All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

kehra — 0.1

Collect, Assemble and Model Air Pollution, Weather and Health Data

kelvin — 2.0-2

Calculate Solutions to the Kelvin Differential Equation using Bessel Functions

Kendall — 2.2.1

Kendall Rank Correlation and Mann-Kendall Trend Test

kendallRandomWalks — 0.9.4

Simulate and Visualize Kendall Random Walks and Related Distributions

KenSyn — 0.3

Knowledge Synthesis in Agriculture - From Experimental Network to Meta-Analysis

KEPTED — 0.2.0

Kernel-Embedding-of-Probability Test for Elliptical Distribution

kequate — 1.6.4

The Kernel Method of Test Equating

keras — 2.15.0

R Interface to 'Keras'

keras3 — 1.2.0

R Interface to 'Keras'

kerastuneR —

Interface to 'Keras Tuner'

kerDAA — 0.1.1

New Kernel-Based Test for Differential Association Analysis

KERE — 1.0.0

Expectile Regression in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space

kergp — 0.5.7

Gaussian Process Laboratory

kerndwd — 2.0.3

Distance Weighted Discrimination (DWD) and Kernel Methods

kernelboot — 0.1.10

Smoothed Bootstrap and Random Generation from Kernel Densities

kernelFactory — 0.3.0

Kernel Factory: An Ensemble of Kernel Machines

Kernelheaping — 2.3.0

Kernel Density Estimation for Heaped and Rounded Data

KernelKnn — 1.1.5

Kernel k Nearest Neighbors

kernelshap — 0.7.0

Kernel SHAP

kernhaz — 0.1.0

Kernel Estimation of Hazard Function in Survival Analysis

kernlab — 0.9-33

Kernel-Based Machine Learning Lab

kernplus — 0.1.2

A Kernel Regression-Based Multidimensional Wind Turbine Power Curve

kernscr — 1.0.6

Kernel Machine Score Test for Semi-Competing Risks

KernSmooth — 2.23-24

Functions for Kernel Smoothing Supporting Wand & Jones (1995)

KernSmoothIRT — 6.4

Nonparametric Item Response Theory

kernstadapt — 0.4.0

Adaptive Kernel Estimators for Point Process Intensities on Linear Networks

kerntools — 1.0.2

Kernel Functions and Tools for Machine Learning Applications

kerSeg — 1.1

New Kernel-Based Change-Point Detection

kerTests — 0.1.4

Generalized Kernel Two-Sample Tests

kesernetwork — 0.1.0

Visualization of the KESER Network

keyATM — 0.5.2

Keyword Assisted Topic Models

Keyboard — 0.1.3

Bayesian Designs for Early Phase Clinical Trials

KeyboardSimulator — 2.6.2

Keyboard and Mouse Input Simulation for Windows OS

keyholder — 0.1.7

Store Data About Rows

keyperm — 0.1.1

Keyword Analysis Using Permutation Tests

keyplayer — 1.0.4

Locating Key Players in Social Networks

keypress — 1.3.1

Wait for a Key Press in a Terminal

keyring — 1.3.2

Access the System Credential Store from R

keyringr — 0.4.0

Decrypt Passwords from Gnome Keyring, Windows Data Protection API and macOS Keychain

keys — 0.1.1

Keyboard Shortcuts for 'shiny'

keyToEnglish — 0.2.1

Convert Data to Memorable Phrases

kfa — 0.2.2

K-Fold Cross Validation for Factor Analysis

KFAS — 1.5.1

Kalman Filter and Smoother for Exponential Family State Space Models

kfda — 1.0.0

Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis

kfigr — 1.2.1

Integrated Code Chunk Anchoring and Referencing for R Markdown Documents

kfino — 1.0.0

Kalman Filter for Impulse Noised Outliers

KFPCA — 2.0

Kendall Functional Principal Component Analysis

KFPLS — 1.0

Kernel Functional Partial Least Squares

kgc —

Koeppen-Geiger Climatic Zones

kgen — 0.3.1

A Tool for Calculating Stoichiometric Equilibrium Constants (Ks) for Seawater

KGode — 1.0.4

Kernel Based Gradient Matching for Parameter Inference in Ordinary Differential Equations

kgp — 1.1.1

1000 Genomes Project Metadata

kgrams — 0.2.0

Classical k-gram Language Models

kgraph — 1.0.0

Knowledge Graphs Constructions and Visualizations

kgschart — 1.3.5

KGS Rank Graph Parser

khisr — 1.0.5

An R Client to Retrieve Data from DHIS2

KHQ — 0.2.0

Methods for Calculating 'KHQ' Scores and 'KHQ5D' Utility Index Scores

khroma — 1.14.0

Colour Schemes for Scientific Data Visualization

kibior — 0.1.1

A Simple Data Management and Sharing Tool

kidney.epi — 1.2.0

Kidney Functions: Clinical and Epidemiological

kidsides — 0.5.0

Download, Cache, and Connect to KidSIDES

kim — 0.5.422

A Toolkit for Behavioral Scientists

kimfilter — 1.0.3

Kim Filter

kimisc — 0.4

Kirill's Miscellaneous Functions

kin.cohort — 0.7

Analysis of Kin-Cohort Studies

kindisperse — 0.10.2

Simulate and Estimate Close-Kin Dispersal Kernels

kinematics — 1.0.0

Studying Sampled Trajectories

KingCountyHouses — 0.1.0

Data on House Sales in King County WA

KinMixLite — 2.1.0

Inference About Relationships from DNA Mixtures

kinship2 —

Pedigree Functions

KINSIMU — 0.1.2-2

Panel Evaluation in Forensic Kinship Analysis

Kira — 1.0.6

Machine Learning

kirby21.base — 1.7.3

Example Data from the Multi-Modal MRI 'Reproducibility' Resource

kirby21.fmri — 1.7.0

Example Functional Imaging Data from the Multi-Modal MRI 'Reproducibility' Resource

kirby21.t1 — 1.7.0

Example T1 Structural Data from the Multi-Modal MRI 'Reproducibility' Resource

kisopenapi — 0.0.2

Korea Investment & Securities (KIS) Open Trading API

kissmig — 1.0-5

a Keep It Simple Species Migration Model

kit — 0.0.19

Data Manipulation Functions Implemented in C

kitagawa — 3.1.2

Spectral Response of Water Wells to Harmonic Strain and Pressure Signals

kiwisR — 0.2.0

A Wrapper for Querying KISTERS 'WISKI' Databases via the 'KiWIS' API

kknn — 1.3.1

Weighted k-Nearest Neighbors

kko — 1.0.1

Kernel Knockoffs Selection for Nonparametric Additive Models

klaR — 1.7-3

Classification and Visualization

klassR — 0.2.4

Classifications and Codelists for Statistics Norway

klausuR — 0.12-14

Multiple Choice Test Evaluation

kldest — 1.0.0

Sample-Based Estimation of Kullback-Leibler Divergence

kldtools — 1.2

Kullback-Leibler Divergence and Other Tools to Analyze Frequencies

klexdatr — 0.1.2

Kootenay Lake Exploitation Study Data

KLexp — 1.0.0

Kernel_lasso Expansion

klic — 1.0.4

Kernel Learning Integrative Clustering

KLINK — 1.0.2

Kinship Analysis with Linked Markers

klovan — 0.1.0

Geostatistics Methods and Klovan Data

klsh — 0.1.0

Blocking for Record Linkage

klustR — 0.1.0

D3 Dynamic Cluster Visualizations — 0.5-6

Confidence Intervals for the Kaplan-Meier Estimator

kmBlock — 0.1.2

k-Means Like Blockmodeling of One-Mode and Linked Networks

kmc — 0.4-2

Kaplan-Meier Estimator with Constraints for Right Censored Data -- a Recursive Computational Algorithm

KMD — 0.1.0

Kernel Measure of Multi-Sample Dissimilarity

KMEANS.KNN — 0.1.0

KMeans and KNN Clustering Package

kmed — 0.4.2

Distance-Based k-Medoids

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