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0.1.2 by Manuel López-Ibáñez, 6 months ago,
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Authors: Manuel López-Ibáñez [aut, cre] , Carlos Fonseca [ctb] , Luís Paquete [ctb] , Andreia P. Guerreiro [ctb] , Mickaël Binois [ctb] , Michael H. Buselli [cph] (AVL-tree library) , Wessel Dankers [cph] (AVL-tree library) , NumPy Developers [cph] (RNG and ziggurat constants) , Jean-Sebastien Roy [cph] (mt19937 library) , Makoto Matsumoto [cph] (mt19937 library) , Takuji Nishimura [cph] (mt19937 library)
Documentation: PDF Manual
LGPL (>= 2) license
Imports matrixStats, Rdpack
Suggests doctest, knitr, spelling, testthat, withr
System requirements: GNU make
Imported by gMOIP.
See at CRAN