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1.5.0 by Rich FitzJohn, 2 months ago,
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Authors: Rich FitzJohn [aut, cre] , Rob Ashton [aut] , Alex Hill [ctb] , Alicia Schep [ctb] , Ian Lyttle [ctb] , Kara Woo [ctb] , Mathias Buus [aut, cph] (Author of bundled imjv library) , Evgeny Poberezkin [aut, cph] (Author of bundled Ajv library)
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports R6, V8
Suggests knitr, jsonlite, rmarkdown, testthat, withr
Imported by FaaSr, TKCat, biocompute, cffr, datasetjson, openrouteservice, rmzqc.
Suggested by codemetar, odin, renv, tidyprompt.
See at CRAN