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yyjsonr — 0.1.20

Fast 'JSON', 'NDJSON' and 'GeoJSON' Parser and Generator

Z10 — 0.1.0

Simple Ecological Statistics from the NEON Network

zalpha — 0.3.0

Run a Suite of Selection Statistics

zCompositions — 1.5.0-4

Treatment of Zeros, Left-Censored and Missing Values in Compositional Data Sets

zctaCrosswalk — 2.0.0

Crosswalk Between 2020 Census ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs), States and Counties

zcurve — 2.4.2

An Implementation of Z-Curves

zdeskR — 0.4.1

Connect to Your 'Zendesk' Data

zeallot — 0.1.0

Multiple, Unpacking, and Destructuring Assignment

ZeBook — 1.1

Working with Dynamic Models for Agriculture and Environment

zebu —

Local Association Measures

zeitgebr — 0.3.5

Analysis of Circadian Behaviours

zen4R — 0.10

Interface to 'Zenodo' REST API

zendeskR — 0.4

Zendesk API Wrapper

zendown — 0.1.0

Access Files from 'Zenodo' Deposits

zenplots — 1.0.6

Zigzag Expanded Navigation Plots

zenstats — 0.1.2

Statistics from 'Zenodo' Deposits

zeroEQpart — 0.1.0

Zero Order vs (Semi) Partial Correlation Test and CI

zerotradeflow — 0.1.0

An Implementation for the Gravitational Models of Trade

zetadiv — 1.2.1

Functions to Compute Compositional Turnover Using Zeta Diversity

ZetaSuite — 1.0.1

Analyze High-Dimensional High-Throughput Dataset and Quality Control Single-Cell RNA-Seq

zfa — 1.1.0

Zoom-Focus Algorithm

zfit — 0.4.0

Fit Models in a Pipe

ZIBR — 1.0.2

A Zero-Inflated Beta Random Effect Model

zic — 0.9.1

Bayesian Inference for Zero-Inflated Count Models

ZillowR — 1.0.0

R Interface to Zillow Real Estate and Mortgage Data API

ZIM — 1.1.0

Zero-Inflated Models (ZIM) for Count Time Series with Excess Zeros

ZINAR1 — 0.1.0

Simulates ZINAR(1) Model and Estimates Its Parameters Under Frequentist Approach

ZINARp — 0.1.0

Simulate INAR/ZINAR(p) Models and Estimate Its Parameters

zip — 2.3.1

Cross-Platform 'zip' Compression

zipangu — 0.3.2

Japanese Utility Functions and Data

ZIPBayes — 1.0.2

Bayesian Methods in the Analysis of Zero-Inflated Poisson Model

zipcodeR — 0.3.5

Data & Functions for Working with US ZIP Codes

ZIPFA — 0.8.1

Zero Inflated Poisson Factor Analysis

zipfextR — 1.0.2

Zipf Extended Distributions

zipfR — 0.6-70

Statistical Models for Word Frequency Distributions

ZIPG — 1.1

Zero-Inflated Poisson-Gamma Regression

zippeR — 0.1.0

Working with United States ZIP Code and ZIP Code Tabulation Area Data

zipR — 0.1.1

Pythonic Zip() for R

ZIprop — 0.1.1

Permutations Tests and Performance Indicator for Zero-Inflated Proportions Response

zipsae — 1.0.2

Small Area Estimation with Zero-Inflated Model

ZLAvian — 0.2.0

Zipf's Law of Abbreviation in Animal Vocalisations

zlib — 1.0.3

Compression and Decompression

zlog — 1.0.2

Z(log) Transformation for Laboratory Measurements

zmisc — 0.2.3

Vector Look-Ups and Safer Sampling

zoeppritz — 1.0-9

Seismic Reflection and Scattering Coefficients

zoib — 1.6

Bayesian Inference for Beta Regression and Zero-or-One Inflated Beta Regression

zoid — 1.3.1

Bayesian Zero-and-One Inflated Dirichlet Regression Modelling

zoltr — 1.0.1

Interface to the 'Zoltar' Forecast Repository API

zonebuilder — 0.0.2

Create and Explore Geographic Zoning Systems

zonohedra — 0.3-0

Compute and Plot Zonohedra from Vector Generators

zoo — 1.8-12

S3 Infrastructure for Regular and Irregular Time Series (Z's Ordered Observations)

ZooID — 0.2.0

Load, Segment and Classify Zooplankton Images

zooimage — 5.5.2

Analysis of Numerical Plankton Images

zoolog — 1.1.0

Zooarchaeological Analysis with Log-Ratios

zoom — 2.0.6

A Spatial Data Visualization Tool

zoomerjoin — 0.1.5

Superlatively Fast Fuzzy Joins

zoomGroupStats — 0.1.0

Analyze Text, Audio, and Video from 'Zoom' Meetings

zoomr — 0.3.0

Connect to Your 'Zoom' Data

ZRA — 0.2

Dynamic Plots for Time Series Forecasting

zscorer — 0.3.1

Child Anthropometry z-Score Calculator

Zseq — 0.2.1

Integer Sequence Generator

ztable — 0.2.3

Zebra-Striped Tables in LaTeX and HTML Formats

ztpln — 0.1.2

Zero-Truncated Poisson Lognormal Distribution

zTree — 1.0.7

Functions to Import Data from 'z-Tree' into R

ztype — 0.1.0

Run a Ztype Game Loaded with R Functions

ZVCV — 2.1.2

Zero-Variance Control Variates

zyp — 0.11-1

Zhang + Yue-Pilon Trends Package

zzlite — 0.1.2

Lite Wrapper for the 'Zamzar File Conversion' API

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