0

Gaussian Process Models for Scalar and Functional Inputs

funique — 0.0.1

A Faster Unique Function

fUnitRoots — 4040.81

Rmetrics - Modelling Trends and Unit Roots

funkycells — 1.1.1

Functional Data Analysis for Multiplexed Cell Images

funkyheatmap — 0.5.0

Generating Funky Heatmaps for Data Frames

funLBM — 2.3

Model-Based Co-Clustering of Functional Data

funmediation — 1.0.2

Functional Mediation for a Distal Outcome

funModeling — 1.9.5

Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Preparation Tool-Box

funneljoin — 0.2.0

Time-Based Joins to Analyze Sequences of Events

FunnelPlotR — 0.5.0

Funnel Plots for Comparing Institutional Performance

funnelR — 0.1.0

Funnel Plots for Proportion Data

funpca — 9.0

Functional Principal Component Analysis

funprog — 0.3.0

Functional Programming

funr — 0.3.2

Simple Utility Providing Terminal Access to all R Functions

funrar — 1.5.0

Functional Rarity Indices Computation

funreg — 1.2.2

Functional Regression for Irregularly Timed Data

funspace — 0.2.2

Creating and Representing Functional Trait Spaces

funspotr — 0.0.4

Spot R Functions & Packages

funStatTest — 1.0.3

Statistical Testing for Functional Data

FUNTA — 0.1.0

Functional Tangential Angle Pseudo-Depth

funtimes — 9.1

Functions for Time Series Analysis

FunWithNumbers — 1.2

Fun with Fractions and Number Sequences

furniture — 1.9.14

Furniture for Quantitative Scientists

furrr — 0.3.1

Apply Mapping Functions in Parallel using Futures

fusedMGM —

Implementation of Fused MGM to Infer 2-Class Networks

fusen — 0.6.0

Build a Package from Rmarkdown Files

fuser — 1.0.1

Fused Lasso for High-Dimensional Regression over Groups

fusionchartsR — 0.0.3

Embedding 'FusionCharts Javascript' Library in R

fusionclust — 1.0.0

Clustering and Feature Screening using L1 Fusion Penalty

FusionLearn — 0.2.1

Fusion Learning

futile.logger — 1.4.3

A Logging Utility for R

futile.options — 1.0.1

Futile Options Management

futility — 0.4

Interim Analysis of Operational Futility in Randomized Trials with Time-to-Event Endpoints and Fixed Follow-Up

future — 1.34.0

Unified Parallel and Distributed Processing in R for Everyone

future.apply — 1.11.2

Apply Function to Elements in Parallel using Futures

future.batchtools — 0.12.1

A Future API for Parallel and Distributed Processing using 'batchtools'

future.callr — 0.8.2

A Future API for Parallel Processing using 'callr'

future.mirai — 0.2.2

A 'Future' API for Parallel Processing using 'mirai'

future.tests — 0.7.0

Test Suite for 'Future API' Backends

futureverse — 0.1.0

Easily Install and Load the 'Futureverse'

fuzzr — 0.2.2

Fuzz-Test R Functions

Fuzzy.p.value — 1.1

Computing Fuzzy p-Value

FuzzyAHP — 0.9.5

(Fuzzy) AHP Calculation

FuzzyClass — 0.1.6

Fuzzy and Non-Fuzzy Classifiers

FuzzyDBScan — 0.0.3

Run and Predict a Fuzzy DBScan

fuzzyforest — 1.0.8

Fuzzy Forests

FuzzyImputationTest — 0.2.0

Imputation Procedures and Quality Tests for Fuzzy Data

fuzzyjoin — 0.1.6

Join Tables Together on Inexact Matching

FuzzyLP — 0.1-7

Fuzzy Linear Programming

FuzzyM — 0.1.0

Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Operations

FuzzyNumbers — 0.4-7

Tools to Deal with Fuzzy Numbers

FuzzyNumbers.Ext.2 — 3.2

Apply Two Fuzzy Numbers on a Monotone Function

FuzzyPovertyR — 3.0.0

Estimation of Fuzzy Poverty Measures

FuzzyQ — 0.1.0

Fuzzy Quantification of Common and Rare Species

FuzzyR — 2.3.2

Fuzzy Logic Toolkit for R

fuzzyRankTests — 0.4

Fuzzy Rank Tests and Confidence Intervals

fuzzyreg — 0.6.2

Fuzzy Linear Regression

FuzzyResampling — 0.6.3

Resampling Methods for Triangular and Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers

fuzzySim — 4.10.7

Fuzzy Similarity in Species Distributions

FuzzySimRes — 0.4.3

Simulation and Resampling Methods for Epistemic Fuzzy Data

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