All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

elitism — 1.1.1

Equipment for Logarithmic and Linear Time Stepwise Multiple Hypothesis Testing

Elja — 1.0.0

Linear, Logistic and Generalized Linear Models Regressions for the EnvWAS/EWAS Approach

elliplot — 1.3.0

Ellipse Summary Plot of Quantiles

ellipse — 0.5.0

Functions for Drawing Ellipses and Ellipse-Like Confidence Regions

ellipsis — 0.3.2

Tools for Working with ...

ElliptCopulas —

Inference of Elliptical Distributions and Copulas

elliptic — 1.4-0

Weierstrass and Jacobi Elliptic Functions

ellipticalsymmetry — 0.1.2

Elliptical Symmetry Tests

elmNNRcpp — 1.0.4

The Extreme Learning Machine Algorithm

ELMR — 1.0

Extreme Machine Learning (ELM)

ELMSO — 1.0.1

Implementation of the Efficient Large-Scale Online Display Advertising Algorithm

eLNNpairedCov — 0.3.2

Model-Based Gene Selection for Paired Data

elo — 3.0.2

Ranking Teams by Elo Rating and Comparable Methods

EloChoice — 0.29.4

Preference Rating for Visual Stimuli Based on Elo Ratings

EloOptimized — 0.3.2

Optimized Elo Rating Method for Obtaining Dominance Ranks

EloRating — 0.46.18

Animal Dominance Hierarchies by Elo Rating

EloSteepness — 0.5.0

Bayesian Dominance Hierarchy Steepness via Elo Rating and David's Scores

elrm — 1.2.5

Exact Logistic Regression via MCMC

elsa — 1.1-28

Entropy-Based Local Indicator of Spatial Association

ELT — 1.7

Experience Life Tables

eltr — 0.1.0

Utilise Catastrophe Model Event Loss Table Outputs

ELYP — 0.7-5

Empirical Likelihood Analysis for the Cox Model and Yang-Prentice (2005) Model

em — 1.0.0

Generic EM Algorithm

EM.Fuzzy — 1.0

EM Algorithm for Maximum Likelihood Estimation by Non-Precise Information

emailjsr — 0.0.2

'emailjs' Support

emailvalidation — 0.1.0

Client for the '' E-Mail Validation API

EMAR — 1.0.0

Empirical Model Assessment

EMAS — 0.2.2

Epigenome-Wide Mediation Analysis Study

emayili — 0.9.1

Send Email Messages

emBayes — 0.1.6

Robust Bayesian Variable Selection via Expectation-Maximization

EMbC — 2.0.4

Expectation-Maximization Binary Clustering

embed — 1.1.4

Extra Recipes for Encoding Predictors

EmbedSOM — 2.1.2

Fast Embedding Guided by Self-Organizing Map

embryogrowth — 9.5

Tools to Analyze the Thermal Reaction Norm of Embryo Growth

EMC2 — 2.0.2

Bayesian Hierarchical Analysis of Cognitive Models of Choice

EMCluster — 0.2-16

EM Algorithm for Model-Based Clustering of Finite Mixture Gaussian Distribution

EMD — 1.5.9

Empirical Mode Decomposition and Hilbert Spectral Analysis

EMDANNhybrid — 0.2.0

Empirical Mode Decomposition Based Artificial Neural Network Model

emdbook — 1.3.13

Support Functions and Data for "Ecological Models and Data"

emdi — 2.2.2

Estimating and Mapping Disaggregated Indicators

emdist — 0.3-3

Earth Mover's Distance

EMDSVRhybrid — 0.2.0

Empirical Mode Decomposition Based Support Vector Regression Model

emery — 0.5.1

Accuracy Statistic Estimation for Imperfect Gold Standards

emg — 1.0.9

Exponentially Modified Gaussian (EMG) Distribution

EMgaussian — 0.2.1

Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for Multivariate Normal (Gaussian) with Missing Data

emhawkes — 0.9.7

Exponential Multivariate Hawkes Model

EmiR — 1.0.4

Evolutionary Minimizer for R

emIRT — 0.0.14

EM Algorithms for Estimating Item Response Theory Models

EmissV — 0.665.8.0

Tools for Create Emissions for Air Quality Models

EmiStatR —

Emissions and Statistics in R for Wastewater and Pollutants in Combined Sewer Systems

EMJMCMC — 1.5.0

Evolutionary Mode Jumping Markov Chain Monte Carlo Expert Toolbox


Read and Write Ecological Metadata Language Files

emld — 0.5.1

Ecological Metadata as Linked Data

EMLI — 0.2.0

Computationally Efficient Maximum Likelihood Identification of Linear Dynamical Systems

EMMAgeo — 0.9.7

End-Member Modelling of Grain-Size Data

emmeans — 1.10.4

Estimated Marginal Means, aka Least-Squares Means

EMMIXgene — 0.1.4

A Mixture Model-Based Approach to the Clustering of Microarray Expression Data

EMMIXmfa — 2.0.14

Mixture Models with Component-Wise Factor Analyzers

EMMIXSSL — 1.1.1

Semi-Supervised Gaussian Mixture Model with a Missing-Data Mechanism

EMMLi — 0.0.3

A Maximum Likelihood Approach to the Analysis of Modularity


Fitting Mixed Models with Known Covariance Structures

emoa — 0.5-3

Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Algorithms

emoji — 15.0

Data and Function to Work with Emojis

emojifont — 0.5.5

Emoji and Font Awesome in Graphics

emon — 1.3.2

Tools for Environmental and Ecological Survey Design

emov — 0.1.1

Eye Movement Analysis Package for Fixation and Saccade Detection

EMP — 2.0.5

Expected Maximum Profit Classification Performance Measure

EMpeaksR — 0.3.1

Conducting the Peak Fitting Based on the EM Algorithm

emphatic — 0.1.8

Exploratory Analysis of Tabular Data using Colour Highlighting

empichar — 1.0.1

Evaluates the Empirical Characteristic Function for Multivariate Samples

EmpiricalCalibration — 3.1.2

Routines for Performing Empirical Calibration of Observational Study Estimates

emplik — 1.3-1

Empirical Likelihood Ratio for Censored/Truncated Data

emplik2 — 1.33

Empirical Likelihood Ratio Test for Two-Sample U-Statistics with Censored Data

emplikAUC — 0.4

Empirical Likelihood Ratio Test/Confidence Interval for AUC or pAUC

ems — 1.3.11

Epimed Solutions Collection for Data Editing, Analysis, and Benchmark of Health Units

EMSaov — 2.3

The Analysis of Variance with EMS

EMSC — 0.9.4

Extended Multiplicative Signal Correction

EMSNM — 1.0

EM Algorithm for Sigmoid Normal Model

EMSS — 1.1.1

Some EM-Type Estimation Methods for the Heckman Selection Model

emstreeR — 3.1.2

Tools for Fast Computing and Visualizing Euclidean Minimum Spanning Trees

EMT — 1.3.1

Exact Multinomial Test: Goodness-of-Fit Test for Discrete Multivariate Data

emulator — 1.2-24

Bayesian Emulation of Computer Programs

emuR — 2.5.0

Main Package of the EMU Speech Database Management System

EncDNA — 1.0.2

Encoding of Nucleotide Sequences into Numeric Feature Vectors

eNchange — 1.0

Ensemble Methods for Multiple Change-Point Detection

encode — 0.3.6

Represent Ordered Lists and Pairs as Strings

EncompassTest — 0.22

Direct Multi-Step Forecast Based Comparison of Nested Models via an Encompassing Test

encryptedRmd — 0.2.1

Encrypt Html Reports Using 'Libsodium'

encryptr — 0.1.3

Easily Encrypt and Decrypt Data Frame/Tibble Columns or Files using RSA Public/Private Keys

endogeneity — 2.1.3

Recursive Two-Stage Models to Address Endogeneity

endogenous — 1.0

Classical Simultaneous Equation Models

endorse — 1.6.2

Bayesian Measurement Models for Analyzing Endorsement Experiments

endoSwitch — 1.0.0

Endogenous Switching Regression Models

endtoend — 2.29

Transmissions and Receptions in an End to End Network

energy — 1.7-12

E-Statistics: Multivariate Inference via the Energy of Data

EnergyOnlineCPM — 1.0

Distribution Free Multivariate Control Chart Based on Energy Test

energyr — 0.1.3

Data Published by the United States Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

enerscape — 1.1.0

Compute Energy Landscapes

enetLTS — 1.1.0

Robust and Sparse Methods for High Dimensional Linear and Binary and Multinomial Regression

english — 1.2-6

Translate Integers into English

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