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· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

FADPclust — 1.1.1

Functional Data Clustering Using Adaptive Density Peak Detection

faersquarterlydata — 1.2.0

FDA Adverse Event Reporting System Quarterly Data Extracting Tool

FAfA — 0.2

Factor Analysis for All

Fahrmeir — 2016.5.31

Data from the Book "Multivariate Statistical Modelling Based on Generalized Linear Models", First Edition, by Ludwig Fahrmeir and Gerhard Tutz

fail — 1.3

File Abstraction Interface Layer (FAIL)

fairadapt — 1.0.0

Fair Data Adaptation with Quantile Preservation

FAIRmaterials —

Ontology Tools with Data FAIRification in Development

FairMclus — 2.2.1

Clustering for Data with Sensitive Attribute

fairml — 0.8

Fair Models in Machine Learning

fairmodels — 1.2.1

Flexible Tool for Bias Detection, Visualization, and Mitigation

fairness — 1.2.2

Algorithmic Fairness Metrics

fairsubset — 1.0

Choose Representative Subsets

fake — 1.4.0

Flexible Data Simulation Using the Multivariate Normal Distribution

fakemake — 1.11.1

Mock the Unix Make Utility

fakir — 1.0.0

Generate Fake Datasets for Prototyping and Teaching

fakmct — 0.1.0

Fuzzy Adaptive Resonance Theory K-Means Clustering Technique

falcon — 0.2

Finding Allele-Specific Copy Number in Next-Generation Sequencing Data

falconx — 0.2

Finding Allele-Specific Copy Number in Whole-Exome Sequencing Data

fam.recrisk — 0.1

Familial Recurrence Risk

FAMetA — 0.1.6

Fatty Acid Metabolic Analysis

FamEvent — 3.2

Family Age-at-Onset Data Simulation and Penetrance Estimation

familial — 1.0.5

Statistical Tests of Familial Hypotheses

familiar — 1.4.8

End-to-End Automated Machine Learning and Model Evaluation

Familias — 2.6.1

Probabilities for Pedigrees Given DNA Data

Families — 2.0.2

Kinship Ties in (Virtual) Multi-Generation Populations

FamilyRank — 1.0

Algorithm for Ranking Predictors Using Graphical Domain Knowledge

FAmle — 1.3.7

Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Estimation of Univariate Probability Distributions

FAMoS — 0.3.0

A Flexible Algorithm for Model Selection

famSKATRC — 1.1.0

Family Sequence Kernel Association Test for Rare and Common Variants

FAMT — 2.6

Factor Analysis for Multiple Testing (FAMT) : Simultaneous Tests under Dependence in High-Dimensional Data

fanc — 2.3.11

Penalized Likelihood Factor Analysis via Nonconvex Penalty

fANCOVA — 0.6-1

Nonparametric Analysis of Covariance

fancycut — 0.1.2

A Fancy Version of 'base::cut'

fangs — 0.2.17

Feature Allocation Neighborhood Greedy Search Algorithm

fanovaGraph — 1.5

Building Kriging Models from FANOVA Graphs

fanplot — 4.0.0

Visualisation of Sequential Probability Distributions Using Fan Charts

fansi — 1.0.6

ANSI Control Sequence Aware String Functions

fanyi — 0.0.7

Translate Words or Sentences via Online Translators

FAO56 — 1.0

Evapotranspiration Based on FAO Penman-Monteith Equation

FAOSTAT — 2.4.0

Download Data from the FAOSTAT Database

faoutlier — 0.7.6

Influential Case Detection Methods for Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Models

faq — 0.1.1

Create FAQ Page

far — 0.6-7

Modelization for Functional AutoRegressive Processes

faraway — 1.0.8

Functions and Datasets for Books by Julian Faraway

FARDEEP — 1.0.1

Fast and Robust Deconvolution of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte from Expression Profiles using Least Trimmed Squares

farff — 1.1.1

A Faster 'ARFF' File Reader and Writer

FarmSelect — 1.0.2

Factor Adjusted Robust Model Selection

FarmTest — 2.2.0

Factor-Adjusted Robust Multiple Testing

farr — 0.3.0

Data and Code for Financial Accounting Research

farrell — 0.2.1

Interactive Interface to Data Envelopment Analysis Modeling

farver — 2.1.2

High Performance Colour Space Manipulation

FAS — 1.0.0

Factor-Augmented Sparse Regression Tuning-Free Testing

fasano.franceschini.test — 2.2.2

Fasano-Franceschini Test: A Multivariate Kolmogorov-Smirnov Two-Sample Test

fase — 1.0.1

Functional Adjacency Spectral Embedding

FASeg — 0.1.9

Joint Segmentation of Correlated Time Series

fasjem — 1.1.2

A Fast and Scalable Joint Estimator for Learning Multiple Related Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models

fAssets — 4023.85

Rmetrics - Analysing and Modelling Financial Assets

fasstr — 0.5.2

Analyze, Summarize, and Visualize Daily Streamflow Data

FAST.R — 0.2.1

Analyze and Visualize FAST-Generated Data

fasta — 0.1.0

Fast Adaptive Shrinkage/Thresholding Algorithm

fastadi — 0.1.1

Self-Tuning Data Adaptive Matrix Imputation

fastAFT — 1.4

Fast Regression for the Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) Model

fastai — 2.2.2

Interface to 'fastai'

fastbackward — 1.0.1

Fast Backward Elimination Based on Information Criterion

FastBandChol — 0.1.1

Fast Estimation of a Covariance Matrix by Banding the Cholesky Factor

fastbeta — 0.3.0

Fast Approximation of Time-Varying Infectious Disease Transmission Rates

fastcluster — 1.2.6

Fast Hierarchical Clustering Routines for R and 'Python'

fastcmh — 0.2.7

Significant Interval Discovery with Categorical Covariates

fastcmprsk — 1.24.5

Fine-Gray Regression via Forward-Backward Scan

fastcox — 1.1.3

Lasso and Elastic-Net Penalized Cox's Regression in High Dimensions Models using the Cocktail Algorithm

fastcpd — 0.14.3

Fast Change Point Detection via Sequential Gradient Descent

FastCUB — 0.0.3

Fast Estimation of CUB Models via Louis' Identity

fastdigest — 0.6-4

Fast, Low Memory Footprint Digests of R Objects

fastDummies — 1.7.4

Fast Creation of Dummy (Binary) Columns and Rows from Categorical Variables

fasterElasticNet — 1.1.2

An Amazing Fast Way to Fit Elastic Net

fasterize — 1.0.5

Fast Polygon to Raster Conversion

fastFMM — 0.2.0

Fast Functional Mixed Models using Fast Univariate Inference

FastGaSP — 0.5.3

Fast and Exact Computation of Gaussian Stochastic Process

fastGHQuad — 1.0.1

Fast 'Rcpp' Implementation of Gauss-Hermite Quadrature

fastGLCM — 1.0.2

'GLCM' Texture Features

fastglm — 0.0.3

Fast and Stable Fitting of Generalized Linear Models using 'RcppEigen'

fastglmpca — 0.1-103

Fast Algorithms for Generalized Principal Component Analysis

FastGP — 1.2

Efficiently Using Gaussian Processes with Rcpp and RcppEigen

fastGraph — 2.1

Fast Drawing and Shading of Graphs of Statistical Distributions

fastICA — 1.2-5.1

FastICA Algorithms to Perform ICA and Projection Pursuit

FastImputation — 2.2.1

Learn from Training Data then Quickly Fill in Missing Data

FastJM — 1.4.2

Semi-Parametric Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Survival Data

fastJT — 1.0.6

Efficient Jonckheere-Terpstra Test Statistics

FastKM — 1.1

A Fast Multiple-Kernel Method Based on a Low-Rank Approximation

fastkmedoids — 1.2

Faster K-Medoids Clustering Algorithms: FastPAM, FastCLARA, FastCLARANS

FastKNN — 0.0.1

Fast k-Nearest Neighbors

fastkqr — 1.0.0

A Fast Algorithm for Kernel Quantile Regression

fastLink — 0.6.1

Fast Probabilistic Record Linkage with Missing Data

fastliu — 1.0

Fast Functions for Liu Regression with Regularization Parameter and Statistics

fastLogisticRegressionWrap — 1.2.0

Fast Logistic Regression Wrapper

fastlogitME — 0.1.0

Basic Marginal Effects for Logit Models

fastM — 0.0-4

Fast Computation of Multivariate M-Estimators

fastmap — 1.2.0

Fast Data Structures

fastmatch — 1.1-4

Fast 'match()' Function

fastmatrix — 0.5-7721

Fast Computation of some Matrices Useful in Statistics

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