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tempR —

Temporal Sensory Data Analysis

TempStable — 0.2.2

A Collection of Methods to Estimate Parameters of Different Tempered Stable Distributions

tempted — 0.1.1

Temporal Tensor Decomposition, a Dimensionality Reduction Tool for Longitudinal Multivariate Data

Tendril — 2.0.4

Compute and Display Tendril Plots

tenispolaR — 0.1.4

Provides ZENIT-POLAR Substitution Cipher Method of Encryption

tenm — 0.5.1

Temporal Ecological Niche Models

tensor — 1.5

Tensor product of arrays

tensorA —

Advanced Tensor Arithmetic with Named Indices

tensorBF — 1.0.2

Bayesian Tensor Factorization

tensorBSS — 0.3.9

Blind Source Separation Methods for Tensor-Valued Observations

TensorClustering — 1.0.2

Model-Based Tensor Clustering

TensorComplete — 0.2.0

Tensor Noise Reduction and Completion Methods

tensorEVD — 0.1.4

A Fast Algorithm to Factorize High-Dimensional Tensor Product Matrices

tensorflow — 2.16.0

R Interface to 'TensorFlow'

tensorMiss — 1.1.1

Handle Missing Tensor Data with C++ Integration

TensorPreAve — 1.1.0

Rank and Factor Loadings Estimation in Time Series Tensor Factor Models

tensorregress — 5.1

Supervised Tensor Decomposition with Side Information

tensorsparse — 3.0

Multiway Clustering via Tensor Block Models

TensorTest2D — 1.1.2

Fitting Second-Order Tensor Data

tensorTS — 1.0.2

Factor and Autoregressive Models for Tensor Time Series

tensr — 1.0.1

Covariance Inference and Decompositions for Tensor Datasets

TEQR — 6.0-0

Target Equivalence Range Design

tergm — 4.2.0

Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Models for Network Evolution Based on Exponential-Family Random Graph Models

tergmLite — 2.6.1

Fast Simulation of Simple Temporal Exponential Random Graph Models

term — 0.3.5

Create, Manipulate and Query Parameter Terms

terminaldigits — 0.1.0

Tests of Uniformity and Independence for Terminal Digits

tern — 0.9.6

Create Common TLGs Used in Clinical Trials

tern.gee — 0.1.5

Tables and Graphs for Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) Model Fits

tern.mmrm — 0.3.2

Tables and Graphs for Mixed Models for Repeated Measures (MMRM)

Ternary — 2.3.3

Create Ternary and Holdridge Plots

ternvis — 1.2

Visualisation, Verification and Calibration of Ternary Probabilistic Forecasts

terra — 1.7-78

Spatial Data Analysis

terrainmeshr — 0.1.0

Triangulate and Simplify 3D Terrain Meshes

terrainr — 0.7.5

Landscape Visualizations in R and 'Unity'

TesiproV — 0.9.2

Calculation of Reliability and Failure Probability in Civil Engineering

TESS — 2.1.2

Diversification Rate Estimation and Fast Simulation of Reconstructed Phylogenetic Trees under Tree-Wide Time-Heterogeneous Birth-Death Processes Including Mass-Extinction Events

tessellation — 2.3.0

Delaunay and Voronoï Tessellations

tesselle — 1.4.0

Easily Install and Load 'tesselle' Packages

tesseract — 5.2.1

Open Source OCR Engine

test2norm — 0.3.0

Normative Standards for Cognitive Tests

TestAnaAPP — 1.1.1

A 'shiny' App for Test Analysis and Visualization

testarguments — 0.0.1

Test (Multiple) Arguments of a User-Defined Prediction Algorithm

testassay — 0.1.1

A Hypothesis Testing Framework for Validating an Assay for Precision

testCompareR — 1.0.4

Comparing Two Diagnostic Tests with Dichotomous Results using Paired Data

TestCor —

FWER and FDR Controlling Procedures for Multiple Correlation Tests

testcorr — 0.2.0

Testing Zero Correlation

testdat — 0.4.2

Data Unit Testing for R

TestDataImputation — 2.3

Missing Item Responses Imputation for Test and Assessment Data

TestDesign — 1.7.0

Optimal Test Design Approach to Fixed and Adaptive Test Construction

TestDimorph — 0.5.8

Analysis of the Interpopulation Difference in Degree of Sexual Dimorphism Using Summary Statistics

testDriveR — 0.5.2

Teaching Data for Statistics and Data Science

testequavar — 0.1.5

Bootstrap Tests for Equality of 2, 3, or 4 Population Variances

tester — 0.2.0

Tests and Checks Characteristics of R Objects

testex — 0.2.0

Add Tests to Examples

testforDEP — 0.2.0

Dependence Tests for Two Variables

TestFunctions — 0.2.2

Test Functions for Simulation Experiments and Evaluating Optimization and Emulation Algorithms

TestGardener — 3.3.5

Information Analysis for Test and Rating Scale Data

TestGenerator — 0.3.1

Integration Unit Tests for Pharmacoepidemiological Studies

TestIndVars — 0.1.0

Testing the Independence of Variables for Specific Covariance Structures

TestingSimilarity — 1.1

Bootstrap Test for the Similarity of Dose Response Curves Concerning the Maximum Absolute Deviation

testit — 0.13

A Simple Package for Testing R Packages

TestScorer — 1.7.2

GUI for Entering Test Items and Obtaining Raw and Transformed Scores

TestsSymmetry — 1.0.0

Tests for Symmetry when the Center of Symmetry is Unknown

testthat —

Unit Testing for R

testthatmulti — 0.1.0

Testing for R Packages with Multiple Attempts for Noisy Tests

testthis — 1.1.1

Utils and 'RStudio' Addins to Make Testing Even More Fun

testtwice — 1.0.3

Testing One Hypothesis Twice in Observational Studies

tetraclasse — 0.1.21

Satisfaction Analysis using Tetraclasse Model and Llosa Matrix

tetragon — 1.3.0

Automatic Sequence Prediction by Expansion of the Distance Matrix

tetrascatt — 0.1.1

Acoustic Scattering for Complex Shapes by Using the DWBA

tetRys — 1.2

Game of 'tetRys'

Tex4exams — 0.1.2

Generating 'Sweave' Code for 'R/exams' Questions in Mathematics

TeXCheckR — 0.8.1

Parses LaTeX Documents for Errors

TexExamRandomizer — 1.2.7

Personalizes and Randomizes Exams Written in 'LaTeX'

texmex — 2.4.9

Statistical Modelling of Extreme Values

texor — 1.3.0

Converting 'LaTeX' 'R Journal' Articles into 'RJ-web-articles'

TExPosition —

Two-Table ExPosition

texPreview — 2.1.0

Compile and Preview Snippets of 'LaTeX'

texreg — 1.39.4

Conversion of R Regression Output to LaTeX or HTML Tables

text — 1.2.3

Analyses of Text using Transformers Models from HuggingFace, Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning

text.alignment — 0.1.4

Text Alignment with Smith-Waterman

text2map — 0.2.0

R Tools for Text Matrices, Embeddings, and Networks

text2sdg — 1.1.1

Detecting UN Sustainable Development Goals in Text

text2sdgData — 0.1.1

Contains the Trained 'text2sdg' Ensemble Model Data

text2speech — 1.0.0

Text to Speech Conversion

text2vec — 0.6.4

Modern Text Mining Framework for R

textab — 1.0.1

Create Highly-Customized 'LaTeX' Tables

textBoxPlacement — 1.0

Compute a Non-Overlapping Layout of Text Boxes to Label Multiple Overlain Plots

textcat — 1.0-8

N-Gram Based Text Categorization

textclean — 0.9.3

Text Cleaning Tools

textdata — 0.4.5

Download and Load Various Text Datasets

texteffect — 0.3

Discovering Latent Treatments in Text Corpora and Estimating Their Causal Effects

texter — 0.1.9

An Easy Text and Sentiment Analysis Library

TextForecast — 0.1.3

Regression Analysis and Forecasting Using Textual Data from a Time-Varying Dictionary

textgRid — 1.0.1

Praat TextGrid Objects in R

textile — 0.1.4

Textile Images

textir — 2.0-5

Inverse Regression for Text Analysis

textmineR — 3.0.5

Functions for Text Mining and Topic Modeling

TextMiningGUI — 0.3

Text Mining GUI Interface

textometry — 0.1.6

Textual Data Analysis Package Used by the TXM Software

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