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metaEnsembleR — 0.1.0

Automated Intuitive Package for Meta-Ensemble Learning

metafolio — 0.1.2

Metapopulation Simulations for Conserving Salmon Through Portfolio Optimization

metafor — 4.6-0

Meta-Analysis Package for R

metaforest — 0.1.4

Exploring Heterogeneity in Meta-Analysis using Random Forests

metafuse — 2.0-1

Fused Lasso Approach in Regression Coefficient Clustering

metagam — 0.4.0

Meta-Analysis of Generalized Additive Models

metaGE — 1.1.0

Meta-Analysis for Detecting Genotype x Environment Associations

metagear — 0.7

Comprehensive Research Synthesis Tools for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis

metaggR — 0.3.0

Calculate the Knowledge-Weighted Estimate

MetaHD — 0.1.2

A Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model for Metabolomics Data

metaHelper — 1.0.0

Transforms Statistical Measures Commonly Used for Meta-Analysis

metaheuristicOpt — 2.0.0

Metaheuristic for Optimization

metainc — 0.2-0

Assessment of Inconsistency in Meta-Analysis using Decision Thresholds

MetaIntegration — 0.1.2

Ensemble Meta-Prediction Framework

MetaIntegrator — 2.1.3

Meta-Analysis of Gene Expression Data

metajam — 0.3.1

Easily Download Data and Metadata from 'DataONE'

MetaLandSim — 2.0.0

Landscape and Range Expansion Simulation

metaLik — 0.43.0

Likelihood Inference in Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression Models

metalite — 0.1.4

ADaM Metadata Structure — 0.1.2

Adverse Events Analysis Using 'metalite'

metalite.table1 — 0.4.0

Interactive Table of Descriptive Statistics in HTML

MetaLonDA — 1.1.8

Metagenomics Longitudinal Differential Abundance Method

MetAlyzer — 1.0.0

Read and Analyze 'MetIDQ™' Software Output Files

metaMA — 3.1.3

Meta-Analysis for MicroArrays

metamedian — 1.1.1

Meta-Analysis of Medians

metamer — 0.3.0

Create Data with Identical Statistics

metamicrobiomeR — 1.2

Microbiome Data Analysis & Meta-Analysis with GAMLSS-BEZI & Random Effects

metamisc — 0.4.0

Meta-Analysis of Diagnosis and Prognosis Research Studies

metan — 1.18.0

Multi Environment Trials Analysis

MetaNet — 0.1.2

Network Analysis for Omics Data

metanetwork — 0.7.0

Handling and Representing Trophic Networks in Space and Time

MetaNLP — 0.1.2

Natural Language Processing for Meta Analysis

metansue — 2.6

Meta-Analysis of Studies with Non-Statistically Significant Unreported Effects

metap — 1.11

Meta-Analysis of Significance Values

metapack — 0.3

Bayesian Meta-Analysis and Network Meta-Analysis

metaplot — 0.8.4

Data-Driven Plot Design

metaplus — 1.0-5

Robust Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression

metapost — 1.0-6

Interface to 'MetaPost'

metapower — 0.2.2

Power Analysis for Meta-Analysis

metapro — 1.5.11

Robust P-Value Combination Methods

metaprotr — 1.2.2

Metaproteomics Post-Processing Analysis

metaRange — 1.1.4

Framework to Build Mechanistic and Metabolic Constrained Species Distribution Models

metarep — 1.2.0

Replicability-Analysis Tools for Meta-Analysis

metaRNASeq — 1.0.7

Meta-Analysis of RNA-Seq Data

metaSDTreg — 0.2.2

Regression Models for Meta Signal Detection Theory

metaSEM — 1.4.0

Meta-Analysis using Structural Equation Modeling

metasens — 1.5-2

Statistical Methods for Sensitivity Analysis in Meta-Analysis

MetaSKAT — 0.82

Meta Analysis for SNP-Set (Sequence) Kernel Association Test

MetaStan — 1.0.0

Bayesian Meta-Analysis via 'Stan'

MetaSubtract — 1.60

Subtracting Summary Statistics of One or more Cohorts from Meta-GWAS Results

metaSurvival — 0.1.0

Meta-Analysis of a Single Survival Curve

metatest — 1.0-5

Fit and Test Metaregression Models

metathis — 1.1.4

HTML Metadata Tags for 'R Markdown' and 'Shiny'

metatools — 0.1.6

Enable the Use of 'metacore' to Help Create and Check Dataset

metaumbrella — 1.0.11

Umbrella Review Package for R

MetaUtility — 2.1.2

Utility Functions for Conducting and Interpreting Meta-Analyses

metavcov — 2.1.5

Computing Variances and Covariances, Visualization and Missing Data Solution for Multivariate Meta-Analysis

metaviz — 0.3.1

Forest Plots, Funnel Plots, and Visual Funnel Plot Inference for Meta-Analysis

metawho — 0.2.0

Meta-Analytical Implementation to Identify Who Benefits Most from Treatments

MetBrewer — 0.2.0

Color Palettes Inspired by Works at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

MetChem — 0.4

Chemical Structural Similarity Analysis

meteo — 2.0-3

RFSI & STRK Interpolation for Meteo and Environmental Variables

meteoEVT — 0.1.0

Computation and Visualization of Energetic and Vortical Atmospheric Quantities

meteoForecast — 0.56

Numerical Weather Predictions

meteoland — 2.2.1

Landscape Meteorology Tools

meteor — 0.4-5

Meteorological Data Manipulation

meteorits — 0.1.1

Mixture-of-Experts Modeling for Complex Non-Normal Distributions

meteospain — 0.1.4

Access to Spanish Meteorological Stations Services

meteR — 1.2

Fitting and Plotting Tools for the Maximum Entropy Theory of Ecology (METE)

metevalue — 0.2.4

E-Value in the Omics Data Association Studies

MetGen — 0.5

Stochastic Weather Generator

MethComp — 1.30.0

Analysis of Agreement in Method Comparison Studies

methcon5 — 0.1.0

Identify and Rank CpG DNA Methylation Conservation Along the Human Genome

MethEvolSIM — 0.1.6

Simulate DNA Methylation Dynamics on Different Genomic Structures along Genealogies

MethodCompare — 1.0.0

Evaluating Bias and Precision in Method Comparison Studies

MeTo — 0.1.1

Meteorological Tools

metools — 1.0.0

Macroeconomics Tools

MetProc — 1.0.1

Separate Metabolites into Likely Measurement Artifacts and True Metabolites

metR — 0.15.0

Tools for Easier Analysis of Meteorological Fields

metrica — 2.1.0

Prediction Performance Metrics

MetricGraph — 1.3.0

Random Fields on Metric Graphs

metricminer — 0.5.1

Mine Metrics from Common Places on the Web

Metrics — 0.1.4

Evaluation Metrics for Machine Learning

MetricsWeighted — 1.0.3

Weighted Metrics and Performance Measures for Machine Learning

metrix — 1.1.0

Water Quality Metrics Calculator

metro — 0.9.3

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority API

metRology — 0.9-28-1

Support for Metrological Applications

metropolis — 0.1.8

The Metropolis Algorithm

mets — 1.3.4

Analysis of Multivariate Event Times

MetSizeR — 2.0.0

A Shiny App for Sample Size Estimation in Metabolomic Experiments

metsyn — 0.1.2

Interface with the Meteo France Synop Data API

mev — 1.17

Modelling of Extreme Values

mevr — 1.1.1

Fitting the Metastatistical Extreme Value Distribution MEVD

mewAvg — 0.3.1

A Fixed Memeory Moving Expanding Window Average

MexBrewer — 0.0.2

Color Palettes Inspired by Works of Mexican Painters and Muralists

mexhaz — 2.6

Mixed Effect Excess Hazard Models

mexicolors — 0.2.0

Mexican Politics-Inspired Color Palette Generator

mExplorer — 1.0.0

Identifying Master Gene Regulators from Gene Expression and DNA-Binding Data

MF.beta4 — 1.0.3

Measuring Ecosystem Multi-Functionality and Its Decomposition

mfaces — 0.1-4

Fast Covariance Estimation for Multivariate Sparse Functional Data

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