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PooledCohort — 0.0.2

Predicted Risk for CVD using Pooled Cohort Equations, PREVENT Equations, and Other Contemporary CVD Risk Calculators

PooledMeanGroup — 1.0

Pooled Mean Group Estimation of Dynamic Heterogenous Panels

pooledpeaks — 1.0.6

Genetic Analysis of Pooled Samples

poolfstat — 2.2.0

Computing f-Statistics and Building Admixture Graphs Based on Allele Count or Pool-Seq Read Count Data

poolHelper — 1.1.0

Simulates Pooled Sequencing Genetic Data

pooling — 1.1.2

Fit Poolwise Regression Models

poolr — 1.1-1

Methods for Pooling P-Values from (Dependent) Tests

PoolTestR — 0.1.3

Prevalence and Regression for Pool-Tested (Group-Tested) Data

poolVIM — 1.0.0

Gene-Based Association Tests using the Actual Impurity Reduction (AIR) Variable Importance

poorman — 0.2.7

A Poor Man's Dependency Free Recreation of 'dplyr'

pop — 0.1

A Flexible Syntax for Population Dynamic Modelling

pop.lion — 1.0.1

Models for Simulating Lion Populations

pop.wolf — 1.0

Models for Simulating Wolf Populations

popbayes — 1.2.0

Bayesian Model to Estimate Population Trends from Counts Series

popbio — 2.8

Construction and Analysis of Matrix Population Models

popdemo — 1.3-1

Demographic Modelling Using Projection Matrices

PoPdesign — 1.1.0

Posterior Predictive (PoP) Design for Phase I Clinical Trials

PopED — 0.7.0

Population (and Individual) Optimal Experimental Design

popEpi — 0.4.12

Functions for Epidemiological Analysis using Population Data

PopGenHelpR — 1.3.2

Streamline Population Genomic and Genetic Analyses

popgenr — 0.2

Accompaniment to Population Genetics with R: An Introduction for Life Scientists

PopGenReport — 3.1

A Simple Framework to Analyse Population and Landscape Genetic Data

POPInf — 1.0.0

Assumption-Lean and Data-Adaptive Post-Prediction Inference

popkin — 1.3.23

Estimate Kinship and FST under Arbitrary Population Structure

popPCR —

Classify Digital PCR Droplets by Fitting Fluorescence Populations

poppr — 2.9.6

Genetic Analysis of Populations with Mixed Reproduction

popPyramid — 0.1.1

Population Pyramids

popReconstruct — 1.0-6

Reconstruct Human Populations of the Recent Past

popstudy — 1.0.1

Applied Techniques to Demographic and Time Series Analysis

poptrend — 0.2.0

Estimate Smooth and Linear Trends from Population Count Survey Data

population — 0.3

Models for Simulating Populations

PopulationGrowthR — 0.1.1

Linear Population Growth Scenarios

populationPDXdesign — 1.0.3

Designing Population PDX Studies

populR — 0.2.1

Population Downscaling Using Areal Interpolation

poputils — 0.3.3

Demographic Analysis and Data Manipulation

porridge — 0.3.3

Ridge-Type Penalized Estimation of a Potpourri of Models

port4me — 0.7.1

Get the Same, Personal, Free 'TCP' Port over and over

PortalHacienda — 0.1.7

Acceder Con R a Los Datos Del Portal De Hacienda

portalr — 0.4.3

Create Useful Summaries of the Portal Data

portes — 6.0

Portmanteau Tests for Time Series Models

portfolio — 0.5-3

Analysing Equity Portfolios

portfolio.optimization — 1.0-0

Contemporary Portfolio Optimization

PortfolioAnalytics — 2.0.0

Portfolio Analysis, Including Numerical Methods for Optimization of Portfolios

portfolioBacktest — 0.4.1

Automated Backtesting of Portfolios over Multiple Datasets

PortfolioOptim — 1.1.1

Small/Large Sample Portfolio Optimization

portion — 0.1.0

Extracting a Data Portion

portn — 1.0.0

Portfolio Analysis for Nature

PortRisk — 1.1.0

Portfolio Risk Analysis

portsort — 0.1.0

Factor-Based Portfolio Sorts

portvine — 1.0.3

Vine Based (Un)Conditional Portfolio Risk Measure Estimation

poset — 1.0.0

Analysis of Partially Ordered Data

POSetR — 1.1.4

Partially Ordered Sets in R

PoSI — 1.1

Valid Post-Selection Inference for Linear LS Regression

PoSIAdjRSquared —

Post-Selection Inference for Adjusted R Squared

posologyr — 1.2.7

Individual Dose Optimization using Population Pharmacokinetics

PosRatioDist — 1.2.1

Quotient of Random Variables Conditioned to the Positive Quadrant

POSSA — 0.6.4

Power Simulation for Sequential Analyses and Multiple Hypotheses

postcards — 0.2.3

Create Beautiful, Simple Personal Websites

PostcodesioR — 0.3.1

API Wrapper Around ''

postdoc — 1.4.0

Minimal and Uncluttered Package Documentation

posterdown — 1.0

Generate PDF Conference Posters Using R Markdown

posterior — 1.6.0

Tools for Working with Posterior Distributions

PosteriorBootstrap — 0.1.2

Non-Parametric Sampling with Parallel Monte Carlo

postGGIR —

Data Processing after Running 'GGIR' for Accelerometer Data

postHoc — 0.1.3

Tools for Post-Hoc Analysis

postinfectious — 0.1.0

Estimating the Incubation Period Distribution of Post-Infectious Syndrome

postlightmercury — 1.2

Parses Web Pages using Postlight Mercury

postlogic —

Infix and Postfix Logic Operators

POSTm — 1.4

Phylogeny-Guided OTU-Specific Association Test for Microbiome Data

postpack — 0.5.4

Utilities for Processing Posterior Samples Stored in 'mcmc.lists'

POT — 1.1-10

Generalized Pareto Distribution and Peaks Over Threshold

potential — 0.2.0

Implementation of the Potential Model

potions — 0.2.0

Easy Options Management

potools — 0.2.4

Tools for Internationalization and Portability in R Packages

potts — 0.5-11

Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Potts Models

PottsUtils — 0.3-3

Utility Functions of the Potts Models

pould — 1.0.1

Phased or Unphased Linkage Disequilibrium

POUMM — 2.1.7

The Phylogenetic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Mixed Model

POV — 0.1.4

Partition of Variation Variance Component Analysis Method

povmap — 1.0.1

Extension to the 'emdi' Package — 1.3

Binary Exponentiation

powdist — 0.1.4

Power and Reversal Power Distributions

powdR — 1.3.0

Full Pattern Summation of X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data

power.transform — 1.0.0

Location and Scale Invariant Power Transformations

Power2Stage — 0.5-4

Power and Sample-Size Distribution of 2-Stage Bioequivalence Studies

poweRbal —

Phylogenetic Tree Models and the Power of Tree Shape Statistics

powerbiR — 0.1.0

An Interface to the 'Power BI REST APIs'

powerbydesign — 1.0.5

Power Estimates for ANOVA Designs

powerCompRisk — 1.0.1

Power Analysis Tool for Joint Testing Hazards with Competing Risks Data

powerEQTL — 0.3.4

Power and Sample Size Calculation for Bulk Tissue and Single-Cell eQTL Analysis

PoweREST — 0.1.0

A Bootstrap-Based Power Estimation Tool for Spatial Transcriptomics

powerGWASinteraction — 1.1.3

Power Calculations for GxE and GxG Interactions for GWAS

powerindexR — 1.6

Measuring the Power in Voting Systems

powerjoin — 0.1.0

Extensions of 'dplyr' and 'fuzzyjoin' Join Functions

powerLATE — 0.1.2

Generalized Power Analysis for LATE

poweRlaw — 0.80.0

Analysis of Heavy Tailed Distributions

powerly — 1.8.6

Sample Size Analysis for Psychological Networks and More

powerMediation — 0.3.4

Power/Sample Size Calculation for Mediation Analysis

powerNLSEM — 0.1.2

Simulation-Based Power Estimation (MSPE) for Nonlinear SEM

PowerNormal — 1.2.0

Power Normal Distribution

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