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· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

ProbSamplingI — 2.0

Probabilistic Sampling Design and Strategies

PROBShiny — 0.1.0

Interactive Document for Working with Basic Probability

probstats4econ — 0.3.1

Companion Package to Probability and Statistics for Economics and Business

ProbYX — 1.1-0.1

Inference for the Stress-Strength Model R = P(Y<X)

pROC — 1.18.5

Display and Analyze ROC Curves

proccalibrad — 0.14

Extraction of Bands from MODIS Calibrated Radiances MOD02 NRT

ProcData — 0.3.2

Process Data Analysis

proceduralnames — 0.2.2

Several Methods for Procedural Name Generation

processanimateR — 1.0.5

Process Map Token Replay Animation

processcheckR — 0.1.4

Rule-Based Conformance Checking of Business Process Event Data

processmapR — 0.5.5

Construct Process Maps Using Event Data

processmonitR — 0.1.0

Building Process Monitoring Dashboards

processpredictR — 0.1.0

Process Prediction

processx — 3.8.4

Execute and Control System Processes

proclhmm — 1.0.0

Latent Hidden Markov Models for Response Process Data

procmaps — 0.0.5

Portable Address Space Mapping

ProcMod — 1.0.8

Informative Procrustean Matrix Correlation

procs — 1.0.6

Recreates Some 'SAS®' Procedures in 'R'

ProDenICA — 1.1

Product Density Estimation for ICA using Tilted Gaussian Density Estimates

prodest — 1.0.1

Production Function Estimation

prodigenr — 0.6.2

Research Project Directory Generator

prodlim — 2024.06.25

Product-Limit Estimation for Censored Event History Analysis

productivity — 1.1.0

Indices of Productivity Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)

productplots — 0.1.1

Product Plots for R

ProFAST — 1.4

Probabilistic Factor Analysis for Spatially-Aware Dimension Reduction

ProfessR — 2.4-3

Grades Setting and Exam Maker

profExtrema — 0.2.1

Compute and Visualize Profile Extrema Functions

proffer — 0.2.0

Profile R Code and Visualize with 'Pprof'

profile — 1.0.3

Read, Manipulate, and Write Profiler Data

ProfileLikelihood — 1.3

Profile Likelihood for a Parameter in Commonly Used Statistical Models

profileModel — 0.6.1

Profiling Inference Functions for Various Model Classes

profileR — 0.3-5

Profile Analysis of Multivariate Data in R

profiplots — 0.2.3

Profinit Plotting Theme

profmem — 0.6.0

Simple Memory Profiling for R

profoc — 1.3.3

Probabilistic Forecast Combination Using CRPS Learning

ProfoundData — 0.2.1

Downloading and Exploring Data from the PROFOUND Database

profr — 0.3.3

An Alternative Display for Profiling Information

profrep — 1.0.0

Profile Repeatability

proftools — 0.99-3

Profile Output Processing Tools for R

profvis — 0.4.0

Interactive Visualizations for Profiling R Code

progenyClust — 1.2

Finding the Optimal Cluster Number Using Progeny Clustering

ProgModule — 0.1.0

Identification of Prognosis-Related Mutually Exclusive Modules

progress — 1.2.3

Terminal Progress Bars

progressr — 0.14.0

An Inclusive, Unifying API for Progress Updates

PROJ — 0.5.0

Generic Coordinate System Transformations Using 'PROJ'

proj4 — 1.0-14

A simple interface to the PROJ.4 cartographic projections library

ProjectionBasedClustering — 1.2.2

Projection Based Clustering

projections — 0.6.0

Project Future Case Incidence

ProjectManagement — 1.5.2

Management of Deterministic and Stochastic Projects

projects — 2.1.3

A Project Infrastructure for Researchers

ProjectTemplate — 0.11.0

Automates the Creation of New Statistical Analysis Projects

projmgr — 0.1.1

Task Tracking and Project Management with GitHub

projpred — 2.8.0

Projection Predictive Feature Selection

ProliferativeIndex — 1.0.1

Calculates and Analyzes the Proliferative Index

prolific.api — 0.5.2

A User-Friendly Interface for Accessing the Prolific API

prolsirm — 0.1.0

Procrustes Matching for Latent Space Item Response Model

prome —

Patient-Reported Outcome Data Analysis with Stan


Preference Ranking Organization METHod for Enrichment of Evaluations

promethee123 — 0.1.0

PROMETHEE I, II, and III Methods

PrometheeTools — 0.1.0

PROMETHEE and GLNF for Ranking and Sorting Problems

promises — 1.3.0

Abstractions for Promise-Based Asynchronous Programming

promor — 0.2.1

Proteomics Data Analysis and Modeling Tools

promote — 1.1.1

Client for the 'Alteryx Promote' API

promotionImpact — 0.1.5

Analysis & Measurement of Promotion Effectiveness

prompt — 1.0.2

Dynamic 'R' Prompt

prompter — 1.2.0

Add Tooltips in 'Shiny' Apps with 'Hint.css'

promptr — 1.0.0

Format and Complete Few-Shot LLM Prompts

promr — 0.1.3

Prometheus 'PromQL' Query Client for 'R'

prop.comb.RR — 1.2

Analyzing Combination of Proportions and Relative Risk

propagate — 1.0-6

Propagation of Uncertainty

PropCIs — 0.3-0

Various Confidence Interval Methods for Proportions

PropClust — 1.4-7

Propensity Clustering and Decomposition

properties — 0.0-9

Parse 'Java' Properties Files for 'R Service Bus' Applications

prophet — 1.0

Automatic Forecasting Procedure

proporz — 1.5.0

Proportional Apportionment

propOverlap — 1.0

Feature (gene) selection based on the Proportional Overlapping Scores

PropScrRand — 1.1.2

Propensity Score Methods for Assigning Treatment in Randomized Trials

proPubBills — 0.1

'ProPublica' U.S. Congress Bills API Wrapper

ProPublicaR — 1.1.4

Access Functions for ProPublica's APIs

PROreg — 1.3

Patient Reported Outcomes Regression Analysis

PROscorer — 0.0.4

Functions to Score Commonly-Used Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) Measures and Other Psychometric Instruments

PROscorerTools — 0.0.4

Tools to Score Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) and Other Psychometric Measures

PROsetta — 0.4.1

Linking Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures

ProSGPV — 1.0.0

Penalized Regression with Second-Generation P-Values

prospectr — 0.2.7

Miscellaneous Functions for Processing and Sample Selection of Spectroscopic Data

PROSPER — 0.3.3

Simulation of Weed Population Dynamics

ProSportsDraftData — 1.0.3

Professional Sports Draft Data

protag — 1.0.0

Search Tagged Peptides & Draw Highlighted Mass Spectra

protein8k — 0.0.1

Perform Analysis and Create Visualizations of Proteins

ProteoBayes — 1.0.0

Bayesian Statistical Tools for Quantitative Proteomics

proteomicsCV — 0.3.0

Calculates the Percentage CV for Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics Data

proteus — 1.1.4

Multiform Seq2Seq Model for Time-Feature Analysis

protHMM — 0.1.1

Protein Feature Extraction from Profile Hidden Markov Models

proto — 1.0.0

Prototype Object-Based Programming

protoclust — 1.6.4

Hierarchical Clustering with Prototypes

protolite — 2.3.1

Highly Optimized Protocol Buffer Serializers

proton — 1.0

The Proton Game

protoshiny — 0.1.0

Interactive Dendrograms for Visualizing Hierarchical Clusters with Prototypes

prototest — 1.2

Inference on Prototypes from Clusters of Features

protr — 1.7-4

Generating Various Numerical Representation Schemes for Protein Sequences

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