Reference manual

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0.4.1 by Mark Baillie, 6 months ago,

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Authors: Mark Baillie [aut, cre, cph] , Diego Saldana [aut] , Charlotta Fruechtenicht [aut] , Marc Vandemeulebroecke [aut] , Thanos Siadimas [aut] , Pawel Kawski [aut] , Steven Haesendonckx [aut] , James Black [aut] , Pelagia Alexandra Papadopoulou [aut] , Tim Treis [aut] , Rebecca Albrecht [aut] , Ardalan Mirshani [ctb] , Daniel D. Sjoberg [aut]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Imports broom, cowplot, dplyr, DT, forcats, ggplot2, graphics, grDevices, grid, gridExtra, gt, gtable, kableExtra, knitr, lifecycle, rlang, stats, survival, tibble, tidycmprsk, tidyr, utils

Suggests data.table, ggpubr, learnr, rmarkdown, spelling, testthat, vdiffr

See at CRAN