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· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

modules — 0.13.0

Self Contained Units of Source Code

MOEADr — 1.1.3

Component-Wise MOEA/D Implementation

MoEClust — 1.5.2

Gaussian Parsimonious Clustering Models with Covariates and a Noise Component

moexer — 0.3.0

Interact with Moscow Exchange Informational and Statistical Server ('ISS')

MOFAT — 1.0

Maximum One-Factor-at-a-Time Designs

mogavs — 1.1.0

Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm for Variable Selection in Regression

mojson — 0.1

A Serialization-Style Flattening and Description for JSON

mokken — 3.1.2

Conducts Mokken Scale Analysis

molaR — 5.3

Dental Surface Complexity Measurement Tools

MoLE — 1.0.1

Modeling Language Evolution

MolgenisArmadillo — 2.6.3

Armadillo Client for the Armadillo Service

MolgenisAuth — 0.0.25

'OpenID Connect' Discovery and Authentication

MOLHD — 0.2

Multiple Objective Latin Hypercube Design

mombf — 3.5.4

Model Selection with Bayesian Methods and Information Criteria

momentchi2 — 0.1.5

Moment-Matching Methods for Weighted Sums of Chi-Squared Random Variables

momentfit — 0.5

Methods of Moments

moments — 0.14.1

Moments, Cumulants, Skewness, Kurtosis and Related Tests

momentuHMM — 1.5.5

Maximum Likelihood Analysis of Animal Movement Behavior Using Multivariate Hidden Markov Models

Momocs — 1.4.1

Morphometrics using R

MomTrunc — 6.0

Moments of Folded and Doubly Truncated Multivariate Distributions

monaco — 0.2.2

The 'Monaco' Editor as a HTML Widget

MoNAn — 1.1.0

Mobility Network Analysis

monashtipr — 0.1.0

An R API Wrapper for the Monash University Probabilistic Footy Tipping Competition

mondate — 1.0

Keep Track of Dates in Terms of Months

Mondrian — 1.1-1

A Simple Graphical Representation of the Relative Occurrence and Co-Occurrence of Events

MonetDB.R — 2.0.0

Connect MonetDB to R

mongolite — 2.8.1

Fast and Simple 'MongoDB' Client for R

mongopipe — 0.1.1

Query MongoDB Documents with R

monitoR — 1.0.7

Acoustic Template Detection in R

monitOS — 0.1.5

Monitoring Overall Survival in Pivotal Trials in Indolent Cancers

monmlp — 1.1.5

Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Network with Optional Monotonicity Constraints

monobin — 0.2.4

Monotonic Binning for Credit Rating Models

monobinShiny — 0.1.0

Shiny User Interface for 'monobin' Package

monochromeR — 0.2.0

Easily Create, View and Use Monochrome Colour Palettes

monoClust — 1.2.1

Perform Monothetic Clustering with Extensions to Circular Data

monographaR — 1.3.1

Taxonomic Monographs Tools

MonoInc — 1.1

Monotonic Increasing

monolix2rx — 0.0.2

Converts 'Monolix' Models to 'rxode2'

monomvn — 1.9-21

Estimation for MVN and Student-t Data with Monotone Missingness

MonoPoly — 0.3-10

Functions to Fit Monotone Polynomials

monoreg — 2.1

Bayesian Monotonic Regression Using a Marked Point Process Construction

monotone — 0.1.2

Performs Monotone Regression

monotonicity — 1.3.1

Test for Monotonicity in Expected Asset Returns, Sorted by Portfolios

monreg —

Nonparametric Monotone Regression — 0.1.1

Monte Carlo Standard Errors

MonteCarlo — 1.0.6

Automatic Parallelized Monte Carlo Simulations

MonteCarloSEM — 0.0.8

Monte Carlo Data Simulation Package

moocore — 0.1.2

Core Mathematical Functions for Multi-Objective Optimization

moodef — 1.1.0

Defining 'Moodle' Elements from R

moodlequizR — 2.1.1

Easily Create Fully Randomized 'Moodle' Test Questions

moodleR — 1.0.1

Helper Functions to Work with 'Moodle' Data

moonBook — 0.3.1

Functions and Datasets for the Book by Keon-Woong Moon

moose — 0.0.1

Mean Squared Out-of-Sample Error Projection

mop — 0.1.2

Mobility Oriented-Parity Metric

mopac — 0.1.0

Collection of Datasets Pertaining to Loop 1 "Mopac"

MOQA — 2.0.0

Basic Quality Data Assurance for Epidemiological Research

moranajp — 0.9.7

Morphological Analysis for Japanese

moreparty — 0.4

A Toolbox for Conditional Inference Trees and Random Forests

morepls — 0.1

Interpretation Tools for Partial Least Squares Regression

morestopwords — 0.2.0

All Stop Words in One Place

morph — 1.1.0

3D Segmentation of Voxels into Morphologic Classes

morphemepiece — 1.2.3

Morpheme Tokenization — 1.2.0

Data for Morpheme Tokenization

morpheus — 1.0-4

Estimate Parameters of Mixtures of Logistic Regressions

Morpho — 2.12

Calculations and Visualisations Related to Geometric Morphometrics

morphomap — 1.5

Morphometric Maps, Bone Landmarking and Cross Sectional Geometry

MorphoRegions — 0.1.0

Analysis of Regionalization Patterns in Serially Homologous Structures

Morphoscape — 1.0.2

Computation and Visualization of Adaptive Landscapes

MorphoTools2 —

Multivariate Morphometric Analysis

morrowplots — 0.1.0

Historical Agricultural Data from the University of Illinois

morse — 3.3.4

Modelling Reproduction and Survival Data in Ecotoxicology

mort — 0.0.1

Identifying Potential Mortalities and Expelled Tags in Aquatic Acoustic Telemetry Arrays

mortAAR — 1.1.6

Analysis of Archaeological Mortality Data

MortalityGaps — 1.0.0

The Double-Gap Life Expectancy Forecasting Model

MortalityLaws — 2.1.0

Parametric Mortality Models, Life Tables and HMD

MortalityTables — 2.0.5

A Framework for Various Types of Mortality / Life Tables

MortCast — 2.7-0

Estimation and Projection of Age-Specific Mortality Rates

mosaic — 1.9.1

Project MOSAIC Statistics and Mathematics Teaching Utilities

mosaicCalc — 0.6.4

R-Language Based Calculus Operations for Teaching

mosaicCore —

Common Utilities for Other MOSAIC-Family Packages

mosaicData — 0.20.4

Project MOSAIC Data Sets

mosaicModel — 0.3.0

An Interface to Statistical Modeling Independent of Model Architecture

mosqcontrol — 0.1.0

Mosquito Control Resource Optimization

MOSS — 0.2.2

Multi-Omic Integration via Sparse Singular Value Decomposition

MOST — 0.1.2

Multiphase Optimization Strategy

mosum — 1.2.7

Moving Sum Based Procedures for Changes in the Mean

MoTBFs — 1.4.1

Learning Hybrid Bayesian Networks using Mixtures of Truncated Basis Functions

MOTE — 1.0.2

Effect Size and Confidence Interval Calculator

motif — 0.6.4

Local Pattern Analysis

motifcluster — 0.2.3

Motif-Based Spectral Clustering of Weighted Directed Networks

motifr — 1.0.0

Motif Analysis in Multi-Level Networks

motmot — 2.1.3

Models of Trait Macroevolution on Trees

motoRneuron — 1.0.0

Analyzing Paired Neuron Discharge Times for Time-Domain Synchronization

moult — 2.3.1

Models for Analysing Moult in Birds

mountainplot — 1.4

Mountain Plots, Folded Empirical Cumulative Distribution Plots

mousetRajectory — 0.2.1

Mouse Trajectory Analyses for Behavioural Scientists

mousetrap — 3.2.3

Process and Analyze Mouse-Tracking Data

move — 4.2.5

Visualizing and Analyzing Animal Track Data

move2 — 0.3.0

Processing and Analysing Animal Trajectories

movecost — 2.1

Calculation of Slope-Dependant Accumulated Cost Surface, Least-Cost Paths, Least-Cost Corridors, Least-Cost Networks Related to Human Movement Across the Landscape

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