All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

FMAdist — 0.1.2

Frequentist Model Averaging Distribution

FMAT — 2024.7

The Fill-Mask Association Test

FMC — 1.0.1

Factorial Experiments with Minimum Level Changes

FMCCSD — 1.0

Efficient Estimation of Clustered Current Status Data

fmcmc — 0.5-2

A friendly MCMC framework

fmdu — 0.1.1

(Restricted) [external] Multidimensional Unfolding


A Flexible Modelling Environment for Inverse Modelling, Sensitivity, Identifiability and Monte Carlo Analysis

fmeffects — 0.1.3

Model-Agnostic Interpretations with Forward Marginal Effects

fmerPack — 0.0-1

Tools of Heterogeneity Pursuit via Finite Mixture Effects Model

fmesher — 0.1.7

Triangle Meshes and Related Geometry Tools

fmf — 1.1.1

Fast Class Noise Detector with Multi-Factor-Based Learning

FMM — 0.3.1

Rhythmic Patterns Modeling by FMM Models

FMP — 1.4

Filtered Monotonic Polynomial IRT Models

fmpcloudr — 0.1.5

R Access to the 'FMP Cloud' and 'Financial Modeling Prep' API

FMradio — 1.1.1

Factor Modeling for Radiomics Data

fmri —

Analysis of fMRI Experiments

fmriqa — 0.3.0

Functional MRI Quality Assurance Routines

fMRIscrub — 0.14.5

Scrubbing and Other Data Cleaning Routines for fMRI

fMRItools — 0.4.7

Routines for Common fMRI Processing Tasks

fmsb — 0.7.6

Functions for Medical Statistics Book with some Demographic Data

FMsmsnReg — 1.0

Regression Models with Finite Mixtures of Skew Heavy-Tailed Errors

FMStable — 0.1-4

Finite Moment Stable Distributions

fmt — 2.0

Variance Estimation of FMT Method (Fully Moderated T-Statistic)

fmtr — 1.6.5

Easily Apply Formats to Data

fMultivar — 4031.84

Rmetrics - Modeling of Multivariate Financial Return Distributions

fmx — 0.1.2

Finite Mixture Parametrization

fnets — 0.1.6

Factor-Adjusted Network Estimation and Forecasting for High-Dimensional Time Series

FNN — 1.1.4

Fast Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithms and Applications

fNonlinear — 4041.82

Rmetrics - Nonlinear and Chaotic Time Series Modelling

FnR — 1.1.0

Inbreeding and Numerator Relationship Coefficients

fntl — 0.1.1

Numerical Tools for 'Rcpp' and Lambda Functions

FOCI — 0.1.3

Feature Ordering by Conditional Independence

focusedMDS — 1.3.3

Focused, Interactive Multidimensional Scaling

foghorn — 1.6.0

Summarize CRAN Check Results in the Terminal

folda — 0.1.0

Forward Stepwise Discriminant Analysis with Pillai's Trace

folders — 0.1.0

Standardized Folder Names

folio — 1.5.0

Datasets for Teaching Archaeology and Paleontology — 0.1.0

Add Extra 'Fomantic UI' Components to 'shiny.semantic'

fontawesome — 0.5.2

Easily Work with 'Font Awesome' Icons

fontBitstreamVera — 0.1.1

Fonts with 'Bitstream Vera Fonts' License

fontcm — 1.1

Computer Modern font for use with extrafont package

fontLiberation — 0.1.0

Liberation Fonts

fontquiver — 0.2.1

Set of Installed Fonts

foodingraph — 0.1.0

Food Network Inference and Visualization

foodquotient — 0.1.1

Food Quotient and Nutrient Analysis for HSFFQ

foodwebWrapper — 1.1.0

Enhanced Wrapper to Show Which Functions Call What

footballpenaltiesBL — 1.0.0

Penalties in the German Men's Football Bundesliga

footBayes — 0.2.0

Fitting Bayesian and MLE Football Models

footprint — 0.2

Calculate Air Travel Emissions

foqat —

Field Observation Quick Analysis Toolkit

ForagingOrg — 0.1.0

Organization Measures for Visual Foraging

forams — 2.0-6

Foraminifera and Community Ecology Analyses

forcats — 1.0.0

Tools for Working with Categorical Variables (Factors)

forceplate — 1.1-3

Processing Force-Plate Data

forceR — 1.0.20

Force Measurement Analyses

foreach — 1.5.2

Provides Foreach Looping Construct

ForeCA — 0.2.7

Forecastable Component Analysis

forecast — 8.23.0

Forecasting Functions for Time Series and Linear Models

ForecastComb — 1.3.1

Forecast Combination Methods

ForecastCombinations — 1.1

Forecast Combinations

forecasteR — 2.0.2

Time Series Forecast System

forecastHybrid — 5.0.19

Convenient Functions for Ensemble Time Series Forecasts

forecastLSW — 1.0

Forecasting Routines for Locally Stationary Wavelet Processes

forecastML — 0.9.0

Time Series Forecasting with Machine Learning Methods

forecastSNSTS — 1.3-0

Forecasting for Stationary and Non-Stationary Time Series

ForecastTB — 1.0.1

Test Bench for the Comparison of Forecast Methods

FoReco — 1.0.0

Forecast Reconciliation

ForeComp — 0.9.0

Size-Power Tradeoff Visualization for Equal Predictive Ability of Two Forecasts

forecTheta — 2.6.2

Forecasting Time Series by Theta Models

foreign — 0.8-87

Read Data Stored by 'Minitab', 'S', 'SAS', 'SPSS', 'Stata', 'Systat', 'Weka', 'dBase', ...

forensicolors — 1.0.0

Forensic Colors

forensIT — 1.0.0

Information Theory Tools for Forensic Analysis

foreSIGHT — 1.2.0

Systems Insights from Generation of Hydroclimatic Timeseries

forestat — 1.1.0

Forest Carbon Sequestration and Potential Productivity Calculation

forestControl — 0.2.2

Approximate False Positive Rate Control in Selection Frequency for Random Forest

forestdata — 0.1.0

Download Forestry Data

ForestDisc — 0.1.0

Forest Discretization

forestecology — 0.2.0

Fitting and Assessing Neighborhood Models of the Effect of Interspecific Competition on the Growth of Trees

forested — 0.1.0

Forest Attributes in Washington State

forestError — 1.1.0

A Unified Framework for Random Forest Prediction Error Estimation

ForestFit — 2.2.3

Statistical Modelling for Plant Size Distributions

ForestGapR — 0.1.7

Tropical Forest Canopy Gaps Analysis

forestHES — 1.0-1

Forest Health Evaluation System at the Forest Stand Level in China

forestinventory — 1.0.0

Design-Based Global and Small-Area Estimations for Multiphase Forest Inventories

forestly — 0.1.1

Interactive Forest Plot

forestmangr — 0.9.7

Forest Mensuration and Management

forestmodel — 0.6.2

Forest Plots from Regression Models

forestplot — 3.1.3

Advanced Forest Plot Using 'grid' Graphics

forestploter — 1.1.2

Create a Flexible Forest Plot

forestr — 2.0.2

Ecosystem and Canopy Structural Complexity Metrics from LiDAR

forestRK — 0.0-5

Implements the Forest-R.K. Algorithm for Classification Problems

forestry — 0.1.1

Reshape Data Tree

ForestTools — 1.0.2

Tools for Analyzing Remote Sensing Forest Data

foretell — 0.2.0

Projecting Customer Retention Based on Fader and Hardie Probability Models

forge — 0.2.0

Casting Values into Shape

forImage — 0.1.0

Foraminiferal Image Analysis and Test Measurement

ForIT — 2.4.0

Functions to Estimate Tree Volume and Phytomass in the Italian Forest Inventory 2005

formatBibtex — 0.1.0

Format BibTeX Entries and Files

formatdown — 0.1.4

Formatting Numbers in 'rmarkdown' Documents

formatR — 1.14

Format R Code Automatically

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