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SOHPIE — 1.0.6

Statistical Approach via Pseudo-Value Information and Estimation

SOIL — 1.1

Sparsity Oriented Importance Learning

soilassessment — 0.2.6

Assessment Models for Agriculture Soil Conditions and Crop Suitability

soilchemistry — 0.1.0

Computation of Properties Related to Soil Chemical Environment and Nutrient Availability

SoilConservation — 1.0.0

Soil and Water Conservation

soilDB — 2.8.4

Soil Database Interface

SoilFDA — 0.1.0

Fractal Dimension Analysis of Soil Particle Size Distribution

soilfoodwebs — 1.0.2

Soil Food Web Analysis

SoilFunctionality — 0.1.0

Soil Functionality Measurement

SoilHyP — 0.1.7

Soil Hydraulic Properties

soilhypfit — 0.1-7

Modelling of Soil Water Retention and Hydraulic Conductivity Data

soilphysics — 5.0

Soil Physical Analysis

SoilR — 1.2.107

Models of Soil Organic Matter Decomposition

SoilSaltIndex — 0.1.0

Soil Salinity Indices Generation using Satellite Data

SoilTaxonomy — 0.2.4

A System of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil Surveys

soiltestcorr — 2.2.1

Soil Test Correlation and Calibration

SoilTesting — 0.1.0

Organic Carbon and Plant Available Nutrient Contents in Soil

soiltexture — 1.5.3

Functions for Soil Texture Plot, Classification and Transformation

soilwater — 1.0.5

Implementation of Parametric Formulas for Soil Water Retention or Conductivity Curve

Sojourn.Data — 0.3.0

Supporting Objects for Sojourn Accelerometer Methods

sokoban — 0.1.0

Sokoban Game

solaR — 0.46

Radiation and Photovoltaic Systems

solaR2 — 0.10

Radiation and Photovoltaic Systems

solarPos — 1.0

Solar Position Algorithm for Solar Radiation Applications

solartime — 0.0.2

Utilities Dealing with Solar Time Such as Sun Position and Time of Sunrise

solitude — 1.1.3

An Implementation of Isolation Forest

solrad — 1.0.0

Calculating Solar Radiation and Related Variables Based on Location, Time and Topographical Conditions

solrium — 1.2.0

General Purpose R Interface to 'Solr'

solvebio — 2.15.0

The Official SolveBio API Client

SolveSAPHE — 2.1.0

Solver Suite for Alkalinity-PH Equations

som — 0.3-5.2

Self-Organizing Map

som.nn — 1.4.4

Topological k-NN Classifier Based on Self-Organising Maps

soma — 1.2.0

General-Purpose Optimisation with the Self-Organising Migrating Algorithm

SomaDataIO — 6.1.0

Input/Output 'SomaScan' Data

somaticflags — 0.1.0

Database of Somatic Flags

SOMbrero — 1.4-2

SOM Bound to Realize Euclidean and Relational Outputs

someMTP —

Some Multiple Testing Procedures

SOMEnv — 1.1.2

SOM Algorithm for the Analysis of Multivariate Environmental Data

sommer — 4.3.5

Solving Mixed Model Equations in R

SOMnmR — 0.3.0

Analysis of Soil Organic Matter using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

somspace — 1.2.4

Spatial Analysis with Self-Organizing Maps

sonar — 1.0.2

Fundamental Formulas for Sonar

SongEvo — 1.0.0

An Individual-Based Model of Bird Song Evolution

sonicLength — 1.4.7

Estimating Abundance of Clones from DNA Fragmentation Data

sonicscrewdriver — 0.0.7

Bioacoustic Analysis and Publication Tools

sonify — 0.0-1

Data Sonification - Turning Data into Sound

SOP — 1.0-1

Generalised Additive P-Spline Regression Models Estimation

SOPC — 0.1.0

The Sparse Online Principal Component Estimation Algorithm

SOPIE — 1.6

Non-Parametric Estimation of the Off-Pulse Interval of a Pulsar

soptdmaeA — 1.0.0

Sequential Optimal Designs for Two-Colour cDNA Microarray Experiments

soql — 0.1.1

Helps Make Socrata Open Data API Calls

SOR — 0.23.1

Estimation using Sequential Offsetted Regression

sorcering — 1.0.1

Soil Organic Carbon and CN Ratio Driven Nitrogen Modelling Framework

sorocs — 0.1.0

A Bayesian Semiparametric Approach to Correlated ROC Surfaces

SorptionAnalysis — 0.1.0

Static Adsorption Experiment Plotting and Analysis

sortable — 0.5.0

Drag-and-Drop in 'shiny' Apps with 'SortableJS'

SortedEffects — 1.7.0

Estimation and Inference Methods for Sorted Causal Effects and Classification Analysis

sorvi — 0.8.21

Functions for Finnish Open Data

sos — 2.1-8

Search Contributed R Packages, Sort by Package

sotkanet — 0.10.1

Sotkanet Open Data Access and Analysis

sotu — 1.0.4

United States Presidential State of the Union Addresses

sound — 1.4.6

A Sound Interface for R

soundClass —

Sound Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks

soundecology — 1.3.3

Soundscape Ecology

SoundexBR — 1.2

Phonetic-Coding for Portuguese

soundgen — 2.7.0

Sound Synthesis and Acoustic Analysis

SoundShape — 1.3.0

Sound Waves Onto Morphometric Data

SoupX — 1.6.2

Single Cell mRNA Soup eXterminator

sourcetools — 0.1.7-1

Tools for Reading, Tokenizing and Parsing R Code

SouthParkRshiny — 1.0.0

Data and 'Shiny' Application for the Show 'SouthPark'

sovereign — 1.2.1

State-Dependent Empirical Analysis

sox — 1.2

Structured Learning in Time-Dependent Cox Models

SoyNAM — 1.6.2

Soybean Nested Association Mapping Dataset

SoyURT — 1.0.0

USDA Northern Region Uniform Soybean Tests Dataset

sp — 2.1-4

Classes and Methods for Spatial Data

SP2000 — 0.2.0

Catalogue of Life Toolkit

sp23design — 0.9-1

Design and Simulation of Seamless Phase II-III Clinical Trials

spaa — 0.2.2

SPecies Association Analysis

spAbundance — 0.2.0

Univariate and Multivariate Spatial Modeling of Species Abundance

spacefillr — 0.3.3

Space-Filling Random and Quasi-Random Sequences

spacejamr — 0.2.1

Simulate Spatial Bernoulli Networks

spaceNet — 1.2

Latent Space Models for Multidimensional Networks

spacesRGB — 1.5-0

Standard and User-Defined RGB Color Spaces, with Conversion Between RGB and CIE XYZ

spacesXYZ — 1.3-0

CIE XYZ and some of Its Derived Color Spaces

spacetime — 1.3-2

Classes and Methods for Spatio-Temporal Data

SpaceTimeBSS — 0.4-0

Blind Source Separation for Multivariate Spatio-Temporal Data

SpaCOAP — 1.2

High-Dimensional Spatial Covariate-Augmented Overdispersed Poisson Factor Model

spacyr — 1.3.0

Wrapper to the 'spaCy' 'NLP' Library

SPADAR — 1.0

Spherical Projections of Astronomical Data

spAddins — 0.2.0

A Set of RStudio Addins

SpadeR — 0.1.1

Species-Richness Prediction and Diversity Estimation with R

SpaDES — 2.0.11

Develop and Run Spatially Explicit Discrete Event Simulation Models

SpaDES.core — 2.1.0

Core Utilities for Developing and Running Spatially Explicit Discrete Event Models — 2.0.7

Additional Tools for Developing Spatially Explicit Discrete Event Simulation (SpaDES) Models

spaero — 0.6.0

Software for Project AERO

spagmix — 0.4-2

Artificial Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Densities on Bounded Windows

spam — 2.10-0

SPArse Matrix

spam64 — 2.10-0

64-Bit Extension of the SPArse Matrix R Package 'spam'

spaMM — 4.5.0

Mixed-Effect Models, with or without Spatial Random Effects

spanish — 0.4.2

Translate Quantities from Strings to Integer and Back. Misc Functions on Spanish Data

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