All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

gptoolsStan — 0.1.0

Gaussian Processes on Graphs and Lattices in 'Stan'

gptr — 0.6.0

A Convenient R Interface with the OpenAI 'ChatGPT' API

gptstudio — 0.4.0

Use Large Language Models Directly in your Development Environment

gptzeror — 0.0.1

Identify Text Written by Large Language Models using 'GPTZero'

GPUmatrix — 1.0.2

Basic Linear Algebra with GPU

gpuR — 2.0.6

GPU Functions for R Objects

GPvam — 3.1-0

Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Multiple Membership Mixed Models Used in Value-Added Modeling

GPvecchia — 0.1.7

Scalable Gaussian-Process Approximations

gpx — 1.1.0

Process GPX Files into R Data Structures

gqlr — 0.0.2

'GraphQL' Server in R

gquad — 2.1-2

Prediction of G Quadruplexes and Other Non-B DNA Motifs

grabsampling — 1.0.0

Probability of Detection for Grab Sample Selection

GrabSVG — 0.0.2

Granularity-Based Spatially Variable Genes Identifications

Grace — 0.5.3

Graph-Constrained Estimation and Hypothesis Tests

grade — 0.2-1

Binary Grading functions for R.

gradeR — 1.0.10

Helps Grade Assignment Submissions that are R Scripts

graDiEnt — 1.0.1

Stochastic Quasi-Gradient Differential Evolution Optimization

gradientPickerD3 —

Interactive Color Gradient Picker Using 'htmlwidgets' and the Modified JS Script 'jquery-gradient-picker'

grafify — 4.0.1

Easy Graphs for Data Visualisation and Linear Models for ANOVA

grafzahl — 0.0.11

Supervised Machine Learning for Textual Data Using Transformers and 'Quanteda'

gRain — 1.4.1

Graphical Independence Networks

grainscape — 0.4.4

Landscape Connectivity, Habitat, and Protected Area Networks

gramEvol — 2.1-4

Grammatical Evolution for R

GramQuad — 0.1.1

Gram Quadrature

grand — 0.9.0

Guidelines for Reporting About Network Data

grandR — 0.2.5

Comprehensive Analysis of Nucleotide Conversion Sequencing Data

grangers — 0.1.0

Inference on Granger-Causality in the Frequency Domain

granova — 2.2

Graphical Analysis of Variance

granovaGG — 1.4.1

Graphical Analysis of Variance Using ggplot2

grantham — 0.1.2

Calculate the Grantham Distance

GRAPE — 0.1.1

Gene-Ranking Analysis of Pathway Expression

grapes — 1.0.0

Make Binary Operators

grapesAgri1 — 1.1.0

Collection of Shiny Apps for Agricultural Research Data Analysis

graph3d — 0.2.0

A Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'vis-graph3d'

graph4lg — 1.8.0

Build Graphs for Landscape Genetics Analysis

graphclust — 1.3

Hierarchical Graph Clustering for a Collection of Networks

GrapheR — 1.9-86-5

A Multi-Platform GUI for Drawing Customizable Graphs in R

grapherator — 1.0.0

A Modular Multi-Step Graph Generator

graphframes — 0.1.2

Interface for 'GraphFrames'

graphhopper — 0.1.2

An R Interface to the 'GraphHopper' Directions API

graphicalExtremes — 0.3.2

Statistical Methodology for Graphical Extreme Value Models

graphicalMCP — 0.2.5

Graphical Multiple Comparison Procedures

graphicalVAR — 0.3.4

Graphical VAR for Experience Sampling Data

graphkernels — 1.6.1

Graph Kernels

graphlayouts — 1.1.1

Additional Layout Algorithms for Network Visualizations

graphon — 0.3.5

A Collection of Graphon Estimation Methods

graphPAF — 2.0.0

Estimating and Displaying Population Attributable Fractions

graphql — 1.5.1

A GraphQL Query Parser

graphsim — 1.0.3

Simulate Expression Data from 'igraph' Networks

graphTweets — 0.5.3

Visualise Twitter Interactions

graposas — 1.0.0

Graphical Approach Optimal Sample Size

grateful — 0.2.10

Facilitate Citation of R Packages

grates — 1.2.2

Grouped Date Classes

gratia — 0.9.2

Graceful 'ggplot'-Based Graphics and Other Functions for GAMs Fitted Using 'mgcv'

graticule — 0.4.0

Meridional and Parallel Lines for Maps

gratis — 1.0.7

Generating Time Series with Diverse and Controllable Characteristics

grattan — 2024.1.1

Australian Tax Policy Analysis

grattanInflators — 0.5.4

Inflators for Australian Policy Analysis

gRaven — 1.1.8

Bayes Nets: 'RHugin' Emulation with 'gRain'

gravitas — 0.1.3

Explore Probability Distributions for Bivariate Temporal Granularities

gravity — 1.1

Estimation Methods for Gravity Models

gravmagsubs — 1.0.1

Gravitational and Magnetic Attraction of 3-D Vertical Rectangular Prisms

gRbase — 2.0.2

A Package for Graphical Modelling in R

gRc — 0.5.0

Inference in Graphical Gaussian Models with Edge and Vertex Symmetries

GRCdata — 1.0

Parameter Inference and Optimal Designs for Grouped and/or Right-Censored Count Data

GRCdesigns — 1.0.0

Generalized Row-Column Designs

GRCRegression — 1.0

Modified Poisson Regression of Grouped and Right-Censored Counts

greatR — 2.0.0

Gene Registration from Expression and Time-Courses in R

grec — 1.6.0

Gradient-Based Recognition of Spatial Patterns in Environmental Data

greed — 0.6.1

Clustering and Model Selection with the Integrated Classification Likelihood

GreedyEPL — 1.2

Greedy Expected Posterior Loss

GreedyExperimentalDesign —

Greedy Experimental Design Construction

GreedyExperimentalDesignJARs — 1.0

GreedyExperimentalDesign JARs

greekLetters — 1.0.2

Routines for Writing Greek Letters and Mathematical Symbols on the 'RStudio' and 'RGui'

greeks — 1.4.3

Sensitivities of Prices of Financial Options and Implied Volatilities

greenclust — 1.1.1

Combine Categories Using Greenacre's Method

greencrab.toolkit — 0.2

Run 'Stan' Models to Interpret Green Crab Monitoring Assessments

GREENeR — 1.0.0

Geospatial Regression Equation for European Nutrient Losses (GREEN)

Greg — 2.0.2

Regression Helper Functions

GregoryQuadrature — 1.0.0

Gregory Weights for Function Integration

gregRy — 0.1.0

GREGORY Estimation

GRelevance — 1.0

Graph-Based k-Sample Comparisons and Relevance Analysis in High Dimensions

gremlin — 1.0.1

Mixed-Effects REML Incorporating Generalized Inverses

GREMLINS — 0.2.1

Generalized Multipartite Networks

greport — 0.7-4

Graphical Reporting for Clinical Trials

greta — 0.4.5

Simple and Scalable Statistical Modelling in R

greta.dynamics — 0.2.0

Modelling Structured Dynamical Systems in 'greta' — 0.2.1

Gaussian Process Modelling in 'greta'

gretel — 0.0.1

Generalized Path Analysis for Social Networks

gretlR — 0.1.4

A Seamless Integration of 'Gretl' and 'R'

grex — 1.9

Gene ID Mapping for Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) Data

greybox — 2.0.2

Toolbox for Model Building and Forecasting

GreyModel — 0.1.0

Fitting and Forecasting of Grey Model

Greymodels — 2.0.1

Shiny App for Grey Forecasting Model

GreyZones — 0.0.5

Detection of Grey Zones in Two-Way Inter-Rater Agreement Tables

grf — 2.3.2

Generalized Random Forests

GrFA — 0.2

Group Factor Analysis

gridBase — 0.4-7

Integration of base and grid graphics

gridBezier — 1.1-1

Bezier Curves in 'grid'


Bivariate Copula Functions Based on Regular Grid

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