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· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

iCellR — 1.6.7

Analyzing High-Throughput Single Cell Sequencing Data

icenReg — 2.0.16

Regression Models for Interval Censored Data

icensBKL — 1.5

Accompanion to the Book on Interval Censoring by Bogaerts, Komarek, and Lesaffre

icensmis — 1.5.0

Study Design and Data Analysis in the Presence of Error-Prone Diagnostic Tests and Self-Reported Outcomes

icertool — 0.0.3

Calculate and Plot ICER

icesAdvice — 2.1.1

Functions Related to ICES Advice

IceSat2R — 1.0.6

ICESat-2 Altimeter Data using R

icesConnect — 1.0.0

Provides User Tokens for Access to ICES Web Services

icesDatras — 1.4.1

DATRAS Trawl Survey Database Web Services

icesSAG — 1.4.1

Stock Assessment Graphs Database Web Services

icesTAF — 4.2.0

Functions to Support the ICES Transparent Assessment Framework

icesVocab — 1.2.0

ICES Vocabularies Database Web Services

ICGE — 0.4.2

Estimation of Number of Clusters and Identification of Atypical Units

ICglm — 0.1.0

Information Criteria for Generalized Linear Regression

ICGOR — 2.0

Fit Generalized Odds Rate Hazards Model with Interval Censored Data

ichimoku — 1.5.5

Visualization and Tools for Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Strategies

iClick — 1.5

A Button-Based GUI for Financial and Economic Data Analysis

iClusterVB — 0.1.2

Fast Integrative Clustering and Feature Selection for High Dimensional Data

icmm — 1.2

Empirical Bayes Variable Selection via ICM/M Algorithm

ICODS — 1.1

Data Analysis for ODS and Case-Cohort Designs with Interval-Censoring

ICompELM — 0.1.0

Independent Component Analysis Based Extreme Learning Machine

icosa — 0.11.1

Global Triangular and Penta-Hexagonal Grids Based on Tessellated Icosahedra

icpack — 0.1.0

Survival Analysis of Interval-Censored Data

icpsrdata — 0.6.1

Reproducible Data Retrieval from the ICPSR Archive

icr — 0.6.5

Compute Krippendorff's Alpha

ICRanks — 3.1

Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for Ranks

icrf — 2.0.2

Interval Censored Recursive Forests

icRSF — 1.2

A Modified Random Survival Forest Algorithm

ICS — 1.4-1

Tools for Exploring Multivariate Data via ICS/ICA

ICSClust — 0.1.0

Tandem Clustering with Invariant Coordinate Selection

ICSKAT — 0.2.0

Interval-Censored Sequence Kernel Association Test

ICSNP — 1.1-2

Tools for Multivariate Nonparametrics

ICSOutlier — 0.4-0

Outlier Detection Using Invariant Coordinate Selection

ICSS — 1.1

ICSS Algorithm by Inclan/Tiao (1994)

ICSShiny — 0.5

ICS via a Shiny Application

ICSsmoothing — 1.2.8

Data Smoothing by Interpolating Cubic Splines

ICsurv — 1.0.1

Semiparametric Regression Analysis of Interval-Censored Data

icsw — 1.0.0

Inverse Compliance Score Weighting

ICtest — 0.3-5

Estimating and Testing the Number of Interesting Components in Linear Dimension Reduction

ICV — 1.0

Indirect Cross-Validation (ICV) for Kernel Density Estimation

ICvectorfields — 0.1.2

Vector Fields from Spatial Time Series of Population Abundance

idar — 1.5

Individual Diversity-Area Relationships

idarps — 0.0.4

Datasets and Functions for the Class "Modelling and Data Analysis for Pharmaceutical Sciences"

idbr — 1.2

R Interface to the US Census Bureau International Data Base API

IDCard — 0.3.0

Update Chinese ID Card Number to Eighteen Digits

idcnrba — 1.1.0

Interactive Application for Analyzing Representativeness and Nonresponse Bias

IDE — 0.3.1

Integro-Difference Equation Spatio-Temporal Models

IDEAFilter — 0.2.0

Agnostic, Idiomatic Data Filter Module for Shiny

ideamdb — 0.0.9

Easy Manipulation of IDEAM's Climatological Data

IDEATools — 3.5.2

Individual and Group Farm Sustainability Assessments using the IDEA4 Method

idefix — 1.0.3

Efficient Designs for Discrete Choice Experiments

idem — 5.2

Inference in Randomized Controlled Trials with Death and Missingness

idendr0 — 1.5.3

Interactive Dendrograms

ider — 0.1.1

Various Methods for Estimating Intrinsic Dimension

IDetect — 0.1.0

Isolate-Detect Methodology for Multiple Change-Point Detection

IDF — 2.1.2

Estimation and Plotting of IDF Curves

iDINGO — 1.0.4

Integrative Differential Network Analysis in Genomics

idiogramFISH — 2.0.13

Shiny App. Idiograms with Marks and Karyotype Indices

idiolect — 1.0.1

Forensic Authorship Analysis

idm — 1.8.3

Incremental Decomposition Methods

idmact — 1.0.1

Interpreting Differences Between Mean ACT Scores

idmc — 0.3.0

Load and Wrangle IDMC Displacement Data

IDmeasurer — 1.0.0

Assessment of Individual Identity in Animal Signals

IDmining — 1.0.7

Intrinsic Dimension for Data Mining

IDMIR — 0.1.0

Identification of Dysregulated MiRNAs Based on MiRNA-MiRNA Interaction Network

idmodelr — 0.4.0

Infectious Disease Model Library and Utilities

idopNetwork — 0.1.2

A Network Tool to Dissect Spatial Community Ecology

iDOS — 1.0.1

Integrated Discovery of Oncogenic Signatures

iDOVE — 1.5

Durability of Vaccine Efficacy Against SARS-CoV-2 Infection

IDPmisc — 1.1.21

'Utilities of Institute of Data Analyses and Process Design ('

IDPSurvival — 1.2

Imprecise Dirichlet Process for Survival Analysis

idr — 1.3

Irreproducible Discovery Rate

ids — 1.0.1

Generate Random Identifiers

IDSL.CSA — 1.2

Composite Spectra Analysis (CSA) for High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Analyses

IDSL.FSA — 1.2

Fragmentation Spectra Analysis (FSA)

IDSL.IPA — 2.9

Intrinsic Peak Analysis (IPA) for HRMS Data

IDSL.MXP — 2.0

Parser for mzML, mzXML, and netCDF Files (Mass Spectrometry Data)

IDSL.NPA — 1.2

Nominal Peak Analysis (NPA)


Simplified UFA

IDSL.UFA — 2.0

United Formula Annotation (UFA) for HRMS Data Processing

IDSL.UFAx — 1.9.1

Exhaustive Chemical Enumeration for United Formula Annotation

IDSpatialStats — 0.4.0

Estimate Global Clustering in Infectious Disease

idx2r — 1.0.0

Convert Files to and from IDX Format to Vectors, Matrices and Arrays

ie2misc — 0.9.1

Irucka Embry's Miscellaneous USGS Functions

ie2miscdata — 1.0.4

Irucka Embry's Miscellaneous USGS Data Collection

ieeeround — 0.2-0

Functions to set and get the IEEE rounding mode

ieegio — 0.0.1

File IO for Intracranial Electroencephalography

iemisctext — 1.0.1

Irucka Embry's Miscellaneous Text Collection

IETD — 1.0.0

Inter-Event Time Definition

ieugwasr — 1.0.1

Interface to the 'OpenGWAS' Database API

ifaTools — 0.23

Toolkit for Item Factor Analysis with 'OpenMx'

IFC — 0.2.1

Tools for Imaging Flow Cytometry

ifCNVR — 0.1.0

Isolation-Forest Based 'CNV' Detection from 'NGS' Data

ifctools — 0.3.6

Italian Fiscal Code ('Codice Fiscale') Utilities

IFMCDM — 0.1.17

Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods

ifo — 0.1.0

Client for the Ifo Institute Time Series

iForecast — 1.0.8

Machine Learning Time Series Forecasting

IFP — 0.2.4

Identifying Functional Polymorphisms

ifpd — 0.1.0

Indonesia Food Prices Data

ifs — 0.1.10

Iterated Function Systems

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