All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

NHANES — 2.1.0

Data from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Study

nhanesA — 1.1

NHANES Data Retrieval

nhdplusTools — 1.2.1

NHDPlus Tools

nhdR — 0.6.1

Tools for Working with the National Hydrography Dataset

nhlapi — 0.1.4

A Minimum-Dependency 'R' Interface to the 'NHL' API

NHLData — 1.0.0

Scores for Every Season Since the Founding of the NHL in 1917

nhm — 0.1.1

Non-Homogeneous Markov and Hidden Markov Multistate Models

NHPoisson — 3.3

Modelling and Validation of Non Homogeneous Poisson Processes

nhppp — 0.1.4

Simulating Nonhomogeneous Poisson Point Processes

nhs.predict — 1.4.0

Breast Cancer Survival and Therapy Benefits

NHSDataDictionaRy — 1.2.5

NHS Data Dictionary Toolset for NHS Lookups

nhsnumber — 0.1.2

Tools for Working with NHS Number Checksums

NHSRdatasets — 0.3.0

NHS and Healthcare-Related Data for Education and Training

NHSRplotthedots — 0.1.0

Draw XmR Charts for NHSE/I 'Making Data Count' Programme

nhstplot — 1.3.0

Plot Null Hypothesis Significance Tests

niaidMI — 1.1.0

Markov Model Multiple Imputation for NIAID OS

niarules — 0.1.0

Numerical Association Rule Mining using Population-Based Nature-Inspired Algorithms

nic — 0.0.2

Nature Inspired Colours

nice — 0.4-2

Get or Set UNIX Niceness

NicheBarcoding — 1.0

Niche-model-Based Species Identification

nicheROVER — 1.1.2

Niche Region and Niche Overlap Metrics for Multidimensional Ecological Niches

nichetools — 0.3.2

Complementary Package to 'nicheROVER' and 'SIBER'

nichevol — 0.1.20

Tools for Ecological Niche Evolution Assessment Considering Uncertainty

nieve — 0.1.3

Miscellaneous Utilities for Extreme Value Analysis — 1.0.0

Read and Write NIfTI Files

nifti.pbcor — 1.0

Parcel-Based Correlation Between NIfTI Images

NightDay —

Night and Day Boundary Plot Function

nilde — 1.1-7

Nonnegative Integer Solutions of Linear Diophantine Equations with Applications

NiLeDAM — 0.3

Monazite Dating for the NiLeDAM Team

nima — 0.6.2

Nima Hejazi's R Toolbox

NIMAA — 0.2.1

Nominal Data Mining Analysis

nimble — 1.2.1

MCMC, Particle Filtering, and Programmable Hierarchical Modeling

nimbleAPT — 1.0.6

Adaptive Parallel Tempering for 'NIMBLE'

nimbleCarbon — 0.2.5

Bayesian Analyses of Radiocarbon Dates with NIMBLE

nimbleEcology — 0.5.0

Distributions for Ecological Models in 'nimble'

nimbleHMC — 0.2.2

Hamiltonian Monte Carlo and Other Gradient-Based MCMC Sampling Algorithms for 'nimble'

nimbleNoBounds — 1.0.3

Transformed Distributions for Improved MCMC Efficiency

nimbleSCR — 0.2.1

Spatial Capture-Recapture (SCR) Methods Using 'nimble'

nimbleSMC — 0.11.1

Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for 'nimble'

nipals — 0.8

Principal Components Analysis using NIPALS or Weighted EMPCA, with Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization

nipnTK — 0.2.0

National Information Platforms for Nutrition Anthropometric Data Toolkit

NipponMap — 0.2

Japanese Map Data and Functions

NIPTeR — 1.0.2

Fast and Accurate Trisomy Prediction in Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing

NIRStat — 1.1

Novel Statistical Methods for Studying Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) Time Series Data

NISTnls — 0.9-13

Nonlinear least squares examples from NIST

NISTunits — 1.0.1

Fundamental Physical Constants and Unit Conversions from NIST

NitrogenUptake2016 — 0.2.3

Data and Source Code From: Nitrogen Uptake and Allocation Estimates for Spartina Alterniflora and Distichlis Spicata

nivm — 0.5

Noninferiority Tests with Variable Margins

nixmass — 1.0.2

Snow Water Equivalent Modeling with the 'Delta.snow' Model and Empirical Regression Models

nixtlar — 0.5.2

A Software Development Kit for 'Nixtla''s 'TimeGPT'

njgeo — 0.1.0

Tools for Geocoding Addresses in New Jersey using the 'NJOGIS' API

nJira — 0.1.1

SQL Like Query Interface for 'Jira'

njtr1 — 0.3.2

Download, Analyze & Clean New Jersey Car Crash Data

NlcOptim — 0.6

Solve Nonlinear Optimization with Nonlinear Constraints

nlcv — 0.3.5

Nested Loop Cross Validation

nleqslv — 3.3.5

Solve Systems of Nonlinear Equations

nlgm — 1.0

Non Linear Growth Models

NlinTS — 1.4.5

Models for Non Linear Causality Detection in Time Series

nlist — 0.3.3

Lists of Numeric Atomic Objects

nlive — 0.6.0

Automated Estimation of Sigmoidal and Piecewise Linear Mixed Models

nlme — 3.1-166

Linear and Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models

nlmeU — 0.70-9

Datasets and Utility Functions Enhancing Functionality of 'nlme' Package

nlmeVPC — 2.6

Visual Model Checking for Nonlinear Mixed Effect Model

nlmixr2 — 3.0.0

Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models in Population PK/PD

nlmixr2data — 2.0.9

Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models in Population PK/PD, Data

nlmixr2est — 3.0.0

Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models in Population PK/PD, Estimation Routines

nlmixr2extra — 3.0.0

Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models in Population PK/PD, Extra Support Functions

nlmixr2lib — 0.2.0

A Model Library for 'nlmixr2'

nlmixr2plot — 3.0.0

Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models in Population PK/PD, Plot Functions

nlmixr2rpt — 0.2.0

Templated Word and PowerPoint Reporting of 'nlmixr2' Fitting Results

nlmm — 1.1.0

Generalized Laplace Mixed-Effects Models

nlmrt — 2016.3.2

Functions for Nonlinear Least Squares Solutions

nlMS — 1.1

Non-Linear Model Selection

nlnet — 1.4

Nonlinear Network, Clustering, and Variable Selection Based on DCOL

nlopt — 0.1.1

Call Optimization Solvers with .nl Files

nloptr — 2.1.1

R Interface to NLopt

NLP — 0.3-0

Natural Language Processing Infrastructure

NLPclient — 1.0

Stanford 'CoreNLP' Annotation Client

nlpred — 1.0.1

Estimators of Non-Linear Cross-Validated Risks Optimized for Small Samples

nlpsem — 0.3

Linear and Nonlinear Longitudinal Process in Structural Equation Modeling Framework

NLPutils — 0.0-5.1

Natural Language Processing Utilities

nlraa — 1.9.7

Nonlinear Regression for Agricultural Applications

nlreg — 1.2-2.2

Higher Order Inference for Nonlinear Heteroscedastic Models

NLRoot — 1.0

searching for the root of equation

nlrr — 0.1

Non-Linear Relative Risk Estimation and Plotting

nlrx — 0.4.5

Setup, Run and Analyze 'NetLogo' Model Simulations from 'R' via 'XML'

nls.multstart — 1.3.0

Robust Non-Linear Regression using AIC Scores

nls2 — 0.3-4

Non-Linear Regression with Brute Force

nlsem — 0.8-1

Fitting Structural Equation Mixture Models

nlshrink — 1.0.1

Non-Linear Shrinkage Estimation of Population Eigenvalues and Covariance Matrices

nlsic — 1.0.4

Non Linear Least Squares with Inequality Constraints

nlsMicrobio — 1.0-0

Nonlinear Regression in Predictive Microbiology

nlsmsn — 0.0-6

Fitting Nonlinear Models with Scale Mixture of Skew-Normal Distributions

nlsr — 2023.8.31

Functions for Nonlinear Least Squares Solutions - Updated 2022

nlstac — 0.2.0

An R Package for Fitting Separable Nonlinear Models

nlstools — 2.1-0

Tools for Nonlinear Regression Analysis

NlsyLinks — 2.2.1

Utilities and Kinship Information for Research with the NLSY

nlt — 2.2-1

A Nondecimated Lifting Transform for Signal Denoising

nltm — 1.4.5

Non-Linear Transformation Models

nlts — 1.0-2

Nonlinear Time Series Analysis

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